We create a unique decor for a summer residence – we paint barrels

Dacha is a favorite place for work and leisure. The second type of pastime is not only pleasant, but also necessary. Therefore, every summer resident tries to decorate his favorite cottage on his own. As soon as the transformation of the garden plot has begun, I want to bring all the details into a colorful match. The thrifty owner has metal or plastic water containers in the country. It can be:

  • barrels for watering;
  • summer shower tank;
  • container for soaking grass.

Most often, these are old rusty barrels that have almost served their age. But, even a container for soaking grass (“green” fertilizer) can be made very original. The easiest and most affordable way is to colorize.

We create a unique decor for a summer residence – we paint barrels

Currently, this is a very popular area of ​​​​landscape country design, which is called painting on old barrels.

We create a unique decor for a summer residence – we paint barrels

After such creative intervention, the old rusty barrel absolutely does not spoil the appearance of the site. It can be placed in the garden, in the recreation area, near the house or just at the entrance.

We create a unique decor for a summer residence – we paint barrels

What will you need?

It is better to paint barrels with a dye for a specific material. If the barrel is wooden, take wood enamel. A metal or plastic container can be transformed with alkyd, oil or water-dispersion paint with an anti-corrosion effect. Many summer residents choose acrylic paints. They create a bright pattern, tolerate weather anomalies, are easily applied to the surface and removed from the hands, and are safe for children.

We create a unique decor for a summer residence – we paint barrels

If you can’t buy new paint to color in, take leftovers of any color. It is important that the paint on the painted barrel has a water-repellent effect. In addition, you will need:

  1. Brush, sandpaper. The grain size of the sandpaper is better to take a large one. But, if you still have to grind the surface, then a fine-grained one will come in handy.
  2. Scraper and brushes. It is desirable to paint the barrel not only from the outside. It’s good to protect it from the inside. To do this, you will also need a brush holder so as not to lean into the barrel and not breathe in paint fumes.
  3. Solvent, white spirit. Needed to dilute old paint for coloring or adjusting the picture.
  4. Primer. It will help to keep the barrel in the country for much longer. Apply before painting.
  5. Pencil, pencil. It is very important to draw a sketch on paper or directly on the barrel, so that it is easier to paint.

To create some drawings, juniper or thuja twigs, stencils, a can of paint are useful.

We create a unique decor for a summer residence – we paint barrels

Sequence of creative steps

The very first and most important will be the choice of capacity. You can paint barrels in any condition to decorate the dacha. If you take a leaky and very old one, then it is good to convert it into a flower bed. It will serve less than a whole one, but this summer season there will be more for one painted flower bed.

A barrel suitable for storing water must first be cleaned of rust and dirt so that the paint fits well. For this purpose, use a scraper and sandpaper. Some summer residents, before painting, apply a rust converter. In any case, the next step is to remove the remaining dirt, dust and grease with a cloth. It is moistened in alcohol or solvent, and the surface of the barrel is wiped.

Preparing a plastic barrel for coloring is much easier. It is only necessary to wash and dry the surface well.

While the barrel is drying, you need to draw a sketch or decide on the theme of the drawing. It is placed on paper, and then transferred to the surface of the barrel with a pencil or chalk. The most common topics for coloring:

  • flowers, trees, leaves;

    We create a unique decor for a summer residence – we paint barrels

  • animals, birds;

    We create a unique decor for a summer residence – we paint barrels

  • people;

    We create a unique decor for a summer residence – we paint barrels

  • abstract color sketches.

Let’s move on to the painting stage. First paint the inner surface. Here you will need an extension for the brush so that you can get the paint to the very bottom of the barrel.

We create a unique decor for a summer residence – we paint barrels

It is recommended to paint the outer surface of the barrel in two layers so that stains do not show through.

We create a unique decor for a summer residence – we paint barrels

The paint must dry. Let’s move on to drawing.

Important! A sketch on the barrel is a must! If you need to draw a large drawing with paint, then it will not be easy to achieve symmetry without a pencil sketch.

Otherwise, when you go a distance, you may notice painted eyes, flowers of different levels or sizes.

With the help of spray paint, they make a very original look of the picture. To do this, apply the background color to the barrel, then apply a sprig of arborvitae or juniper to the wall and spray the paint directly onto the sprig. It turns out amazing decor.

We place the updated barrel on the site

The painted decor element can be masked, or it can be made an accent point. Willow twigs, pieces of moss, live plants in a flower bed or garden bed are well suited for masking. Dried willow twigs are soaked, sharpened and woven. Moss is tied to the barrel with twine. The height of the strapping is chosen in accordance with the surrounding landscape. If the size of the painted barrel is large, it is dug into the ground. At the same time, the bottom is wrapped with polyethylene or film to protect it from moisture.

If the container for coloring is leaky, do not rush to throw it away. After all, it can serve not only for storing water. What can be built from a painted barrel in the country?

First, a flower bed.

We create a unique decor for a summer residence – we paint barrels

Any color and coloring. A very popular story is a girl and a boy.

We create a unique decor for a summer residence – we paint barrels

Children like this option. “Costumes” and “faces” can be painted in any style, even from different eras. For a flower bed, do not paint the barrel with plants. It is better to choose geometric patterns, animals or birds.

Garden houses are the second popular option where a painted barrel is used. It can store gardening tools. The inscriptions on the barrel can be done with paint on pieces of linoleum.

helpful hints

In addition to observing the painting technology, you need to know some of the nuances. Primarily:

  1. A freshly painted barrel is not brought into the living quarters. Either leave it outside or put it in a shed.
  2. Do not try to accurately reproduce the picture you saw somewhere. Better add your creative imagination to create a unique masterpiece.
  3. Choose the complexity of the drawing according to your capabilities. This process should not tire you.
  4. Be sure to match the dye and the material on which it is applied. Choose only moisture resistant paints.
  5. To keep the decor on the barrel longer, cover it with a colorless varnish on top.
  6. Do not do construction or chores with solvents or acid near a painted barrel. By negligence, you can ruin the picture.

It is not difficult to paint a barrel in the country with your own hands. Babies can also participate in this process. They will prompt their fabulous fragments and help to realize them. Use contrast solutions. Paint the barrels in different bright colors, and then the country house will always be light and cozy.

Painting options:

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