We asked an expert about how the condition of our teeth affects the condition of our body
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Research clearly shows that oral hygiene translates into overall human health. What can be a risk of neglecting hygiene? How to properly care for oral hygiene at home? All these questions are answered by dr n.med. Beata Golan, P&G Polska research manager.

How neglected oral hygiene affects the condition of our body? What diseases can it lead to?

As statistics show, the condition of the oral cavity of Europeans is not at a satisfactory level. The most common diseases include caries and periodontitis (including gingivitis). Research shows that over 80% of children suffer from caries, and only 1% of Poles over 35 have completely healthy periodontitis. Therefore, we can risk a statement that almost all of us have a greater or lesser problem with dental diseases or periodontium, i.e. the tissues that support the tooth.

At the root of the development of the most common dental diseases is the activity of plaque bacteria, the amount of which is controlled through daily oral care. Neglecting oral hygiene can affect the health of the entire body. The oral cavity is not isolated – bacteria from the oral cavity through the blood vessels can spread to other parts of our body and contribute to the development of various ailments, including cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, heart attack, coronary artery disease. Moreover, bacteria formed in the mouth are associated with the course of Alzheimer’s disease.

Research shows that a toxin produced by the bacterium Porphyromonas gingivalis, which is one of the factors responsible for the severe course of periodontitis, has been detected in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s disease. However, more research is still needed on this subject, but it is important not to take these reports lightly.

Moreover, many general diseases affect oral health. It is i.a. diabetes that is poorly controlled makes it difficult to treat periodontal disease. In this case, the reverse is also true: active periodontal disease makes it difficult to treat diabetes. For this reason, oral hygiene, which is the basic element of caring for the health of teeth and gums, is extremely important in people with diabetes.

How to prevent oral diseases?

In order to maintain a beautiful and healthy smile, regular (at least once a year) visits to the dentist and daily home oral hygiene are necessary. If taking care of your teeth at home is not appropriate, even very frequent dental hygiene in the office will not be enough. The bacteria that make up dental plaque (the so-called biofilm) are formed all the time, constantly.

This process cannot be stopped, so the best way to prevent oral cavity diseases is daily, thorough tooth brushing, i.e. home hygiene procedures. Apart from the basic brushing of teeth, you should remember about additional procedures such as flossing, cleaning the interdental spaces with special brushes, cleaning the tongue and using mouthwash.

The brushing technique itself is also important. In practice, very few people can clean their teeth properly, and this activity is essential. So it’s worth talking to your doctor about the proper brushing of your teeth at home and ask for oral hygiene instructions, which is extremely important. As many publications show, it should be reminded even every 6 months to bring the best results. In the dentist’s office, it is also worth asking which brushing device is best to use, how to use it, when to replace it, and what hygiene accessories to use additionally.

Why should pregnant women or women planning to become pregnant take particular care of oral hygiene?

There are many studies and scientific reports showing the relationship between periodontal diseases and the course of pregnancy and pregnancy complications. Periodontal diseases can be the cause of not only premature delivery, but also low birth weight of a child. Moreover, many hormonal changes occur in the body of a pregnant woman, making her at the same time more susceptible to periodontal diseases.

Just as, outside pregnancy, a small amount of plaque may be asymptomatic, hormonal changes in pregnancy cause the soft tissues of the mouth and gums to overreact with inflammation, even to a small amount of plaque. Although gingivitis or epiglomas are not serious, because they are reversible, they require appropriate treatment and care. That is why it is so important for future mothers to remember about their health and, in addition to changing their diet or supplementation, not to forget about proper oral hygiene.

How to properly care for oral hygiene during pregnancy?

The basis should be proper home hygiene – proper brushing twice a day for a minimum of two minutes, flossing, using interdental brushes, gum care pastes and mouthwash. When planning pregnancy, it is also worth visiting the dentist’s office to check the condition of the oral cavity and possibly introduce appropriate treatment so that the pregnancy is a preventive period.

Should Pregnant Women Avoid Toothpastes With Fluoride?

The dental community recommends that fluoride toothpastes be used by everyone, including pregnant women. Fluoride has many benefits, including strengthens the enamel and prevents caries. It is worth remembering that fluoride is present everywhere, not only in toothpaste but also in food, water and even in the air. It is not worth looking for other alternatives or replacements – following the current “anti-fluorine fashion” may do more harm than good.

Are There Any Dental Treatments I Should Avoid During Pregnancy?

As I mentioned before, the ideal situation is when pregnancy is a prophylactic period, but if necessary, during pregnancy, both treatment under anesthesia and even an X-ray can be performed. In the currently used top-class devices, X-ray radiation is very low, and during one such examination, the risk of complications is minimal. During pregnancy, you can also clean your teeth from tartar, i.e. scalling, and in some cases even root canal treatment, if necessary. However, it is not recommended to perform aesthetic treatments during pregnancy, e.g. teeth whitening.

What products can your doctor recommend for daily dental hygiene?

On the market, thanks to a wide range of products, everyone has the opportunity to adapt the oral hygiene kit to their own needs and take care of their teeth comprehensively – depending on the age, condition of the teeth, the presence of dental implants, orthodontic appliances or coexisting dental diseases.

The basis of daily oral hygiene should be an appropriate toothbrush. Based on scientific reports and systematic reviews of research, we should lean towards the electric toothbrush. It is definitely more effective and easier to use than a traditional toothbrush – the tooth is thoroughly cleaned of plaque, and on our part there is no need to make any movements. It is also very important to choose the right head – round or rectangular. The round head adheres to the tooth much better and hugs it in a cup-like manner, and thus removes plaque more effectively.

Particularly noteworthy is a novelty on the market – the Oral-B iO magnetic toothbrush. among my colleagues, she is called the “queen among toothbrushes” – it allows for thorough and very gentle cleaning tooth after tooth, reaching even the most difficult-to-reach places. What’s more, the use of the revolutionary iO magnetic technology and the combination of microvibration with the oscillating and rotating movements of the brush head ensure extremely effective cleaning and a perfect feeling of cleanliness in the mouth.

In addition, the toothbrush controls important parameters while brushing the teeth, such as brushing time and mode, and artificial intelligence monitors brushing efficiency. In addition, the pressure is also controlled – we are informed in real time if we are not brushing our teeth too much.

It is also possible to combine it with an application that not only shows how thoroughly our oral cavity has been cleaned, but also reminds you to floss, rinse your mouth or clean your tongue. As a result, we are motivated to use a wider range of products that will complement the brushing process.

Thanks to all the modern technologies used, we not only know if we have washed our teeth properly, but also constantly learn how to best care for oral health at home. Brushing teeth from a process focused on removing bacterial plaque, thanks to the new solution, becomes an education, and a magnetic toothbrush becomes a trainer of correct home habits.

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