We cannot build immunity in one day. How to take care of the immune system? [WE EXPLAIN]

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Everyone has heard of resistance, but few people are aware of what it really is. Is it possible to build immunity in one day? What makes her weaker and what makes her stronger? How to quickly increase resilience and what actions will bring results in the long term? We talked about this with Paweł Rajewski, MD, PhD, professor at WSG in Bydgoszcz.

  1. During the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic, there is a lot of talk about the body’s immunity and how to support it.
  2. – We generally have two types of immunity: active and passive – explains Paweł Rajewski, MD, PhD, a provincial consultant in the field of infectious diseases in the Kuyavian-Pomeranian region
  3. As Rajewski explains, not everyone is aware that the immune system can also be stimulated in a non-pharmacological way, only through our appropriate, everyday behavior
  4. The expert also refers to popular beliefs about resistance. Does eating garlic and onions really make us less sick?
  5. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

As part of our # ChronięSię campaign, we show what is worth doing to effectively protect yourself against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and COVID-19 disease. Learn 10 rules – protect yourself and your loved ones!

Magda Zmna, Medonet: In the context of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, a lot is said about immunity and its acquisition. What is immunity anyway?

Dr. Paweł Rajewski: Immunity is a system of many cells, organs, mechanisms that are to protect us against diseases, most often infectious – bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic or neoplastic diseases, or after falling ill, cause the disease to be milder and reduce faster, and we recover faster . Additionally, thanks to the so-called immune memory, we sometimes become resistant to some infectious diseases.

The proper functioning of the immune system may be supported by appropriate supplementation. On Medonet Market you can buy today, for example, Life Energy – Propolia BeeYes, a strengthening dietary supplement with royal jelly. Get to know other dietary supplements to strengthen immunity and choose from a wide range. For children, we recommend children’s lozenges with vitamins and minerals.

We generally have two types of immunity. The first is natural immunity, which can be passive, that is, when antibodies pass to us during pregnancy, from the mother. Another is active immunity, when we fall ill with a given disease, e.g. smallpox or rubella, and then we acquire the appropriate antibodies, so we will not be ill with a given disease every second time.

What about immunization? Which group does it belong to?

It is an artificial immunity – active, that is, immunity created by vaccination – the introduction of an antigen, for example, in the form of a bacterial fragment or a virus, the so-called that is virulent (does not cause disease), but stimulates our immune system to produce antibodies. Hence the artificial active name, because it forces our body to produce its own antibodies after introducing a specific vaccine from the outside. Therefore, when we come into contact with such a bacterium or a virus again, we immediately have a burst of antibodies and we do not get sick or we get sick much more mildly. Artificial immunity can also be passive when we have not had time to vaccinate ourselves.

  1. SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus Resistance. What do we know about her? [WE EXPLAIN]

In this situation, in specific cases, ready-made immunoglobulins can be given immediately – specific antibodies that should normally be made by the body, which takes some time. Usually these are immunoglobulins against some viral or, less frequently, bacterial diseases, and if we do not have immunoglobulins against a given infectious disease and its course is severe, we sometimes administer general immunoglobulins, stimulating and modeling the functions and response of the immune system.

To support the body, you can order the COVID Kit, which consists of:

  1. Coronachinin capsules,
  2. Fix Wirustop teas,
  3. liquorice elixir.

What about boosting immunity? How can we help our body deal with infections?

We all know that we have innate immunity and acquired immunity. We can certainly stimulate our immunity through immunization. However, not everyone realizes that we can also stimulate the immune system in a non-pharmacological way, only through our appropriate, everyday behavior, such as a healthy lifestyle, which consists of a balanced diet, regular physical activity and adequate rest. If we keep these rules in mind, I guarantee that we will have a well-functioning immune system, we will be less susceptible to viral infection and we will be able to stay healthy for a long time.

Do you want to strengthen your body and improve its immunity? Try Pukka Original Chai – a warming tea with a pleasant spicy flavor.

  1. What improves immunity? Rules worth following in the era of coronavirus

What behaviors strengthen our immunity?

It should be noted that we will not build immunity in one day – we should take care of our immune system 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year round. Only in this way will we ensure its full potential and proper functioning.

A healthy lifestyle is most important when building our immune system. This term includes, among others, a properly balanced diet, which should provide a certain amount of wholesome proteins, preferably plant-based, carbohydrates – especially complex ones, with a low glycemic index, bearing in mind the appropriate dose of fiber, healthy fats, vitamins, microelements and phytonutrients. You must avoid excessive amounts of alcohol and cigarettes, because it weakens our immune system significantly. Systematic physical activity is equally important, at least 3 to 5 times a week, and preferably 30-45 minutes of moderate dynamic exercise every day, e.g. cycling, running, swimming, Nordic walking or fast walking.

  1. Physical activity strengthens not only the muscles but also the brain

On the other hand, it is not recommended for building immunity, and can even weaken it, submaximal physical effort, e.g. a marathon, half-marathon or triathlon. After such activity, our immune system is usually weakened for up to a week, which makes us more susceptible to viral infections or the so-called. colds. Marine or cryotherapy is also a very good way to build up immunity. However, it should be remembered that they must be systematic. Otherwise, one-time, random sessions may weaken the immune system.

Try Hibiscus now – an organic tea that is rich in vitamin C and supports the immune system.

There is also a lot of talk about rest in the context of building immunity.

It is definitely worth taking care of rest, relaxation and adequate amount of sleep. If our sleep is less than 6 hours, we are at greater risk of viral infections.

Moreover, if the environmental conditions during sleep are inadequate, e.g. the air temperature in the room is too high, it is also not conducive to the positive functioning of the immune system. Therefore, it is best to sleep at room temperatures around 18 – 19 degrees Celsius.

Remember that stress, especially long-term stress, or nervous tension, also weaken our immune system, which is why proper mental hygiene is also so important.

Can we test our immunity? How do we know if it’s good or bad?

We can examine our immune system by controlling certain parameters, e.g. the level of B lymphocytes (humoral response) or T lymphocytes (cellular response), monocytes, complement components, the level of CD3, CD4, CD8 lymphocytes and see if we have immunodeficiency. However, these are very specialized methods, usually used by immunologists when it is suspected that we may have congenital or acquired immunodeficiencies. Then we examine individual cell lines of the immune system, immunoglobulins, their levels, proportions, etc., and in the event of their deficiencies, in some cases we can include constant or periodic supplementation of immunoglobulins or treat diseases that are the cause of acquired immunodeficiency, e.g. HIV / AIDS.

To assess the functioning of the immune system, it is worth performing, for example, a package of 6 blood tests to check immunity, which can be purchased at Medonet Market.

Try herbs and dietary supplements to strengthen your immunity. DuoLife ProImmuno is a supplement with natural antioxidants. The preparation strengthens the immune system and helps protect the body against diseases resulting from the decline in immunity. We can also support immunity with special herbal teas containing acerola, elderberry or wild rose, such as Immune Support Bio Yogi Tea, which can be found at a discounted price on the Medonet Market. Another tea that, in addition to its anti-inflammatory and strengthening properties, supports the maintenance of internal balance, is Positive Energy Bio Yogi Tea – black tea for better well-being. Also try a special blend of spices Organic golden milk powder, which is perfect for warming up and supporting immunity.

  1. We will not be infected with COVID-19 repeatedly. Thanks to T-type memory lymphocytes, we will gain long-term immunity

You mentioned that we can stimulate immunity in a non-pharmacological way. Does eating garlic and onions, for example, really protect us from disease?

Both onions and garlic contain phytonutrients that support the immune system. Garlic contains, for example, allicin, onion, sulfur compounds that have bactericidal properties and high doses of vitamin C. It has also been said for centuries to contain natural antibiotics, but One should not overdo this belief in the magic of garlic or onions. They can be used, but they will definitely not be responsible for fighting any infectious disease.

To strengthen immunity, it is worth using Herbal Monasterium rosehip juice available on Medonet Market at a favorable price.

So what should be on our plate?

A balanced diet is crucial when building immunity. However, we must remember not to reduce the kilocalories in the diet diametrically, i.e. the energy of the meals. Very low-energy diets (less than 800 kcal a day) or fasting weaken our immunity, making us more susceptible to all infections, especially viral ones. This is due to the fact that we do not provide the body with the right amount of nutrients, mainly wholesome protein, microelements, macroelements and vitamins, which are key to building cells involved in the proper functioning of the immune system or their renewal. Granulocytes, for example, are cells that live for a very short time (2-3 days) and in the case of fasting, when we do not use the right amount of protein in the diet, they do not renew as well as in a balanced, wholesome diet, which in turn leads to a weakening of the body and the possibility of disease development.

It is worth including proper supplementation in your daily diet. At Medonet Market you can buy the Paw Paw dietary supplement from Nature’s Sunshine. The preparation is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that support the body in building immunity.

That is why it is very important to balance our diet with wholesome protein. Each cell in our body needs a sufficient amount of protein to rebuild itself. Therefore, every day, in the three main meals, there should be an adequate amount of it. What’s more, it is better absorbed and distributed if we systematically exercise.

When it comes to choosing a protein, we can, and even should, use plant-based protein, as reducing the consumption of meat, especially red meat, has a good effect on our immune system.

We can eat soy protein, which is complementary and well-tolerated, plant-derived protein obtained from peas, quinoa or linseed. They are also very well absorbed and provide all the necessary amino acids in the right proportions.

Fats are also very important in building a healthy immune system, especially omega-3 fatty acids. They have a positive effect not only on the eyesight, nervous system, brain, heart function and lipid levels, but also contribute to the creation of better immunity.

As for carbohydrates, you need to make sure that they contain the right amount of fiber – we should consume at least 25 grams of fiber a day. Our gut microbiome, consisting of millions of bacteria living in the large and small intestines, is responsible, among other things, for the proper functioning of the immune system. These bacteria feed on fiber and if we do not provide the right amount of it, intestinal dysbiosis occurs. Then, briefly and simplified, our inadequately nourished gut microbiome can weaken the immune system and increase susceptibility to disease.

When it comes to vitamins, we should take vitamins C and B. Vitamin D is also very important, often associated with the prevention of osteoporosis or rickets, and which also plays an important role in building a good functioning of the immune system. We should also pay attention to micronutrients, including zinc and selenium, which help the immune system function better.

Multivitamin kits will certainly help to support immunity. Try, for example, the YANGO Ultra Liquid Multivitamin, which you can buy at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

If we now start to think seriously about our immunity and act, when can we expect the first results?

When it comes to the general immunity of our body, as I mentioned, we should take care of it all the time. It depends on how we behave on a daily basis, what habits and lifestyle we have, whether we exercise, regularly sleep or have no stress. Do we use stimulants or are we obese? It’s hard to say how long it should take to build up such resilience before we see any measurable results, but I think it needs to be treated a bit like exercise, so the first significant symptoms should appear after three months of regular change.

  1. To strengthen immunity, we recommend the Herbal Monasterium dietary supplement Borelyma for immunity available on Medonet Market. It contains as many as 6 active ingredients of natural origin that support the work of the immune system.

When it comes to the rapid building of immunity, we can certainly do it through vaccinations or by administering immunoglobulins or preparations that stimulate the immune system. After vaccination is given, we usually know when to expect the production of antibodies, we can also test their levels, while with immunoglobulins we can usually expect it immediately. It should be remembered that this is a pharmacological method, appropriate only when we are in contact with a specific pathogen for which we have vaccinations or immunoglobulins.

Paweł Rajewski, MD, PhD, prof. WSG, works at the Provincial Observation and Infection Hospital in Bydgoszcz. He is a specialist in internal diseases, infectious diseases, hepatologist, he is a provincial consultant in the field of infectious diseases, Member of the Herbalife Nutrition Scientific Council.

Have a question about the coronavirus? Send them to the following address: [email protected]. You will find a daily updated list of answers HERE: Coronavirus – frequently asked questions and answers

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  3. Record of deaths again. The virologist tells you where it comes from

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