Baked apples are easy to cook as there is no such thing as not being cooked or “overcooked”. Some people like apples that keep their shape, while others like the consistency of mashed potatoes.
Before baking, it is advisable to peel the apples from the core, carefully cutting it out with a knife or spoon. But the option without cutting out the bones is allowed.
- Apples are baked at a temperature of 180 degrees for 10-40 minutes – it depends on the variety, on the density of the apples, and on what kind of dish you want to get in the end.
- In the microwave, apples are baked for 3-5 minutes at maximum power.
- In a double boiler – about 20 minutes, wrapped in foil.
You can bake apples with any filling of your choice. Most often it is honey, nuts, other fruits and cottage cheese. Keep in mind that apples give off juice and the filling should be dry.