Doctors warn: the influx of refugees from war-torn Ukraine may cause cases of diseases that we have practically forgotten. Ukraine is one of the least vaccinated countries in Europe. But the second reason is equally important and dangerous: every year in Poland there are more and more children who do not receive all vaccines from the mandatory calendar.

  1. One of the problems that must be faced is the poor immunization of Ukrainians – not only when it comes to vaccination against COVID-19, but also other pathogens
  2. A few years ago, there was an epidemic of measles in Ukraine. Polio also appeared. Cases of whooping cough have been reported
  3. Polish doctors have repeatedly pointed out, however, that instead of being afraid of migrants, we should do the best we can: vaccinate ourselves and our loved ones
  4. “Vaccinations protect us, but the recent anti-vaccination movements, spreading false information about vaccinations, unfortunately caused us to have unvaccinated children, and therefore vulnerable to infection,” said Lidia Stopyra, a pediatrician and contagious agent from the Krakow hospital. Żeromski
  5. You can find more about the coronavirus on the TvoiLokony home page

Ukraine is one of the least vaccinated countries in Europe. Citizens do not want to get vaccinated despite the fact that compulsory vaccinations concern 10 diseases. This list includes, among others whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, measles, mumps, rubella, polio, tuberculosis, Hib infection, hepatitis B.

  1. Tuberculosis is a forgotten disease? Poland in the infamous forefront of Europe

The National Institute of Public Health PZH-PIB reports that the status of vaccinating children in Ukraine varies depending on the age group and region of the country and ranges from about 60 percent. up to 99 percent. According to WHO data, vaccination will take place in Ukraine in 2020 against measles was 81,9 percent., against poliomyelitis – 84,2%., against whooping cough – 81,3 percent. and against Hepatitis B – 80,9 percent. This means that up to 90 percent. the grafting required for herd immunity is largely missing.

  1. Polio is more dangerous than before? Cases in other countries

Pathogens long forgotten

A few years ago, there was an epidemic of measles in Ukraine. Polio also appeared. Cases of whooping cough have been reported. According to specialists, it is now very important to ensure good immunization of Ukrainian refugee children against diseases covered by the Preventive Immunization Program in Poland. This is primarily about increasing the level of protection against measles, whooping cough and polio.

  1. Ukraine suspends polio vaccination. A case of the disease in 2022

COVID-19 is still dangerous

When it comes to vaccinations against SARS-CoV-2 virus, then Ukraine is one of the last places in Europe. One of the main reasons for the low interest in vaccines is anti-vaccination campaigns, armed conflict, and the vaccines themselves – propaganda fueled anti-vaccination moods and incited against health protection institutionsa, which resulted in a distrust of COVID-19 vaccines, also initially observed even among medical staff.

An expert of the Supreme Medical Council on COVID-19 and the president of the Medical Hygiene Association and the Institute for Infection Prevention Foundation, Paweł Grzesiowski, MD, PhD, notes that infected people will spread all over Poland, which will translate into an increase in infections. The expert does not understand why masks are unworn. – I believe that masks should be given to these people for free at the border – he says, adding that people with COVID-19 symptoms should also be tested. Hence the necessity to organize isolation centers, which should be prepared much earlier.

  1. There are 2 million Ukrainians in Poland who are poorly vaccinated. Infections will rise?

According to specialists, where patients appear, random samples for sequencing should be taken in order to monitor the situation for the presence of various variants of the coronavirus. As they note, a diverse population may result in the emergence of a variant previously not detected in Poland.

We are threatened not only by the polio epidemic

Half of the war refugees from Ukraine are children who will go to Polish kindergartens and schools, and their removal leaves much to be desired. The consequences are already visible. Back in March, Deputy Minister of Health Waldemar Kraska informed that there was the first outbreak of hepatitis A in Ukrainian children.

  1. More and more children with hepatitis. Parents, be alert to these symptoms

Concerns are raised by the state of immunization of Ukrainian children against polio. In September 2021, the Ukrainian Ministry of Health announced the first confirmed case of polio infection in a one-and-a-half-year-old child since 2015and a further 19 were confirmed to be infected with the virus, but without paralysis. The confirmation of the second case of paralysis in January 2022 proves that the virus is still circulating in the country. According to World Health Organization spokesman Tarik Jašarević, the current crisis in Ukraine increases the risk of domestic and international spread of the virus.

  1. Polio in Ukraine. First case of polio in six years

Medonet asked prof. dr hab. Jarosław Pinkas, former head of GIS and director of the School of Public Health in Warsaw, is there a real danger of a polio epidemic? The expert leaves no illusions – if Polish women and Poles do not vaccinate themselves and their children in accordance with the vaccination schedule, we are in real danger of an epidemic not only of polio, but also of other infectious diseases.

The epidemiological situation in Poland

The epidemiological situation in Poland was already difficult before the start of the war in Ukraine – says in an interview with Medonet prof. Jarosław Pinkas, answering the question of what the epidemiological situation in Poland looks like, in connection with the huge migration movement caused by the war in Ukraine, with such a low degree of vaccination, not only against COVID-19, of refugees from this country. – Both Poland and Ukraine were infected with the virus of doubt in the effectiveness of vaccinations – explains the expert and adds: – The number of refusals to vaccinate and fake news about vaccine complications was growing. It was and is part of a hybrid war to make irrational health choices, Pinkas explained.

What we should focus on now is, among other things, making all residents of Poland aware of how important it is to follow the vaccination schedule and how important prevention is. We need to develop herd immunity.

However, for this to happen, each of us must be aware that we are responsible for the level of immunization. If Poles do not follow reliable information, do not follow doctors’ recommendations, the same, unreliable information will be passed on to their new friends from Ukraine, whom they often host under their roof. I believe that we should build a sense of awareness of the need for vaccination among all inhabitants of Poland – he sums up.

You have to act and vaccinate

Experts are unanimous, it is necessary to act and vaccinate both Ukrainians and Poles if we care about common security. The Ministry of Health has already taken steps – in line with the position of the Team for Protective Vaccinations, it recommends immunization of children up to 19 years of age who are not vaccinated against infectious diseases. This is to be done according to the Individual Vaccination Calendar, which will be determined by the doctor qualifying for vaccination on the basis of the PSO for 2022. Compulsory vaccinations in accordance with PSO will cover children from Ukraine who will stay in Poland for more than three months from the date of crossing the border.

  1. Polio – a forgotten disease with an epidemic in the background. The discovery of the Pole saved millions

Prof. Jarosław Pinkas, when asked if the period of three months is not too late, replies that he would be cautious about the timing of vaccinations. As he explains, people coming from Ukraine may have a weakened autoimmune system, have been and are exposed to great stress, often do not know where they will live – whether they will choose Poland as a country of permanent residence. These three months are the time when refugees can first try to take care of their mental health, place themselves and their families in a safe place, start looking for work, educational centers for their children.

Read also:

  1. Some Ukrainians have forged certificates. They were afraid of Sputnik
  2. «I was learning how to administer chemistry from the internet. Everything was done with candles and flashlights »
  3. Colorectal cancer is the second most common cancer in Poland. «When symptoms appear, there is little the doctor can do»

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