We bring down the temperature with vodka – rubbing and ingestion

In the autumn-winter period, many of us are faced with colds and high temperatures. Proponents of traditional methods of treatment know that the correct use of vodka at a temperature helps a speedy recovery. Only they do not drink it, but use it for rubbing.

Rubbing the patient with vodka has been practiced since ancient times. This is how our great-grandfathers were treated, they did not have antibiotics and other medicines, so they managed with improvised means. Usually bring down the heat is obtained after 1-2 rubbing sessions.

Note: elevated body temperature indicates that the body is fighting the disease, so if the thermometer shows below 38 degrees, you can’t knock it down, as you will only do harm.

Proper rubbing with vodka

1. First prepare a solution for rubbing. Vodka is diluted with water in a ratio of one to one. You can also add one part of vinegar, then the proportion will be 1:1:1.

2. The patient undresses and lies on his back.

3. Dip a soft cloth into the solution and begin to wipe the body with light movements.

Attention! It is necessary to wipe, and not intensively rub the solution inside. Areas of skin near the heart and groin should also be avoided.

The wiping procedure begins with the hands, and then gradually moves to the armpits and chest, then lower to the stomach and legs. Next, the patient is turned over on his stomach and wiped his back, buttocks and legs.

4. After the procedure, it is recommended to blow the body with a hairdryer for 60-90 seconds, the air should be slightly warm, but not hot.

5. The patient goes back to bed, and a compress with cool water is placed on his forehead. Periodically, the water is changed so that the compress remains cold all the time.

Body temperature is monitored every half hour. If the temperature does not drop, then rubbing with vodka can be repeated again. This method is equally effective for both children and adults. They can treat babies from the age of three years.

Is it possible to drink vodka at a temperature

In the early stages of the disease, when there is still no high temperature, it is worth trying treatment with vodka with pepper or salt. But this remedy is effective only if the patient does not take antibiotics or other drugs, and only in the first days of illness.

We bring down the temperature with vodka – rubbing and ingestion
Vodka can only help in the early stages of the disease

In all other cases, with a cold and high fever, doctors advise you to stop drinking vodka, as this prevents the body from coping with the disease.

Attention! Self-medication can be harmful to your health. Before use, consult your doctor. The site administration and the author of the article are not responsible for the consequences.

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