We take organs from the living

Known for awakening patients from a coma, prof. Jan Talar claims that doctors extract organs from living people. During the lecture, the professor made a thesis that brain-stem death does not exist. He accused the doctors of not saving patients as intensively as they should, Fakty TVN reported.

The controversial statement was made during the International Symposium of Anesthesiologists in Poznań – prof. Thaler during his lecture stated that there is no such thing as brain-stem death. And doctors take organs from living people.

– It was not possible to harvest an organ from a deceased person in the XNUMXst century, so what are we doing? We take organs from a living person. And if we call it premature death, this is the most delicate statement – believes prof. Jan Talar, rehabilitation specialist for Fakty journalist Marek Nowicki.

Prof. Thaler. provoked protests from other transplant doctors – they fear that statements of this type may make it difficult to collect organs for transplantation. During the lectures of prof. Thaler did not provide any evidence to support his theses.

– A patient who has a suspicion of brain stem death is treated using all available medically documented methods – says prof. Tomasz Trojanowski from the Department and Clinic of Neurosurgery of the Medical University of Lublin.

– His statements of half-truths about our work do a lot of harm to our specialization – believes Dr. Piotr Kowalski, consultant for anesthesiology and intensive care in the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship.

– If I did not know prof. Talara, if I did not know what he does for the sick, how he rehabilitates, I would simply feel cheated, lied to, hurt by the accusation that I kill the sick – explains prof. Leon Drobnik from the Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy at the Medical University of Poznań.

Adjudication of brain stem death is governed by many rigorous regulations, a lot of research is carried out, and the decision itself is issued by a committee, which is why the participants of the symposium were outraged by the statements of prof. Thaler. If the patient’s family agrees, organs can be removed from the person diagnosed with brain-stem death.

Source: Fakty TVN

Text: Anna Gardyniak

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