What are superpowers, really? How are they related to meditation, prayer, and mindfulness? And how can you use these techniques to succeed and become the best version of yourself in all areas of life? Anthropologist and researcher of ancient practices David Verdesi talks about this.
David Verdesi devoted almost 30 years to the study of people with superpowers. He studied with 120 masters from completely different cultures and traditions. Tibetan monks and Mexican shamans, Indian yogis and Orthodox ascetics shared their knowledge with him. He spent 9 years in seclusion from the outside world, meditating in caves. Now he is collaborating with leading scientists from the universities of Cornell, Stanford, MIT.
David is a UN expert on meditation and human performance. He has taught Hollywood stars and business leaders, politicians and royalty. He became the protagonist of Eleanor Coppola’s documentary Superhuman. We talked with an Italian anthropologist living in Russia about what superpowers are, what are the relationships between intelligence and success, about meditation and evolution.
David, I propose to start our conversation with the disclosure of the concept of «superpowers». What is the meaning of this?
Huge resources are hidden inside a person. Why do kids (and adults) love Harry Potter so much? This saga reminds us of the magic within each of us. Levitation, teleportation and so on — this is about the fact that we are more than we seem to ourselves.
If a person has such abilities, doesn’t it impose super-responsibility on him?
It is important to understand here that superpowers are not an end in themselves. It’s like playing the piano, or being an Olympic athlete, or a prima ballerina: with intensive training and at least a little talent, you can develop what is given by nature. But these skills will have nothing to do with the transformation of the mind, heart, consciousness. They do not help a person become better.
Why did you start researching this issue?
Every child thinks about it. When we are small, we just know and believe that we can fly, that we have superpowers. Children have quite a developed magical thinking. The only thing missing is the tools, the discipline, the training to develop these abilities. I wanted to try to do something like that, to be confident in myself, to believe that this is real.
But the main thing is not to learn levitation or mind reading. It is important to show people that the basic principles through which we can develop human potential are energy and an understanding of how to use our breath, our body. This is our higher mind. If, by combining the will, abilities and some techniques, we can develop our brain so much, then what can we do if we use the full potential of our heart! After all, its purpose is emotions, wisdom, love.
In 30 years you have learned firsthand what most people read about in science fiction books. Telekinesis, levitation, materialization of objects. What realization did you come to as a result of such a long journey?
To Dharma, that is, to clarity of mind. If everything that is unreal, that is, that which does not belong to a clear mind — anger, aggression, envy, addictions — is removed from our consciousness, ultimately reality will be as it is. Naked. And when this happens and our mind manifests in such a reality, it will become clear that the inner and the outer are not really separated. This is the main teaching of the Buddha. And the mind as a projector of reality is exactly what I’m exploring today.
Is it possible to say that a developed mind and awareness guarantee success to a person?
No, it’s completely optional. Most entrepreneurs, businessmen are terrible people. It is a fact. But you can create a new relationship between making money and being successful. Directing your mind in this direction. Becoming a better person. Today, people began to see these relationships. This is a new generation of entrepreneurs and businessmen. You go to their party, and not only are there no drugs, there is no alcohol, no cigarettes. They drink water, eat healthy food, lead a very clean and positive lifestyle.
They direct their consciousness towards purity and morality in order to be successful. They work hard, earn decent money, but with a different ethical background: developing consciousness and heart. Be it through meditation, yoga, a healthy lifestyle. But initially these things are not connected. One can achieve one but not the other.
Which country has the greatest development potential in this vein?
Human nature is the same everywhere. Everyone needs to go their own way of evolution. At the same time, it is impossible to develop either in too difficult external conditions, or in too comfortable ones. Only when there is enough of everything — both comfort, and stress, and security — can one deal with the issue of self-improvement. In those countries where this balance is maintained, there is development potential.
For many years I have been a big fan of Russia. And there are just a million opportunities for such growth, golden time. Everything is too settled in Europe, it is already too late there, there is nowhere to grow. In Asia, on the contrary, it is too early. The age of America is over, society is too disoriented there, there is no direction. In Russia, there is a course, both political and economic, as well as spiritual.
In your opinion, what is the role of religion in this process?
Religion can support well if it is integrated into all areas. But the future is to make people free from any religion whatsoever. At the same time, anthropologists cannot ignore religion when studying a person, because it sets values. In Russia, along with Christianity, Buddhism is also practiced. These two value systems give people a strong foundation. They teach love, patience, family values - especially Christianity. Buddhism provides elements of meditation, mind control, responsibility for one’s own emotions and thoughts. This is a good combination.
If you were to become an adviser to the President of Russia, what would you advise to do to make the country jump upwards?
I am not a politician, and it is difficult to advise something. But from an anthropological point of view, I have a vision of what can be done. You need to work first of all with the mentality of people. Show them different ways of doing business. Not only to take, “snatch”, but also to bring something of your own. When not “I am against you”, but “I am with you”. It is necessary to change the consciousness of businessmen, entrepreneurs, ordinary people. To give children a broad education, where attention will be paid to responsibility for their thinking and emotions, tools are shown on how to work with this.
Taking the best of what the world has to offer, we can raise well-rounded people. For example, in Thailand and Japan, most children are required to meditate. And when they are 14-16 years old, everyone is obliged to spend a month in a monastery. Well, when something similar is in the school curriculum. Don’t wait until the brain is fully formed. Meditation, proper breathing make it possible to cope with your emotions. When you control yourself, the world around you changes. Healthier relationships are created.
Proper meditation improves the quality of relationships, the immune system, sexuality, performance
In Russia it is difficult. Yet Christianity does not involve meditation, but prayer. Many today associate meditation with mysticism.
Prayer, if done right, is a form of meditation. With a very specific focus. We try to operate with scientific data, explaining the essence of meditation. This is part of my job. The word «meditation» comes from the Greek «media» — the center. The point is to put something in the spotlight. Thoughts, emotions, object. From this point of view, prayer is meditation, where the idea of love, conscience is at the forefront. Focus on what is being said. It can be a feeling, a breath, a sound. If you understand the principles, any sound is good.
For many years I studied Christian traditions. Spiritual experience on Athos, in Ethiopia, in Egypt. Communicated with Christian mystics. At the core of their meditation is the word «Amen.» For us Christians, it would be much more effective to use the Christian mantra.
That is, the mantra also has a wide application?
In Sanskrit, «Manas» means mind. «Tra» — to move. Mantra is a movement of the mind. A tool to move the mind towards concentration. Another meaning is to protect the mind. From destruction. For example, you say «Lord, have mercy!» constantly. In this way concentration of the mind is trained. As for meditation, it is equally good to use in schools, in prisons, where people have problems with drugs. And also among people occupying a high position in society. Businessmen can only win by unlocking the potential of a new way of thinking and making decisions.
Are there any pitfalls in meditation? What is important to understand?
There are many practices that should not be applied. Without a good guide, without knowing the possibilities of your unconscious, you may encounter the fact that the mind begins to change and you cannot control it. Often people want to experience some special spiritual experience, that is, something that is not in our culture, not in our anthropology. They go to Asia, meet shamans. But the shamans of Peru were born with this. And when we try to communicate with unfamiliar practitioners, it causes frustration. Because there is no necessary understanding, there is no such thing in tradition, in culture.
But there is another level. When meditation is a very simple psychological tool, this is what the Buddha taught. Just study your thinking. Become more stable, more peaceful, more productive. Become a better Christian. After all, proper meditation improves the quality of prayer. And improve the quality of relationships. Improves the immune system, sexuality, performance.
The aspect of correct breathing is also something to learn. This is part of what I teach. The Buddha taught that the fastest way to change the quality of your mind is through the correct practice of breathing. These practices have a beneficial effect on the body. And we can justify it scientifically. There are all the possibilities for this now: MRI, brain scan. We really make people better. So I would add this level. And I would characterize meditation as an exercise in concentration.
How can breathing and energy improvement practices help people build deep relationships?
Successful relationships are built not by technicians, but by people. Individuals. It must be recognized that everything is changing: education, culture, history, our minds, society itself. We live in a Darwinian reality, a biological one. We are evolving. And nothing is the same as it was fifty or a hundred years ago. The relationship model has changed. The problem today is that we are still trying to keep this old model, and this does not correspond with reality. Therefore, in order to improve our relations, it is important to use the best traditions from different cultures, adapting them intelligently for ourselves.
You are an adherent of the Darwinian theory, you believe in science and in life, which is based on the principles of evolution. How, from this point of view, has the relationship between a man and a woman changed today in a deep sense?
One of the things that I really appreciate in Russia is the hierarchy. Everything is very clear. Men are men, women are women. This is fundamental to stable relationships, a stable society, a stable mind. The principles of evolution, in turn, are based on a natural high hierarchy — biology in general is very hierarchical. Like chemistry and physics. And we can’t say that we don’t need it. This will mean that we are abandoning reality, from science.
At the same time, we must understand that the definition of a hierarchy where a man and a woman stand is not the same today as it was three hundred years ago. It is necessary to adapt them so that they relate to reality. Men are men, women are women, there is a hierarchy, there are roles, but the model prototypes need to be updated.
But what is happening in this sense in the West, in the USA, is terrible, in my opinion. People do social experiments, refuse gender. This is very bad, especially for the child’s psyche. This path leads to suffering. This is one kind of extreme. The other is in extremist cultures themselves, countries with a religious outlook, when they say: we do not need to change this prototype. This is not good either.
There are people who want to work on relationships all their lives, but there are others. Those who want change. They are condemned. But it shouldn’t be like this
We need a balance — we just update the firmware. New woman. New man. New relationship. This is an organic move.
Is the increased number of divorces a natural process in evolutionary reality?
Today in evolutionary psychology, we know for sure that there is a positive side to divorce. You reach a certain level in personal growth as a couple. And then a person simply moves to another level, where the structure of relationships is no longer needed for his growth. It was normal for our grandparents’ generation to have one job all their lives. The institution of marriage was also considered in this context. You have one job, one partner, one home.
At present, people are changing five houses, ten jobs. And this is natural, this is evolution. But that doesn’t mean they have to do it without fail. It’s just the reality. And we cannot say that this should not happen simply because it was not accepted before.
Why do you think reality has become like this?
Everything has accelerated today. People need development, more stimulation. After ten years with one partner, someone needs to move on. Someone has to give a new impetus. We must admit that the very meaning of marriage has changed. There are people who want to work on relationships all their lives, but there are others. Those who want change. And such people are condemned. But it shouldn’t be.
You need to find something for yourself and practice it every day. Your own magical ritual
These people are the face of evolution, the mirror of society. Even your president has annulled his marriage. Because, as he said, in order to do his job, he needs to go to another level. There is nothing wrong with that. I have a very open outlook on relationships. I believe in roles, in gender, in boundaries, in hierarchy, but I also believe in updating dynamics, types, concepts. I don’t stick to the old concept of marriage for life. I don’t believe in «go deep», «go to therapy».
But people change, update their programs, don’t they?
Not necessary. It’s an illusion, a fantasy. It’s not based on reality. And the most important thing in this is to be aware of biological structures. We have many types of bacteria, flora, millions of particles. And they should all be there. If you take something, the system will be out of balance. Socially, the microbiome of society is the same. We need all kinds of people. This is important to understand. Both systems must exist in order to create social diversity, evolution.
What advice could you give residents of big cities to live in a balanced way?
Everything is simple. You need to find something for yourself and practice it every day. Your own magical ritual. Jogging in the morning, swimming, qigong, yoga, mastermind, exercise equipment — it doesn’t matter. Something where the mind, body, breath, thoughts are connected together and focused. There is nothing easier. And, of course, I encourage those who identify themselves as Christians to pray. Buddhists and Muslims too.
This is very important as it is related to our emotions. This is how we find the way to connect with the heart. Meditation helps to know the mind. This is not our enemy, but a friend. Sports, lots of sex, and be human — that’s all!