We live the last two “emotional phases” of confinement: relief and fear.

We live the last two “emotional phases” of confinement: relief and fear.


The main concerns of this phase are the economic crisis and a possible new confinement

We live the last two “emotional phases” of confinement: relief and fear.

From this May 11, half of the Spanish population embarks on phase 1 of the de-escalation, and with it takes the first step towards that “New normal” that we are still not clear about what it will consist of. This, which adds one more step to the situation we live in, represents a new challenge in terms of how to emotionally cope with the weeks ahead. “Ipsos Spain” has published a study in which it analyzes the emotional states that Spaniards are going through during these days. Since the beginning of the confinement, they have followed up, and concluded that they have experienced seven different phases: disbelief, preparation, adjustment, acclimatization, resistance, relief and fear.

As the study reflects, Spain is currently going through the last of these, that of fear, although citizens also feel a great deal of relief. «This relief is given by the reopening of businesses, which makes us glimpse the end of this situation and the joy of being able to resume “normal” life again », they explain from Ipsos.

Feeling of fear

Even so, the feeling of fear occupies a large part of our daily lives, “due to concerns about the uncertainty about job and financial security in the coming months, as well as the economic consequences that this pandemic will bring.” The study reflects that there are five main concerns that occupy the Spanish: the first is the prolonged economic crisis that is coming (63%), followed by the possibility of a new confinement (60%). Likewise, the concern remains that our loved ones become ill (52%). On the other hand, 41% of those surveyed are concerned about the incompetence of politicians, and even 36% about the impossibility of them not reaching agreements for the common good.

Even so, although certain fears remain present, the Spanish already have started to carry out the permitted activities in the phase in which your community is; 44% of citizens claim to have requested an appointment in one of the businesses that have already reopened. Of these, 27% have done it in a hairdresser, and 11% have made a medical appointment. Among the remaining 56% who have not yet cheered up, half say they will not do so in the coming weeks, while the other more cautious half say they will wait longer.

Regarding expenses since the beginning of the de-escalation, the study shows that 70% of those surveyed have spent the same as previous weeks; 15% has increased spending and another 15% has reduced it.

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