Ways to shrink. Types, causes, home remedies for muscle spasms

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Contraction and relaxation are the two basic functions of skeletal muscle that cause movement. Intentional contraction and relaxation of muscles is a natural and almost unknowing activity for humans.

Jak skutecznie poradzić sobie ze skurczem?

Skurcz i rozkurcz dotyczą zarówno mięśni poprzecznie prążkowanych (zależnych od naszej woli), jak i gładkich (niezależnych od naszej woli, np. w przełyku) – a także prążkowanych komórek mięśniowych serca, których ruchy nie są zależne od naszej woli.

A special case of contraction is a cramp – an unintentional sudden shortening of a muscle, which is most often accompanied by pain. Common causes of cramps include trauma of all kinds, prolonged fatigue, stress, and magnesium or potassium deficiencies, or muscle hypoxia. When struggling with cramps, we struggle with pain, but also with limited mobility of a given part of the body, which can be catastrophic when swimming, for example.

Cramps are often just called contractions – basically this is not inappropriate, as they are one type of contraction: very unpleasant and usually unintentional, but physiologically similar to the ones that make us move. What should I know about this characteristic type of contraction?

Cramps – where do they come from?

A frequent reason for the occurrence of this type of ailments is both practicing competitive sports (when muscles are often overworked) and not practicing sports at all, especially in combination with an improper diet, impaired water management of the body and deficiencies in the elements involved in the transmission of nerve impulses. The most important of them are calcium, potassium and magnesium, the daily requirement of which for an adult is 1000, 4700 and 400 mg, respectively.

Cramps in the legs are especially unpleasant. Long-lasting calf cramps caught while sitting at work, cramps in the toes in winter, when we wear boots or at night, appearing out of nowhere thigh cramps that refuse to let go – they can all be a symptom of calcium, magnesium or potassium deficiencies, as well as the result of improper lifestyle.

If you have cramps, order For Cramps – a herbal-fruit tea available at Medonet Market. You can also apply a special monastic lining to the skin around the Musculus Klimuszko muscles, which has a soothing and relaxing effect.

Home remedies for leg cramps

When we experience a contraction, we usually instinctively reach for the best possible therapy – mechanical stretching of a rebellious muscle with the help of the hand. Relief in the contraction of the thigh muscles is usually brought by massaging the painful area, especially if we support the massage with warming up, e.g. using a warm towel or massager. We do the same in the case of calf cramps. The FASCIQ TRIO set of massage balls and rollers may prove to be helpful. Warming up, you can also use TAVON 300ml ointment for contusions and injuries, available with a spatula.

Most often we deal with the cramps of the toes by gently stretching the muscle to its entire length.

Try the Relaxing and soothing gel for muscles and joints with devil’s claw, which has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-swelling effect.

At Medonet Market you can also buy special compresses that will help you make warm compresses when the cramps appear. Compression bands are also recommended, e.g. for the calf and ankle joint – OS1st FS6 + in black, white, pink or yellow.

Once we have dealt with the contraction that has already occurred, we should ask ourselves what may have caused it and take some simple steps that may prevent us from having this unpleasant experience again.

To avoid cramps, make sure you get enough moderate exercise each day: for example, by doing light exercise or yogic stretching. You should also drink at least 1,5 liters of water a day – it is worth ensuring that it is mineral water, thanks to which we can count on an adequate supply of the body with the elements necessary for the proper conduction of nerve impulses. For this purpose, it is worth starting appropriate supplementation. Try the DuoLife Prostic dietary supplement, the natural composition of which strengthens the muscles and minimizes the risk of cramps.

Muscle spasms: neurological causes?

Most skeletal muscle movements respond to neurological impulses that arise in the cerebral cortex. Information that activates calcium channels is transmitted to the motor neuron. The ingress of calcium into the cell activates the neurotransmitter, i.e. a substance that transmits information to the next cell – nerve or muscle. In the case of a muscle cell, we are dealing with an effector. The neurotransmitter influences the activation of potassium and sodium channels in the muscle cell, thanks to which the action potential is accumulated. Calcium attaches to the appropriate proteins, changing their structure, which allows the muscle to twist.

  1. If you have a problem with repeated contractions, reach for Glutamine Powder, which you can buy at a favorable price on Medonet Market.

W przypadku zaburzeń dotyczących białek biorących udział w przekazywaniu potencjału czynnościowego między korą mózgową a efektorem mięśniowym mogą nastąpić różnego rodzaju problemy zdrowotne, w tym dające objawy nieprawidłowej kurczliwości mięśni. Przykładem może być popularny u niemowląt problem wzmożonego napięcia mięśniowego, związany z nieprawidłowymi czynnościami nie w pełni wykształconej kory mózgowej malucha. Tego rodzaju problemy zwykle rozwiązuje się przy pomocy rehabilitacji zaleconej przez neurologa, która wspomaga korę mózgową, stymulując odpowiednie reakcje mięśniowe.

If you have frequent cramps, consider having preventive examinations that specifically target muscles, bones and joints. Buy the fit & active test package – diagnostic blood tests or tests for athletes – home blood collection today at Medonet Market.

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