Wday tests: how not to quit sports in the first month of classes
Fashion and beauty editors talk about their monthly sports experience and the motivation to get out of the house even in cold spring.
We all know that it is easy to buy a sports subscription – aqua aerobics, boxing, ballet and just a fitness club usually take no more in our life than a subscription – a place in a wallet. How not only to buy yourself a well-deserved watch in the gym, but also to walk away with diligence – we tell our life hacks and discoveries.
Functional training at the Raketa fitness club
Stretching Beauty Editor at Raketa Columbus Fitness Club
– My motivation should have been the proximity of the club to home – it is in my area, ten minutes by public transport. In addition, many of my friends go to Raketa – it turns out such a “get-together” when you check in advance with someone or just come and see familiar faces. It really motivates not to miss and go more often – in a club where everyone is strangers, you feel uncomfortable.
After a while, I can say that this is really a great motivation and I went to the club this month more often than to the other sections in a year – and what is it, territorial location or “herd feeling” – I think, 50/50.
Expectation: the club operates on a monthly payment system – visitors can renew their subscription every month for 1500 rubles. This is also a kind of motivation – it would be foolish to transfer money to the club’s account once a month and not even go there. I went quite often – two or three times a week, doing mainly functional training and work with my own weight, and expected that a lot of familiar faces and proximity to home would not give me the opportunity to philone. Also, in preparation for the running season, you needed at least half an hour of cardio – track or ellipse.
Reality: I am not one of those people who, having come to the club, wander around for half an hour from one simulator to another. In total, I spent about three hours in Raketa, which was enough for a leisurely warm-up, the main part of the workout and stretching.
At the first lesson, coach Anton told how he motivates his clients: “The main thing is not to frighten a newcomer with a heavy load at once, but also not to show that it will be easy – otherwise he will be disappointed in the club and will not come again. If the coach himself comes up and explains something, and in the future, even outside of the classroom, he greets the person and behaves relaxed, the client is already more pleasant to be in the club! “
In the evenings, a DJ plays in the hall – for me this is a big plus, since I do not practice with headphones. Quite light techno does not distract from classes and blocks the rumble of voices – the atmosphere is comfortable. I think it is not worth focusing on the fact that all the rugs, dumbbells, mats and fitballs that I used were new – it is clear that it is too early to judge the equipment, but so far it is in excellent condition. As well as the locker rooms, which are closed with a bracelet – it is also a pass to the club.
The only drawback for me was the lack of towels – you don’t always want to carry a heavy bathhouse with you. Also, in order to provide cheaper services in the club, it was decided to abandon the glasses – you can drink water from the fountain in the locker room or come with your own sports bottle. There are no mirrors in the club yet, but because of the transparent walls and cool lighting (what you need for a selfie), the space seems huge.
– It helped me not to quit fitness and the fact that for a month I trained with several of my friends (and each time I went there with pleasure, and not as a training routine) – and now I sincerely advise you to look for fitness near your home, especially if you take a subscription for a long time … My previous gym was abandoned precisely because of its location – if you hope to overcome yourself and adjust the work-home route in favor of sports activity in the evenings, then you are very much at risk of wasting money.
Honestly, I missed it once – the weather was so nasty that I wanted to call a taxi right from work to bed. But in the future, the location of the club on the way home from work helped both on weekdays and on weekends – if you do not trust your willpower, it will become an ideal option not to merge on the way – it still goes by the gym. I can also advise you to rent a locker at the club and keep a spare set of clothes there – in case of a meeting breakdown or force majeure, when you need to spend a couple of hours somewhere.
For a month of regular classes, I did not expect to change something drastically, so I did not take measurements. But on the fourth week I was pleasantly surprised – the stomach tightened, the contour of the thighs became more pronounced, and my masseur said that the muscles quickly became toned. At the same time, I did not really adhere to diets, I think the result would be better with them. Perhaps this was my preparation for the beach season – all that remained was to get tanned!
Personal training studio “Health and Sport”
– All my attempts to start playing sports and leading a healthy lifestyle usually ended in failure. I started, but literally after a couple of classes I became lazy, and I began to look for excuses for myself. Like “Oh, my stomach hurts today” or “I’m tired and I want to rest a little.” Thus, one day I just resigned myself to my laziness and faced the truth: me and sport are incompatible concepts. So, this time it was very difficult for me to come up with motivation for myself. In the end, I already know everything about myself and my conscience practically does not torment me because of this.
Expectations: Personal training studio Health and Sports is a very cozy place, quite unlike the usual fitness room. All workouts here are individual or in mini-groups. There are several areas: rehabilitation training, wellness training and Pilates. In addition, before choosing something from the proposed, you can consult with a neurologist-patient and nutritionist. Thanks to communication with a specialist, by the way, I learned a lot about myself – I won’t say what is good – and this strengthened my motivation. An hour’s Pilates class, which I chose as a load, is not cheap – 3500 rubles. This is definitely not to be missed.
Reality: On the first day, I came to the Center not to start training, but to see a doctor. Neurologist Alexander Galagan asked me in detail about my well-being and my health, and also made an examination. The result, for me personally, turned out to be disappointing: curvature of the spine, incorrect positioning of some bones and joints, flat feet … True, the doctor said that even such problems can be solved with the help of training. I chose Pilates as my workout, because I already had experience in training, and I really liked the result. Of course, this Pilates in the Personal Training Studio had nothing to do with the Pilates that I did in the group in the fitness center near my home. I trained twice a week with probably the best coach in the world, Masha Efremova. We trained exclusively on special simulators developed by Josef Piletes himself. Reformer, trapeze, barrel, chair – all of this was new to me. And it turned out that the result from such exercises is visible much earlier than from ordinary training. A month later, even earlier, my flabby hips gained tone and shape, my abs strengthened, and my posture, although it did not become ideal, nevertheless improved a little. The most important thing is that I began to feel better already in the third lesson. So, I wanted to quit training altogether. Like my appetite for eating, motivation came to me during exercise, which was a real discovery for me.
My advice: to stay motivated and stay on top of your workout, choose the workout that works best for you. If you don’t know your preferences yet, try the ones that are closest in spirit and feel free to choose. Pilates was perfect for me: individual training, toned body, well-being – all this is my motivation!