We do it for free: how much should housework cost?

We do it for free: how much should housework cost?

If the world were fair, a woman would be paid money to run a household. We decided to calculate what this salary would be.

When a man comes home from work, he does not grab a hammer to hammer in nails. What is considered primordially male housework has long lost its relevance. The owner does not need to chop wood, mow hay, carry water from a well and “hunt for a mammoth”. In the modern world, there is no need to repair something every day, carry weights and get food. But for a woman, from century to century, affairs do not diminish. She still needs to keep the house clean, cook and iron daily, and still be a sexual partner and a good mother.

It is not for nothing that it is said that the most unfair employment is to be a housewife in your family: there is no salary, no vacation, the work never ends. But the husband proudly informs everyone that his wife is sitting at home with his full support. We decided to calculate how much a man saves when his wife does housework.

Cleaning service

The cost of the services of any cleaning agency depends on several factors: the area of ​​the apartment and the degree of its pollution. The most common option for cleaning companies is express cleaning, which costs from 2500 rubles a day (with an average living space of 50 square meters). For this money, professionals will wash the floor, wipe the baseboards, dust off, wash the mirrors and glass surfaces, and clean the bathroom and toilet. At least once a week, you need to carry out cosmetic cleaning – for this …

… you need to spend 10 rubles a month.

If you order a general cleaning, these are completely different prices. Here every step is taken into account: whether it is necessary to move the furniture, how many cabinets need to be cleaned, the degree of cleaning in the bathroom and toilet room. It takes into account the washing of the refrigerator (from 500 rubles) and the microwave oven (from 200 rubles), washing windows (250 rubles – one sash), batteries (200 rubles) and other elements. Cleaning of antiques and sophisticated equipment is expensive. Even a simple apartment with general cleaning once a quarter will cost at least 15 rubles, that is, dividing it into three months …

… add at least 5000 rubles a month.


We will not talk about washing – after all, washing machines are very helpful. Also, we will not take into account the labor costs of the hostesses for the fact that the washed linen and clothes must be hung up, and after drying, removed and folded. It’s strange, of course, that it takes a woman’s time, not a man’s time, but we can attribute this to a natural girlish love of order. But not everyone loves ironing the bed and shirts, or rather, not everyone … Men are out of the question. Who has at least one friend in memory who, in the presence of a wife, strokes everything himself?

So, if you order a service, then:

  • Shirts ironing costs from 600 rubles for 1 hour of work.

  • Bed linen – from 400 rubles for three sets.

  • Clothes – from 400 rubles per hour.

Taking the average use of shirts, underwear and various clothes, we find that you need to spend 500 rubles for an ironer. per hour, which means …

… set aside at least 5000 rubles a month for an ironer.

Housekeeper, maid

Above, we calculated how much individual household services cost in a one-time execution. I wonder if it is possible to save money by taking a single employee who will do all this housework every day? It turns out that a permanent housekeeper and maid (without cooking) costs from 2000 rubles a day. That is, a woman who keeps order in the house every day should get paid for her work. 60 thousand per month. Have you noticed that a housekeeper who does not cook costs so much? So, we still need to find out how much the cook costs.


We read in the advertisements: “A cook of at least the 4th grade costs from 3000 rubles per day of work.” How many?! 3 thousand multiplied by 30 days, it turns out 90 thousand for cooking alone. Let’s try to figure out what kind of category we are.

  • The highest chef category is the sixth, this is the “master chef” level. With this discharge you can keep your restaurant.

  • The lowest – the first category – is when in the kitchen you can only be an observer, a dishwasher and a cleaner for fruits and vegetables.

  • In the second category, you will be entrusted with cutting bread and butchering meat.

  • The third category allows you to cook fried eggs, boil cereals and bring cutlets, meatballs and meatballs to readiness.

  • The chef with the fourth grade prepares complex salads and stuffed dishes, various soups and aspic with jellies, and also makes pastries, dumplings and dumplings.

  • With the fifth grade, the chef draws up new recipes and writes technological maps for them, knows how to prepare medicinal, dietary and gourmet dishes.

We can conclude that the average housewife has a level of at least the fourth category. This means that she should receive for her daily labors with dignity.

For a VIP client – a beloved spouse – you can make a discount and take only 50% of the earned amount under the bonus program, and this is 45 thousand rubles.

Economist, accountant, audit

A family is a small state with its own economic zone, where it is necessary to reduce debit and credit, take into account plans for the future, accumulate a financial cushion and calculate spending for today so that tomorrow is not hurt. Outsourced accountant for one-time operations costs from 4000 rubles. We will not add this amount to the payment for homework. We just mean that this money can be spent on personal needs – I earned when I saved on myself.

Babysitter, governess, tutor

At this point, I would not like to devalue the role of men in the family. Nowadays, many husbands take part in raising children. They stay awake at night, swinging babies in cradles, doing homework and going to parental meetings, helping daughters and sons to understand life’s difficulties and have a huge impact on the formation of their personality. But if suddenly the spouse considers raising children only your duty, then here is the price list for your services.

  • Nanny – from 250 rubles per hour.

  • Nanny with accommodation – from 30 rubles per month.

  • Governess – from 350 rubles per hour.

  • Tutor – from 500 rubles per hour.  

With the simplest calculations, it turns out that women’s work in the house costs not less than 65 thousand per month. And then the woman herself needs to decide: she is just a free housewife or a home manager who can “sell” her services at home even for a kind word, help in the household and the absence of prohibitions on her own “want”.

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