The festivities are over, and signs of fun feasts remain on the carpets and furniture.
Goodbye tree!
The most difficult task is to remove the tree so that the dried needles do not scatter throughout the apartment. Roll up carpets, rugs, cover upholstered furniture. Cover the room with plastic wrap. Remove toys. Place the tree carefully on the plastic (you can use street trash bags by cutting them along the seams; if the tree is tall, tape a few bags together). Remove the crosspiece from the barrel. Wrap the tree with the same plastic it is on, securing the edges with tape. Now you can safely take it out of the apartment – the needles will not crumble.
The main rule of general cleaning after the holiday is not to put it on the back burner, because the older the pollution, the more difficult it is to get rid of it.
Windows and mirrors
To make it easier to remove the glued snowflakes from the glass, pre-wet them with warm soapy water. Wash off the New Year’s drawings by adding a little vinegar (2 tablespoons per liter of water), or ammonia, or vodka (1 part to 10 parts water) to the water.
If you need to wash the window after the holiday and from the outside, and ice is frozen on the glass, dissolve 20 g of salt in 100 ml of water and wipe the icy places with the resulting solution.
The solution will help to return the shine to the glasses: 1 tbsp. l. vinegar, 20 g of chalk or tooth powder per liter of water – mix everything and boil.
To remove greasy marks from the TV screen and computer monitor, use only special wipes designed for electronics.
Chemical protection
In order to effectively remove stains, you need to know their origin. The same greasy stains are removed from different surfaces in different ways. To avoid ruining your belongings before using the cleaning products, try them on discreet areas.
If there is a greasy stain on the wallpaper, apply a piece of soft cloth dipped in gasoline and wrung out slightly to it. Leave for 2-3 minutes. An old stain will have to be treated several times. Rub the usual dirt with an eraser or apply a crumb of brown bread to them.
Wipe unpolished furniture surfaces with a slightly damp cloth, and polished surfaces with a dry one.
Stains from polished furniture are removed with a mixture of salt and vegetable oil. Apply it on the stain for an hour and a half to two hours, then remove it with a soft dry cloth wrapped in used tea leaves and rub the furniture with a clean woolen cloth. A mixture of burdock oil and cologne will help restore the shine. Dirt from white furniture is removed with onions cut in half. Treat scratches on wooden objects made of mahogany, oak, walnut with a brush dipped in a weak iodine solution.
A light mark on polished furniture from a hot object can be removed by wiping the surface with a mixture of vegetable oil and alcohol or table salt, and if the mark is dark – with half a lemon.
Sofas and armchairs
Dried stains from the upholstery of upholstered furniture must not be scraped off. Use a foam sponge dampened with soapy water. When the fabric is dry, comb the flock with a soft brush to restore the pile, and iron the jacquard, velor and microfiber with a non-hot iron. From the leather sofa, remove stains with a woolen cloth or a cloth soaked in gasoline, and to restore the shine of the product, wipe the surface with beaten egg white.
Frozen drops wax carefully remove from the candle from the surface of the furniture. Cover the remaining stain with a paper towel and iron with a lighter iron. Repeat the procedure several times until the traces of wax disappear.
Spots from white wine or fruit juice can be removed with ammonia and water (1: 1), from beer – table vinegar or vodka.
Spots from red wine from light surfaces can be removed with a citric acid solution (2 g per glass of water). For colored items – a mixture of glycerin with raw egg yolk: apply to the stain, leave for a few hours, and then rinse with warm water.
Remove stain from chocolate from light-colored fabrics it is possible by treating the surface with glycerin heated in a water bath to a temperature of 35–40 ° С. After 10-15 minutes, the cleaned product must be rinsed with warm water. Chocolate is removed from dark fabrics with a solution of 20 parts of glycerin, 1 part of ammonia and 20 parts of water. Moisten the stain with the prepared mixture, wipe with a cloth, and then rinse with warm water.
Floor coverings
Sprinkle some detergent onto a brush or cloth and wipe the carpet stain with gentle, gentle strokes from the edges to the center. Hardened stains should not be rubbed strongly, otherwise the pile could be damaged. Try not to wash out the stain. Rinse with clean water. Cover with a half-centimeter stack of napkins, and put a load on top. Change wipes as they get wet. Repeat the procedure two or three times.
Greasy stains You can remove it from the carpet by sprinkling the stain with coarse sawdust dipped in gasoline and leaving it for half an hour. Rinse with soapy water and then dry with a linen rag. You can fill the carpet or carpet with salt, and after a while collect it with a vacuum cleaner.
Stuck to the carpet chewing gum heat with a hairdryer or pour boiling water on it and iron it with an iron through a white napkin. Once the gum has softened, brush it off with an old toothbrush. Can be rubbed with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol. Eye Makeup Remover Effectively helps remove gum stain.
Tracks from vomiting wipe with a sponge soaked in cold water.
Stains on the parquet can be wiped off with turpentine. The traces of fat are removed with a mixture of washing powder and water. Rub the gruel into the stain and leave it overnight, rinse it off in the morning. If the stain persists, sprinkle with talcum powder, cover with absorbent paper and iron with a not too hot iron. Remove dark stains with paper dipped in acetone, then wipe with brine. Remove stains on linoleum from drinks, alcohol, ketchup, food colors, fruits, juices with water and a little bleach.
To return the dressy look to tablecloths and napkins, you need to get rid of stains before washing.
Greasy stainscan be deleteda solution of a pinch of salt and ammonia.
Spots from ice cream and milk eliminated with a mixture of glycerin, ammonia and warm water in equal parts.
Tracks from lipstick easily removed with pure alcohol.
Remove fresh coffee and tea stains with a strong salt solution. Old stains from coffee can be removed with a mixture of glycerin and water (1: 1) and a few drops of ammonia. BUT of tea – with a cotton swab dipped in a mixture of 2 tsp. glycerin and ½ tsp. ammonia.