We take out the cards! How much do you remember from school biology lessons? [QUIZ]

Do you remember what the blue cloud looks like and where are red blood cells formed? The first day of the school year is a great opportunity to test your knowledge of biology. Take our quiz and see if you get a high five.

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1. Are mammals warm-blooded or cold-blooded?

Photo: Shutterstock
Warm-blooded Next question
Warm-bloodedness is the ability of an animal to maintain its body temperature at the same level, regardless of the ambient temperature. Mammals and birds are warm-blooded.

2. What color is chlorophyll?

Brown or red
Green. Next question
Chlorophylls are green pigments present in plant tissues that give them a green color. Thanks to them, the process of photosynthesis is possible.

3. How does a slipper eat?

Photo: Shutterstock
It carries out photosynthesis
He is a predator
Depending on the time of day, it performs photosynthesis or takes food from the environment
He is a predator. Next question
The slipper is a predator, it feeds on bacteria. The cilia around the mouth make it easier for him to get food.

4. Where are red blood cells or erythrocytes formed?

In the bone marrow
In the liver
In the pericardium
In the bone marrow. Next question
Erythrocytes, or red blood cells found in the blood of vertebrates, are formed in the red bone marrow. The process of their formation is called erythropoiesis.

5. It is made up of a cell body, dendrites and an axon. This description applies to:

Nerve cell
Bone cells
Striated muscle cell
Nerve cell. Next question
Nerve tissue is made of neurons. These cells have the ability to receive, process, and conduct electrical impulses.
Photo: Shutterstock

6. Mycology is a science dealing with:

Mushrooms. Next question
Mycology is the study of the structure, systematics and physiology of fungi. Even in the XNUMXth century, before the kingdom of mushrooms was distinguished, it was considered a branch of botany.

7. Which animals breathe with tracheas?

Stawonogi. Next question
Most terrestrial arthropods, such as insects, arachnids, and twists, breathe with the trachea. Traces form a system of branched tubes into which air is supplied through spiracles, i.e. holes in the body’s shell.

8. Does fucus have a stalk?

Photo: Shutterstock
Nie. Next question
Fucus is classified as an algae, so it has no leaves or stalks like vascular plants, but tissue thallus.

9. How many pairs of chromosomes does a person have?

23 Next question
Chromosomes contain the genetic material of the cell. The number of chromosomes varies from species to species – for example, a fruit fly has four pairs of chromosomes, a mouse has 20 pairs, and a human has 23 pairs.

10. What is the zoological name of the common Baltic animal commonly known as jellyfish?

Photo: Shutterstock
Common hydra
Chełbia blue
Surrounded by a cove
Chełbia blue. Next question
Medusa is the name of one of the morphological forms of discus, which also includes the blue cheł. Thus, an actively swimming animal with a jelly-like body can be called a jellyfish, but the name refers to the animal’s life form, not to the species.

11. What are the stomata used in plants?

For vegetative reproduction
For gas exchange
For water storage
For gas exchange. Next question
Stomata or stomata are found on the leaves and stems of plants, sometimes also on the rhizomes and other parts. Their task is to control gas exchange with the environment.

12. The earthworm and leech are animals classified as:

Rings. Next question
Ringworms are a type of invertebrate animal that inhabits aquatic or soil environments and is found all over the world. There are about 300 species of annelids in Poland, including the earthworm and the medicinal leech.
Photo: Shutterstock

13. The fight and flight hormone is sometimes called:

Adrenaline. Next question
Adrenaline is produced in the adrenal medulla and some neurons. Under its influence, the level of glucose in the blood rises, peripheral blood vessels contract, pupils dilate, heart rate increases, i.e. the body prepares to fight or flee.

14. The cell that was created as a result of combining the male and female gametes is:

Zygota Next question
The zygote is formed as a result of fertilization. It is diploid, that is, it contains a double set of chromosomes.

15. This chemical forms the walls of plant cells but is not found in animal cells. It is about:

Cellulose. Next question
Cellulose is a complex sugar found in the cells of germ plants and some algae. Fibrous plants, such as flax or jute, contain the most cellulose.
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