Quickly, effectively and forever, or maybe dangerously, impermanently and with health risks? Cabbage, protein or elimination? Doctors follow, but thousands of people around the world decide on diets that celebrities are happy to talk about. We check what is the truth about the miracle diet.
MYTH 1 A few weeks of the diet is enough to regain a beautiful figure
Obtaining excess weight is the result of years of neglect. Therefore, it is not possible for their effects to be reversed within a few weeks. A healthy, lean body requires exercise and a change in diet, and you won’t be able to get it with a regimen of several weeks. A permanent, slowly introduced change in habits will work better. In addition, a few-week diet can be very difficult to endure, because it suddenly cuts off the body from energy supplies. When a seven-, fourteen- or thirty-day diet ends, we usually quickly return to old habits and in just a few days we make up for the kilograms lost on the diet.
MYTH 2 The best diet is one that focuses on one type of food (e.g. protein, cabbage)
Although many people confirm that they have managed to lose weight on a cabbage or protein diet, in reality a diet that eliminates all products except one is not effective. First of all, our body (also to lose weight in a healthy way!) needs a varied diet. We will not provide ourselves with all the required minerals by eating only cabbage or dairy products! We can, however, “get” brittle nails, anemia or hair loss. In addition, it is difficult to persevere on such a diet, because it is monotonous. It means that we have to subordinate our whole life to losing weight, because preparing and choosing products takes a lot of time. Therefore, if we do not have too much free time and enthusiasm, there is a good chance that such a diet will get boring after a few days and start to tire us.
MYTH 3 On a diet you need to eliminate all fats and sugars
Until recently, nutritionists said so, but today they say otherwise. It turns out that fatty acids such as Omega-3 and Omega-6 or vitamin D contained in fatty foods even help in healthy weight loss. Without these acids, the body is weakened and loses weight more slowly and less effectively. Sugars, in turn, are a reliable source of energy contained naturally in fruits. Yes, we should avoid fats and sugars on a diet, but those unhealthy (animal fats, white sugar) or added to dishes (sweets, ready meals, fast food). A miracle diet that involves eliminating all fats can be dangerous and ineffective.
MYTH 4 Fasting is a great way to lose weight
A few days of fasting will actually cleanse the body and make us lose a few kilos. After the end of such therapy, however, they will return within the first few days. That is why fasting is a good way for spring or summer cleansing, but not necessarily for permanent weight loss. In addition, such a diet should be carried out consciously, preferably under the supervision of a doctor. It will help you choose products that will make you go through this time in shape. Drinking, for example, vegetable cocktails or water with ginger, taking a spoonful of linseed oil every morning supports the body in cleansing itself and provides valuable minerals. However, a diet consisting of water or apples can … lead us to the hospital.
MYTH 5 If the miracle diet was used by a star, I’m sure I can too
Celebrities are happy to talk about the effects of their diets in interviews. However, they are less willing to mention the fact that a team of specialists cares about their health, well-being, diet and physical activity. The star, who admits to starvation, was probably under medical care every day, and a dietitian (or several) took care of properly balanced drinks at that time. An “ordinary mortal” going on a similar diet can harm herself.
Application? Unfortunately, although assurances that you can effectively lose weight in two weeks or a few days fire up the imagination, in reality such miracle diets will not bring positive results. However, they can destroy our health, and then it may be more difficult to get back in shape than in the case of extra kilos.