We all ate together, but I was poisoned alone: ​​this is possible

We all ate together, but I was poisoned alone: ​​this is possible

Everybody ate an orange, I was the only one poisoned … It would seem that we all have lunch and dinner at home “from the same pot.” Or at a picnic we eat the same – from the same table. But for some reason, suddenly the disease overtakes only one of the company. How is this possible, since everyone ate the same thing? To understand the situation, a professor at the I.M. Sechenov, Doctor of Medicine, gastroenterologist-hepatologist Aleksey Bueverov.

Is it possible. There are two options here. 1. Germs entered the body with the dirty hands of the one who ate. For example, he simply did not wash his hands after using the toilet. 2. As they say, out of luck: he got exactly the piece where the microbial colony formed. He ate this colony. And others did not get caught – either at all, or a smaller number, and they remained healthy. For the disease to manifest itself, the amount of infectious material must be sufficient – for someone more, for someone less.

It is important to understand one simple diagram. Microbes live in feces. And if a certain number of them enter the body – through the mouth and not otherwise, you get sick. And it gets in two ways: from the person who made this product, or from the person who ate this product. In principle, there are no other ways of contracting bacterial intestinal infections (viral infections are sometimes transmitted by airborne droplets). There are especially dangerous infections that are transmitted by water, such as cholera, but feces will also be the root cause.

For infection, there must be a bacillus-releasing person who carries germs. Moreover, he himself may not be sick, he simply lives with microbes and does not feel anything. But at the same time it is their peddler. Therefore, all prevention is in one simple word – hygiene! Yes, washing your hands after using the toilet is one of the most important rules. Do not handle the product with dirty hands. This is the main point. That is, it is necessary to monitor both the purity of berries, vegetables, fruits, and the purity of hands.

First aid kit for poisoning …

… Or what drugs an adult needs to take with him on vacation.

1. Intestinal antiseptic, which acts on the cause of diarrhea – pathogenic microbes (for example, stopdiar).

2. Adsorbent for partial relief of symptoms (for example, activated carbon, enterosgel, smecta).

3. Means for replenishing the water-salt balance (for example, Rehydron, Hydrovit, Polyphepan).

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