Cucumbers are one of the most common vegetables. It is used in the preparation of salads, and they can also be salted, pickled, preserved. He gained his popularity thanks to the most important vitamins and minerals that are part of this vegetable. But most people do not trust the quality of cucumbers that are sold on the shelves of supermarkets, shops and markets, because they do not know at all in what conditions they were grown and what fertilizers were added in the process. Many people care about their health and are afraid to buy products containing GMOs. Therefore, to ensure that you are XNUMX% sure that you are consuming non-toxic products, you can start growing them yourself. In addition, it is quite exciting. Today, the number of ways to grow cucumbers is considerable, and all because summer residents are always trying to find such an alternative to conventional cultivation, thanks to which space in the garden would be saved, less time was required for caring for vegetables, and the harvest would be great. The way that all this can be done is to build vertical beds for cucumbers.
Tips for Growing Cucumbers in Vertical Beds
Since this method of growing is specific, then, of course, it has its own distinctive features that must be taken into account when growing cucumbers.
- Such structures save space: this is due to the fact that they have a limit on the volume of soil. Often, such beds are located one above the other, which means that the container in which the soil is located is small and the amount of land in it, respectively, cannot be the same as in garden beds. But for cucumbers, lack of soil is not a problem, so this is a very good way to grow efficiently.
- The problem is that, due to the small volume of soil, it will dry out very quickly. In this case, you will have to water not twice or thrice a week, but daily. If you do not have such an opportunity, then you can use two tricks: either make drip irrigation or purchase a hydrogel. Hydrogels are small balls that are able to absorb water during irrigation, and then give it to plants.
- Since there is little soil in the container, the nutrients and fertilizers that you will apply will be absorbed by the cucumbers faster, and therefore top dressing will need to be applied twice a week. Such top dressing should be carried out only through watering or spraying.
- The next nuance is that a small amount of soil in winter will freeze very quickly and become a dense bar, which will have a fatal effect on plants, since even the roots of winter-hardy plants are not able to withstand such a test. To avoid this problem, vertical cucumber beds do not need to be bulky. They should be such that you are able to move them to a warm place.
We build with our own hands
Today, a considerable number of types of beds for vertical cultivation have been invented. But there are the most popular of them, which should be discussed in more detail.
A warm garden
A warm bed for cucumbers is increasingly used by modern gardeners. Why? Yes, because thanks to this method you can collect your long-awaited harvest a month earlier. And you have such an opportunity due to the fact that a small amount of soil requires that fertilizers be applied more often. Consequently, the soil temperature rises and, as a result, cucumbers grow faster. To build a warm bed for cucumbers, you will not need much time and effort, and the result will completely satisfy you. Now you should tell how to make a bed for cucumbers.
First you need to dig a hole, the depth of which will be about half a meter. Then, on the bottom of the finished trench, you need to fold the dried leaves and branches, which will serve as drainage. The next layer will consist of pre-prepared organics. As such, you can use humus, food waste, compost and manure. Then everything needs to be filled with a special solution “Baikal EM”. Then a greenhouse is made over the pit. This is what warm beds for cucumbers differ from the rest. After a week, everything that is in the pit must be tamped. Then the soil is mixed with compost and then the leaves are covered with this mixture. After that, you should again make a greenhouse over the pit for a period of about 7 days. After this period, you can start planting cucumbers.
Video “Warm bed for cucumbers”
In this video you will see the process of equipping a warm bed. Growing on it allows you to harvest 2-3 weeks earlier.
Vertical bed
Such beds for cucumbers will be for you as a salvation if the growing area is rather small, and you want to get much more crop volume. As a bed for cucumbers, vertical trellises are usually used. When wondering how to make beds for cucumbers, you do not need to think for a long time, you must immediately choose this method, since it is quite easy to build.
First you need to create a dung cushion or, as they say, a base. Its diameter should be about half a meter. After that, it must be covered with soil. Then sticks are installed in the central part of the circle, the height of which is approximately 1,5 – 2 meters. Next, you need to sow the seeds of cucumbers around the circumference of the base and cover them with any non-woven material. From the moment when the seedlings begin to grow, it must be gradually thinned out until the interval between seedlings is 25 centimeters. Then you need to very carefully and carefully tie the seedlings to the supports that were previously installed.
Your next steps will be to simply enjoy watching your future cucumbers grow up and gradually wind onto the twine that was previously installed. These cucumber beds are very convenient when harvesting, because thanks to their design, it can be harvested without disturbing your plant. A vertical bed for cucumbers has such an advantage that this method eliminates the appearance and development of most diseases.
Mobile beds
Mobile beds for cucumbers are very versatile, because they can be placed anywhere. The only condition for placement is that they must be exposed to sunlight for about a couple of hours a day. Also, the angle of sunlight should be perpendicular. An equally important advantage of such a bed for cucumbers is that you have the opportunity to avoid such a procedure as digging the soil. This is because you can transfer the bed either to a bucket or to a wheelbarrow that you will no longer need. This is the mobility of this bed.
How to make a cucumber bed:
Initially, you need to prepare the base at the bottom of the container in which the cucumbers will grow. Dried branches and other plant debris from last year are used as a basis. In order to ensure the successful rooting of plants, it is necessary to cover the base with a layer of clean soil or sand. The height of this layer should be about 3 centimeters. Then the bed is watered with nitrogen or mineral fertilizers. After that, it must be covered with black plastic wrap. In this form, the bed for cucumbers is stored for a month and a half. Such a long period is necessary in order for the soil to have the opportunity to fully ripen. In addition, it must be suitable for sowing cucumbers, which is very important. Start sowing cucumbers should be around May 15th. By this time, the soil will just warm up well. It is also very important to calculate the time and start making a bed for cucumbers on time.
Video “Harvest of cucumbers on a vertical bed”
The advantages of a vertical bed compared to conventional in this video.
Author: Svetlana Galitsina