We eliminate the tire, or how to burn belly fat?
flat belly

Abdominal obesity is one of the most common problems among people who are slightly or more overweight. Contrary to appearances, we will not lose belly fat thanks to exercises on this part of the body – exercises involving all muscles, i.e. primarily cardio, will be necessary. Our body has been programmed to burn fat from the whole body, not from selected parts, which is why it is so important to choose the right type of physical activity.

The biggest ally of fat burning is… oxygen. It is thanks to appropriate aerobic exercises, i.e. oxygen, that we lose weight faster. Oxidation of the whole body has a key role in the elimination of body fat. Crunches and the Weider six will therefore have no effect other than building muscle underneath the fat tissue, which will remain intact.

Remember that as you exercise, the fat tissue from the arms and legs is eliminated first, and only the belly is burned at the very end. However, this only happens in women, and vice versa in men.

There is no need to believe in miracle diets that guarantee a flat belly – movement is necessary to burn fat. Neither crunches nor anything else will lead to the elimination of belly fat without proper cardio exercises. Therefore, perseverance, persistence and regularity are the most important in burning the belly.

  • Do cardio exercises, i.e. all those that speed up breathing and cause faster blood flow. Cycling, swimming, running, aerobics and even dancing will be suitable. It is important that the movement engages the whole body and causes fatigue.
  • Eat less sugar and fat, which are the main reason for the formation of a donut. This is one of the biggest sacrifices, especially when we’ve been eating chocolate bars and pizza so far. Giving up habits can be the biggest problem and obstacle, but it is an attempt to overcome – just replace unhealthy and fatty food with its healthier version. It usually takes a few weeks to “settle in”, but then it becomes a habit and becomes everyday life. Eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible – many of them accelerate fat burning!
  • Be patient. Few things come quickly and easily, and certainly not losing weight. This requires patience and perseverance in resolutions, although you will feel the urge to break the rules more than once. However, it is worth motivating yourself with the image of your future figure and reminding yourself how troublesome it is to have unnecessary fat tissue.
  • Once you burn fat, don’t rest on your laurels. For this, it will be necessary to maintain a diet and perform crunches that will improve the appearance of this part of the body and keep it in good condition.
  • Massage your belly. Stroking, rubbing and kneading are ways to firm up, but they should be done on a regular basis. Do it in your free time, while bathing or rubbing in body lotion (which will also visually improve the condition of the skin).

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