We will knock on every door to find help for our daughter [LETTER TO EDITOR]

«As I put my daughter to sleep, I noticed a glow in her eye. I saw the same flash in a boy whose treatment I supported a few years ago. I froze. The diagnosis we heard later removed the ground from under our feet »- writes Patrycja, mother of Juleczka, in a letter to MedTvoiLokony. The girl was diagnosed with binocular retinoblastoma. The cancer has already taken one eye from her. «The disease with which we are faced is incalculable, but we believe that the day will come when Julia will regain her eyesight. We will knock on every door to find help for our daughter ». A fundraiser for Julia’s treatment is in progress.

  1. A letter from Ms Patrycja was sent to MedTvoiLokona. Her daughter Julia faces an insidious tumor
  2. The girl has already lost one eye, but there is still a chance to be saved
  3. Julcia needs help. A fundraiser for its treatment is in progress. Details HERE
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

An unwanted ticket to a walk in hell

I am the mother of the long-awaited and beloved daughter Julia. On April 22, 2020, she appeared in the world that immediately became more beautiful. Unfortunately, everything was in ruins on May 20. Putting my daughter to sleep, I noticed a glow in her eye. I saw the same flash in a boy whose treatment I supported a few years ago. I froze.

We didn’t get to see a doctor that evening. We went to the hospital early in the morning. After the tests, the doctors left us under no illusions, but they gave us an unwanted ticket for a walk through hell.

We were immediately referred to a hospital in Krakow, then to the Children’s Memorial Health Institute in Warsaw. The diagnosis we heard removed the ground from under our feet. From that day on, we die of fear. Julia had a malignant tumor – binocular retinoblastoma. The only treatment proposed in Poland was the administration of general chemotherapy. It was supposed to stop possible metastases …

I remember from the story of the aforementioned boy that the only chance to save eyesight and life is expensive therapy conducted by Dr. Abramson in New York. We immediately contacted the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center clinic and asked for a quote for our daughter’s treatment. It turned out that we had to collect almost a million zlotys in the shortest possible time. Time was of great importance here. If we were unable to come to New York on time, it would be necessary to administer general chemistry in Poland, and thus weaken our child’s organism.

There was no end to the nerves

We knew that we would move heaven and earth to give Julka a chance not only to save her life, but also her eyesight. So we set up a fundraiser for siepomaga, and thanks to the help of family, friends, acquaintances and people completely unknown to us, for whom the fate of our little daughter did not remain indifferent, within 20 days we managed to collect the required amount from small amounts.

Our joy was great. The date of the visit was scheduled for June 24, 2020. Nevertheless, the nerves were not over. The trip was still in doubt due to the situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic and difficulties in traveling to the USA. From the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with whom we were in constant contact, we received information about a special flight to New York, which was scheduled for June 17. However, we did not yet have permission to enter the US territory, and the waiting time for visa formalities and permits was up to eight working days. We only had three to obtain permission to travel.

Thanks to the kindness and help of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the US Embassy in Poland, we managed to complete the formalities. On June 17, we happily landed in New York.

The first time we cried with joy

We waited hopefully for the visit, but on June 22, Julia’s left eye began to swell. She stopped eating, she didn’t want to sleep. It was evident that she was in a lot of pain. So we reported to the hospital. It turned out that the tumor had caused the pressure in the eye to rise. After consultation and testing, Dr. Abramson announced to us that the situation was very serious.

Unfortunately, we could not save the left eye. They had to be removed because there was a fear that the cancer would spread. The struggle to save the right eye was on. Fortunately, MRI showed that the tumor did not spread. The doctor called it a miracle, taking into account the severity of the disease.

On July 9, we started chemotherapy. We are currently in three cycles. After the latest research, Dr. Abramson gave us the happy news: the tumor is calcified and therefore inactive, the retina is glued back, and we have a vision trace of 5%. For the first time we cried for joy … Additionally, we heard that in the near future there will most likely be a possibility of human retinal transplantation. It would be a great opportunity for our daughter. However, for this to happen, we must do everything in our power to keep the right eyelet.

I will never forget this sight for the rest of my life

Three months ago we celebrated our daughter’s first birthday. In our darkest dreams, we would not have anticipated what happened the next day. Julia woke up feverish, then began to tremble. She lost her breath, turned blue and stiff. I will never forget this sight for the rest of my life. No words can convey what a parent feels when holding a dying child in their arms. After a successful resuscitation, we went to the hospital where Julia is being treated.

A series of tests ruled out neurological problems, but due to the second attack, we had to stay in the clinic for the next two days. We also received another bill, which we must pay as soon as possible in order to be able to continue the treatment of our daughter. The whole was valued at 112 thousand. dollars.

The cancer we have faced is unpredictable, and changes can occur at an alarming pace. The only salvation for Julka is the continuation of the costly treatment conducted by Dr. Abramson in New York. Only regular inspections will allow for possible readiness to take immediate action. Each day of delay could be the one to decide about her life.

We have never asked for help, but in the current situation we will knock on every door to find help for our Juleczka. You can help Julka’s parents in the fight for their daughter’s health – details can be found at www.siepomaga.pl/julcia).

We used to have many dreams, today we have only one – our Juleczka’s health. We still believe that the day will come when Julia will regain her eyesight, and we will hear from doctors that cancer is a thing of the past. We want to show her so much …

You can find out more about Juleczka’s fate at www.facebook.pl/juleczkaparańujepomocy, where we keep our friends informed about the progress of the treatment.

Also read:

  1. Everyone is devastated to hear the diagnosis – cancer. Conversation with a psycho-oncologist
  2. They know they are dying. How to talk to cancer patients?
  3. Tumors that kill fastest
  4. A trivial ailment or a cancer? 10 symptoms you should worry about
  5. Polish women die of breast cancer. Money from the government is not helping

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