“We hired a surrogate mother, and she gave birth to someone else’s child.”

The man shared a difficult experience that his family was forced to face due to the confusion at the IVF clinic.

How this could have happened remains to be seen by the court. But you don’t wish your enemy to be in such a situation.

An American shared his grief on the social network Reddit. He said that he and his wife had been trying to have children for several years. But she had polycystic ovary syndrome, which caused three pregnancies in a row to end in miscarriages. The woman turned 40, and the couple decided that it was impossible to pull further: a surrogate mother was needed.

We can hire a surrogate mother relatively inexpensively: her services will cost a million or two. In the West, the price for such a method of treating infertility can cost a lot of money, in terms of rubles – up to 10 million. The spouses collected the necessary amount, found a beautiful woman who agreed to bear a child for them. The clinic carried out all the necessary manipulations, the pregnancy took root.

“She (surrogate mother. – Prim. row.) was a lovely woman. She took great care of herself and our future baby, we got along very well. The pregnancy was going well, ”says the man.

The closer the date of the alleged birth was, the more worried the biological parents. They insisted on being present when their baby was born. Their joyful excitement and anticipation of meeting the baby was replaced by bewilderment and tears as soon as they saw him.

“My wife and I are both fair-haired, blue-eyed, white-skinned. And the child was born with dark hair, brown eyes and pronounced Asian features, ”writes the failed father.

Failed – because a genetic examination showed that the father of this child could be anyone, but not him. As it turned out, the sperm was confused in the clinic, and the surrogate mother was carrying an absolutely alien baby.

“I don’t want to educate him, do you understand? This is not my child. I want to sue this clinic, ”the man added.

He clarified that he was still offered financial compensation. But this does not in any way negate the fact that he ended up with someone else’s child in his arms and an extremely unpleasant experience.

The man later deleted his post. But he still managed to get more than 4 thousand comments. Some scolded the man for deciding to abandon the child: “He was born because of you!” Others justified: “He wanted his child. If he just needed a child, anyone, he could adopt a baby. “


What would you do in his place?

  • I would have left this child, he is genetically the son of his wife.

  • The child must be left, sued for money and try to give birth to another one.

  • He has the right to abandon the child, it is not his fault that everything in the clinic was ruined.

  • Who cares whose child – he is a living person!

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