“We all need something truly ours”

What happens to our body when we feel at peace with ourselves? The psychophysiologist tells us under what conditions this condition occurs and what we can do to experience it more often.

Three questions to Sergei Trofimov

SERGEY TROFIMOV is a professor at the Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University.

Studying the connections between the body and mind, the state of the body and emotions, psychophysiologist Sergey Trofimov believes that we can achieve a state of subjective well-being if we learn to control our feelings.

Psychologies: How can we determine that we are in harmony with ourselves?

Sergey Trofimov: Subjectively, it feels like this: we easily fall asleep and sleep until the morning, eat with appetite, after physical exertion, the pressure rises slightly. At the neurobiological level, this state is provided by the hormones serotonin and dopamine: they are actively produced, affect the cerebral cortex, and we have a feeling of satisfaction. At the same time, the synthesis of stress hormones – adrenaline, norepinephrine, corticotropin and glucocorticoids – slows down, and our body comes into neurohormonal balance. The action of hormones is enhanced by endorphin proteins, which cause peace and calm joy. But after some time, the body gets used to this state, and we stop feeling it as pleasant. Then again there is a need to find agreement with oneself.

And how do we feel inner discord?

S. T.: It arises from negative emotions – feelings of guilt, anxiety, anger, self-doubt. And it feels like stress. Some people – vagotonics – react to a stressful situation with slow functioning: the pulse becomes less frequent, pressure decreases, breathing volume decreases and muscle tone decreases. Their complete opposite is sympathicotonic. Their body experiences stress actively: pressure rises, heart rate quickens. But in both those and others, brain activity changes in almost the same way: the subcortical regions are activated, led by the hypothalamus, which are responsible for emotions. At this time, hormones that break down fats and carbohydrates are most actively produced. This provides a quick energy supply to the body and helps it overcome a stressful situation.


What can we do to be more at peace with ourselves?

S. T.: Make sure that life is varied, set realistic goals: by solving them, we will feel satisfaction and harmony with ourselves. In addition to family and work, we need something else, something truly our own: hobbies, communication with

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