We are afraid of the second Chernobyl. We drink iodine and Lugol’s solution. Is it worth it?

The recent accident of a nuclear power plant in Belgium has aroused memories in Poles. The fear of the second Chernobyl was strengthened by the reaction of our western neighbors, when they ordered the inhabitants of the Aachen area to swallow iodine tablets. The Polish Ministry of Health reassures and warns against buying and swallowing such preparations on your own.

  1. After the accident at a Belgian nuclear power plant, iodine tablets were distributed in Germany
  2. Native specialists emphasize that there is no question of any threat in Poland
  3. Nevertheless, the Ministry of Health, in a special statement, warns against buying iodine tablets and taking them without consulting a doctor

After the accident in Belgium in the west of Germany, the distribution of iodine tablets began. Residents fear a nuclear power plant crash across the border in Belgium. Although the National Atomic Energy Agency announced that there was no accident at the Belgian nuclear power plant, the German authorities decided to distribute iodine tablets. In the opinion of the PAA, «the distribution of tablets with stable iodine in the vicinity of the power plant is an activity resulting from the safety policy and does not result from any emergency situation. As a result, residents are provided with safety measures should a possible failure occur in the future ».

Fear has big eyes

The fear of repeating history also reached Poland. In order to avoid unnecessary panic, the health ministry issued a special statement. The Ministry of Health emphasizes in it that iodine, just like any other drug, can cause side effects, so you should not take it on your own.

In the issued release, he warns that taking the drug on your own may have serious consequences. – Hypersensitivity reactions such as skin rash, swelling of the salivary glands, headache, bronchospasm and digestive disorders may follow. In addition, it is possible, inter alia, hyperthyroidism, iodine-induced autoimmune diseases (Graves-Basedow and Hashimoto’s disease), iodine-induced hypothyroidism – we read in a letter prepared by the Ministry of Health.

The ministry adds that there have been cases of thyroiditis and enlargement of the thyroid gland with or without myxedema. Taking too much iodine can cause iodine poisoning with serious side effects like respiratory distress and heart problems.

Similar problems can arise from taking Lugol’s solution. What’s worse, the drug that we can buy at the pharmacy is not intended for consumption. It can only be used to disinfect wounds. Drinking such a fluid can lead to serious gastrointestinal disorders and allergies. The preparation can be used only under strict supervision and in consultation with a doctor.

Bad decision?

Zbigniew Jaworowski, one of the radiologists who recommended the Poles to receive Lugol’s fluid in 1986, admitted in an interview many years later that he would not have made the same decision today because there was no such need. In connection with the information blockade by the USSR after the Chernobyl explosion, Polish doctors recommended the administration of iodine because they preferred to be prepared for the worst-case scenario.

Now the situation is a bit different. The Agency monitors the country’s radiation situation on an ongoing basis – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. – There was no increase in the level of ionizing radiation over the territory of Poland. The European Commission monitoring data (EURDEP system) shows that the radiation situation in Europe also does not differ from the norm (no radiation hazard) – stated in the release.

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