Wday tests: an overview of sos procedures for an early vacation

Wday tests: an overview of sos procedures for an early vacation

The most disciplined of us prepared for the long-awaited summer vacation in six months: they visited the gym and a massage therapist, limited themselves to sweets and did not forget the beautician. Read below about where to run when it’s not about you.

– Due to my busy schedule, I visit the gym sporadically. Of course, there are few non-surgical procedures that could replace it, but it’s worth a try – the skin tightens from pressure therapy, vacuum massage smoothes cellulite, and wraps remove excess fluid from the body. Before the vacation, it is worth giving yourself a couple of days for “relaxation” in order to go to rest with your brains already tuned in to rest.

Delightful Forms program. Scrub and corrective massage at L’Occitane SPA

SPA on White Square you feel like in the South of France – quiet and warm, very atmospheric, one of the few rooms where nothing really can distract from relaxation. Almond scrub exfoliates excess, and massage with L’Occitane branded almond oil not only prevents stretch marks, but is also very pleasant.

Result: in five procedures, which can be done in just a couple of weeks, the thigh line became clearer, the fat above the knees grew, and the skin tightened. By the way, after the scrub the tan lays down better!

Price: 5000 rubles / session.

Go massage to Atreya Ayurveda SPA

Goi massage is a traditional Indian technique, when the body is kneaded first with hands, and then with linen bags with herbs. A trip to Atreia is a mood-setting adventure: first, the masseur works on the points on the forehead, temples and the back of the head with a mixture of oils (almond, olive, ghee), and then goes down to the shoulders and so on to the very feet. It is done in four hands – with hot bags you need to tap the whole body along special trajectories studied by Ayurvedic sciences a thousand years ago.

Result: thanks to the heat, fatty deposits are broken down, and the skin becomes toned and firm. When the masters switch from tapping to rubbing movements, a good peeling is felt – it prepares the skin for sunburn and cleanses the body of dead cells.

Price: 5650 RUB / session

Yulia Gaponova, managing editor

Five in one body shaping treatment at Tori Cosmetology Center

To achieve the best results in the dream of an ideal figure, experts recommend combining several technologies (specifically for each type of body fat). At the Tori cosmetology center, I was offered to try a new procedure that contains five technologies.

During the first stage, problem areas are treated with a special attachment, which simultaneously creates vacuum, rotation and provides RF heating of the skin. Due to this, active tissue stimulation, strong lymphatic drainage occur.

At the second stage (if it is necessary to “break up” solid fat deposits), the problem areas are exposed to high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU technology), as a result of which the fat cells are broken down.

During the final stage, ultrasonic cavitation (US) and radio wave monopolar lifting (RF-lifting) are applied, which affect areas with more liquid fat (inner thighs, arms). In addition, one of the sessions includes lifting, removal of local fat deposits (lipolysis) and lymphatic drainage.

Result: this cutting-edge technology-based procedure combines as many as five technologies! It is clear that you should not wait for a miracle and the problem will not go away by itself in one session. But! If cellulite does not bother you yet (that is, you think that it is there, but the specialist reassures you that this is not even the initial stage), then you will notice the effect almost the next day. For example, I lost excess fluid, the skin (on the thighs and abdomen) became smoother, and the volumes decreased slightly. Imagine what will happen when I complete the entire course!

Price: from 8000 rubles / session.

Olga Turbina, gossip editor

Vacuum massage in the private office of Evgeny Litvinov at 4, Konny lane

Cupping massage is a procedure during which the body is exposed to a vacuum created in special cups intended for massage.

The use of cupping massage is to improve lymph circulation and blood circulation in tissues. To be honest: it hurts indescribably! Feeling as if skin were being pulled from meat. It is very difficult to withstand such a procedure. It is better to foresee everything before you decide. May it be the day you are in a good mood, the middle of your menstrual cycle and Bali tickets in your pocket. Hopefully, then you will be warmed by the thought of perfect legs, which will be proudly displayed on the beach.

Result: something, and the effect will really please you. This massage is considered one of the most effective in the fight against hated cellulite. So if you need to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time, then cupping massage is a faithful assistant! After the first session, you will see the difference and each time passing by the mirror, you will hang for a few minutes with the thought that your skin did not look so perfect even in the best years! True, it is worth considering the fact that, according to my masseur Eugene, I have a far from advanced stage. Therefore, it was not so difficult to tidy up the skin.

Price: a single visit will cost you 3500 rubles, and if you decide to buy a card for 10 sessions, 28 thousand rubles.

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