We read together with the child

The answer to the question “when should a child read books” is two-sided. First, the sooner the child gets to know the book, the sooner he will love it. But on the other hand, how can a six-month-old child understand something. Therefore, the beginning of reading is a purely individual process. Is it worth rushing this process? Why not! After all, there are books for the little ones, in which there are many funny pictures and just a couple of words. Remember that the book helps you develop your speaking skills faster. Experts recommend reading books to children in their native and understandable language. Statistics show that children of the XNUMXst century began to talk six months later than our mothers and grandmothers. Perhaps the reason for all this is the low attention to reading books?


The environment is very helpful for attentive reading. Remember to read slowly so that the child grasps the point and follows the story. You may need to reread the text several times. After reading the text, it will be nice to discuss the plot with the baby, ask him to retell the text, or even act out a small sketch or play.

Before starting reading, it is very important to set your child up for a serious moment. To do this, you can invite the baby to close his eyes and imagine that now he will go to a fairyland, where he will learn a lot of interesting and useful things. Make sure the young listener is comfortable.


Never force a child to read, if he says “no”, then he will not listen to you carefully, and this will not bring any benefit. Wait for the moment when he himself asks to read to him.

You need to read slowly so that your words become a pleasant and long-awaited stream of words. If you know the plot of this fairy tale or story by heart, periodically take your eyes off the book and look at the child. Do not forget after each story or fairy tale to ask the children for their opinion on what you have read. If the child begins to be distracted and spinning, you need to give him the opportunity to rest a little.

When a child begins to invent something of his own, do not scold him or correct him. Give a little bit of room to his fantasy.

Most often, parents start reading books with their three-year-old children. Be aware that at the age of three, the child already knows the purpose of the objects. The most important thing for him is the game, he lives in it, he loves to rearrange something. That is why it is worth choosing fairy tales and stories in which everything is the other way around, for example, fables. Why little people often need interesting communication with adults, so you need to pay great attention to reading about nature, fiction, perhaps even materials from children’s encyclopedias. Good and evil should compete in readable texts so that the child begins to understand what is good and what is bad.

The child always strives to inherit adults in everything. Pay attention to those books in which there are independent children, for example “Prostokvashino”. At 4 years old, children have a certain need for scientific facts. They are very interested in what, how and why it works. In this case, books by such authors as D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak, V. Skryabitsky and others will do. As many adults know, a child is a creature that spends almost all of its time in motion. Therefore, he will be very interested in books with abrupt changes in plots and events. (K. Chukovsky)


By the age of 4, the child is occupied with stories that are supposedly told on behalf of one person. Very often, the baby looks up to him. Also, tongue twisters and rhymes, where wordplay takes place, are no less useful at this age. Your child’s main activity is play. You can come up with anything in it, without limiting your imagination. Therefore, fairy tales with highly embellished events, for example, “Three Little Pigs”, “Puss in Boots”, will be very relevant.

For younger preschool age, reading books with goodies will be useful. These can be myths, legends, epics. It is best to give preference to such authors as V. Kuhn and A. N. Afanasyeva. It will not be superfluous to familiarize children with texts on moral and ethical topics. In these texts, there is often a conflict between the characters, it tells about what is good and what is bad, what is friendship, etc., stories about Kuzya, Uncle Fedor, etc. will become interesting. At this age, children begin to understand jokes and humorous stories and stories.

You need to know a simple truth, which is not so important when you start reading. It is important that you entice your child with your own example.


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