We grow chives: varieties, properties, agricultural technology

There is a wide variety of varieties of onions. The most useful of all possible varieties is considered to be chives, although in some countries and regions it has other names (rezun in Siberia, English onion in Portugal and Italy, skoroda in southern parts of Our Country). In this article we will consider its useful properties and methods of cultivation.

Useful properties of chives

Outwardly, this onion has the appearance of thin, fistulate and subulate leaves of a bright green color. In length, the leaves grow up to 20 cm. The chives bulb is small and oblong. The root system is small, filamentous and white in color. Inflorescences are formed in the form of a tufted-spherical umbrella. They consist of pale purple and light pink flowers. The plant has black seeds. This type of onion is famous for its beneficial properties.

We grow chives: varieties, properties, agricultural technology

The main useful properties and benefits of chives include:

  • The plant is used as food throughout the year. The leaves have a delicate and delicate onion aroma, as well as a pleasant taste;
  • attractive appearance, thanks to the bright green color of the leaves. They are covered with a waxy bluish coating on top. The presence of bright purple inflorescences makes it possible to include this plant even in flower beds;
  • leaves contain a large number of useful substances, among which there are vitamins (groups A, B, C, E, K), trace elements (iron, copper, manganese, selenium, zinc, copper), as well as proteins, fats, carbohydrates and dietary fiber. The leaves contain about 12% dry matter, sugar is 3%. It also contains amino acids: tryptophan, lysine, methionine, histidine, arginine, etc.;
  • low calorie. 100 g of the plant contains only 30 kcal;
  • chives have medicinal properties due to the presence of phytoncides in the leaves. Often this onion is used for various infectious diseases, as well as diseases of the cardiovascular system, gallbladder and kidneys.

With such a rather impressive list of useful properties, chives will become a profitable inhabitant in any garden or personal plot.


Growing chives requires compliance with certain agrotechnical rules. This variety grows well in greenhouses.

The chives are propagated vegetatively (simple division of the bush), as well as by sowing seeds into the ground and seedlings. Vegetative propagation involves the division of old bushes into planting units. They should consist of 4-5 branches. Before planting such units, their leaves and roots are shortened (the top is cut off by 15 cm, and the roots are shortened by 5 or 8 cm). In this case, the cultivation of chives involves the use of a planting pattern of 45-60 x 25-30 cm. The best time for planting in this way is early spring (you can find information that this onion variety is planted in April-May). Growing such onions is possible as an annual, biennial or perennial plant.

For normal growth of chives, moist, but not waterlogged, fertile soils are needed. Land for planting begins to prepare in the fall. To do this, the soil is dug up to a depth of about 20-30 cm. When digging, organic fertilizers (compost or humus) are introduced into the ground.

We grow chives: varieties, properties, agricultural technology

If you decide to grow onions using seeds, then the soil should be leveled and prepared before sowing in the spring. It is rolled up and cut. Seeds can be sown in spring, summer or before winter. But the best time for sowing is still considered spring (April-May). In this case, a sowing scheme of 45-50 x 25-30 cm is also suitable. Seeds are sown to a depth of no deeper than 0,7 cm. They are covered with moist soil from above and compacted a little, after which loose soil is poured over this. With correctly performed actions, the first shoots will appear in a week or 10 days. After the appearance of the first shoots, the soil between the rows is loosened, thereby increasing the access of fresh air to the root system.

When the first true leaf appears, the beds should be thinned out so that there is 10-15 cm of free space between plants. Removed plants can then be used as seedlings when planted in another place. Growing chives with seedlings involves planting them according to the scheme 15 x 3-4 cm. Plants grown in the year of sowing are used. Crops of the first year are loosened, watered, and then weeded. At the end of the growing season, all dried parts of the onion should be removed.

After mass cutting of leaves has been carried out, it is imperative to carry out top dressing with slurry containing ash. You can also use mineral fertilizers.

We grow chives: varieties, properties, agricultural technology

During the growing season, pruning of leaves should be carried out 2 or 3 times. In perennial plants, after the third year, it is necessary to remove not only the leaves, but also part of the bulb. Annual plants should be planted according to the scheme 15-20 x 3-4 cm. In this case, the onion does not need to be thinned.

To achieve a good harvest of chives is possible only with frequent and abundant watering. In case of lack of water, the plant will begin to lose nutrients, and the leaves will become rougher.

When growing chives, it should be remembered that it is very responsive to the application of mineral and organic fertilizers to the soil during digging and top dressing. But nitrogen fertilizers need to be applied to the soil in the spring during the preparation of the land for sowing seeds.


Like any other variety of onion, the main and main use of chives is to use it as a food product. Most often, it can be added as a food additive to any dishes to which ordinary onions are added. It goes well with fish and meat dishes, potatoes, peas and beans, as part of vegetable soups. This onion can be added to salads containing cucumbers, potatoes and tomatoes. It can be added to egg dishes, cottage cheese, pates, roasts, sausages, soft cheeses, sauces and marinades. Onions can also be used as a filling for a pie or just seasoning.

We grow chives: varieties, properties, agricultural technology

In addition to its main culinary use, chives are widely used in the medicinal field, especially in oriental medicine. It can also be used as an ornamental plant during the formation of inflorescences.


There are many varieties of this plant. Most often, the following varieties are used for growing in gardens and household plots that are located in the middle lane: Medonos, Bohemia, Chemal, Prague, as well as the decorative variety Border.

So, Medonos is characterized by medium resistance to peronosporosis and has a semi-sharp taste. Bohemia is characterized by high yields and a semi-sharp taste. This is a perennial variety that can grow in one place for up to 5 years. Chemal has an average resistance to downy mildew. Onion leaves can be up to 50 cm long and 0,5 cm wide. The taste of bulbs and leaves is spicy. It is best to propagate vegetatively. Such onions are planted in May, and mother plants – in August. It has a spicy and spicy taste.

We grow chives: varieties, properties, agricultural technology

The following varieties are equally popular:

  • Albion. The leaves are dark green in color and have a slight waxy coating;
  • Spring. The taste of leaves and bulbs is slightly sharp. High frost resistance is inherent;
  • Crocus. The leaves of the plant are smooth, erect. It tolerates low temperatures well.

Observing the rules of planting, as well as the agrotechnical features of growing a plant, will allow you to get an excellent harvest, both in terms of taste and volume. Due to the content of a large amount of nutrients in the leaves, growing such an onion in your garden is very beneficial for your own body, because it is not always easy to find products so rich in useful substances.

Video “Division and transplantation of chives”

A video on how to properly divide and replant chives, or, as it is called, chives.

Dividing and transplanting chives

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