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Two weeks ago, Health Minister Adam Niedzielski said that the peak of the summer wave of coronavirus infections should be expected in mid-August. Recent covid statistics, however, suggested a rather slight decline, not an increase, in the number of cases. How is it today? According to the data of the Ministry of Health (MZ), 5964 people were entered into the official register of infections. 26 COVID-19 patients have died. This is the record for the summer wave of infection.

  1. The health department updates the COVID-19 infection and death report every day. According to the latest, 5964 people infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus arrived. There were 26 deaths of infected people
  2. Coronavirus tests are being carried out all the time – only yesterday 14 of them were carried out. 907
  3. In the countries of our region, the number of infections is decreasing. According to Deputy Health Minister Waldemar Kraska, this trend will soon be visible also in our country
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Coronavirus in Poland. The latest covid data from the Ministry of Health

The report of the Ministry of Health shows that 5964 people infected with the coronavirus arrived. 1035 fell ill with COVID-19 again (so-called reinfection). 26 patients died. 14 thousand. 907 tests for the presence of SARS CoV-2.

The greatest number of cases was recorded in the following voivodships: Mazowieckie, Śląskie and Małopolskie. The statistics for these regions can be found below, and you can check the number of infections in other provinces HERE.

How does today’s data relate to the number of infections and deaths from a week or two ago? On August 1, there were 618 new infections and no deaths were reported, but it was the first day after the weekend when less testing is usually done and any death reports are delayed. On the next day, the number of cases was 5649, which was a record for the summer wave of infections – so many infections were previously recorded only on July 26 (5108). In the following days, the numbers were lower: until Saturday they remained at the level of approx. 4. infections.

More worrying was the number of deaths – on August 2, 22 victims of the coronavirus were reported. Compared to the statistics from a few months ago, especially the fall wave of Delta infections, this may be “not much”, but in June most daily reports showed the number of deaths “0”.

In the following days of August, a dozen or so people left every day. This shows that COVID-19, even when it occurs in a milder variant like Omikron BA.5, can still cause severe disease and risk of death. This applies especially to people at risk: the elderly, with impaired immunity, chronic diseases, as well as the unvaccinated.

When will the summer wave of infections peak?

On Sunday, August 7, and on Monday, August 8, there were fewer infections (successively: 698 and 599). Although these are weekend data, combined with a fairly stable level of infections in previous days, the question arises whether the peak of the summer wave is ahead or behind us.

On Friday, the Minister of Health said that the countries of our region (eg Slovakia, Austria, the Czech Republic) are close to the apogee of the summer wave of infections. What does it look like today?

Slovakia has recorded over 5,4 thousand jobs in the last seven days. infections, and the trend is downward (5% less infections than in the previous period). In Austria, there were many more infections, as much as 42,3 thousand, but the decrease is even more marked (20%). The Czech Republic is in the middle of this ranking – 14. infections and 12% a decrease in their number week to week. For comparison, in Poland, with 24,5 thousand. last week, the trend is still “positive” (19 percent). The next few days will most likely bring a change.

Waldemar Kraska, Deputy Minister of Health, spoke about it yesterday. – Today [August 8 – ed.] There are 599 cases, which is, if we compare the week to the week, a decrease of 2%, which is less than a week to a week. These are small numbers, because these are numbers from the weekend, but if we look at the statistics and also the environment of our country, i.e. the countries of Western Europe, but also the Czech Republic, Slovakia, we see a downward wave everywhere, so this summer wave of coronavirus is much weaker – he said in TVP.

You are not sure if your ailments indicate COVID-19? Reach for a convenient antigen test that you can do yourself at home. You will find it in Medonet Market.

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