Ways to ignore a person

Hello! It doesn’t matter how sociable you are, how you can deal with conflict situations, stand up for yourself, and so on. Sometimes there are moments when it is really necessary to be able to move away from people who carry negativity and provoke scandals.

Which «reveal» your feelings and cause extremely strong emotions. Otherwise, you can lose peace of mind for a long time. And nobody needs it, because it does not bring any benefit, do you agree?

And if it is sometimes impossible to physically distance yourself from such «energy vampires», then emotionally it is quite real. Therefore, today we will talk about how to learn to ignore a person.


annoying acquaintances

It happens that we meet people who show their interest too actively and persistently. Being rude so that they fall behind is not the best option. You can just try to become less attractive to them. For example:

  • Answer briefly, using closed phrases, that is, those after which no further questions arise.
  • Avoid eye contact, if it doesn’t always work out, try at least not to smile.
  • Stand a little further than when interacting with other people. A sustained distance will subconsciously give you more freedom, that is, you will feel less stress.
  • If you find a topic that is completely uninteresting to your annoying friend, just offer to discuss it every time. And then it’s not you, but he will look for ways to get rid of you.

Ways to ignore a person


If such a situation has already arisen that it becomes necessary to ignore friends, you can tell them directly, but delicately. To bring clarity. For example, some of your life choices were not supported, so you have to listen to accusations.

So say that you want to limit communication for a while, because you don’t want to be constantly in tension because of them. Do not succumb to provocations to enter into an open confrontation.

And remember, with loved ones you can discuss what happened. But if after a while you decide to make peace with a friend, they will perceive him as an enemy who caused you pain and trouble. Not everyone knows how to forgive. So be careful. Moreover, in a conversation with strangers, rumors spread very quickly.

Ask mutual friends not to invite you to joint holidays, or ask if your “former” friend will be at this event.


Ignoring the person you love is the most difficult task. But, in principle, doable.

Tune in to the fact that you have to move away, avoid meetings. If possible, do not visit places where you can cross paths, or where you have often been together in the past. This can cause pain, and it will interfere with recovery, “heal” the wounds on the heart.

Listen to your desires during this period of time. Do not run away from communication with other people, unless, of course, it causes a lot of inconvenience.

Check out this article for tips on how to get over a breakup.

If you have become the object of love, in no case do not accept gifts from this person. Be persistent in refusing to meet and spend time together. Make it clear that you do not want to be partners, and any attempts to stand your ground will be useless. That with her attention she only makes things worse and forms a stable negative attitude.



If it so happened that you see each other periodically, then try to answer briefly in case of an attempt to start a conversation with you. In order not to leave space for questions and continuation of the conversation. You can immediately indicate that you are busy and in a hurry somewhere.

Refrain from saying something hurtful by letting your feelings out. Firstly, this will aggravate the situation, and secondly, you never know how life will turn, even with enemies sometimes you should be polite and careful. It helps to win the fight, if it is inevitable.

Therefore, keep yourself in control, but then you can give free rein to emotions. For example, shooting at a shooting range, screaming into the water, or, so to speak, “beating” a pillow helps to relieve anger without causing harm and without destroying anything.

Ways to ignore a person


In the case when a conversation with an unpleasant person is unavoidable, take with you an intermediary, someone you trust and who can help you in difficult moments. Just discuss in advance by what signs or words he will be able to understand that it’s time to connect. Or, for example, take you away, reminding you that you are limited in time.


You can block the phone number of this person and then he simply will not be able to get through to you. In case you decide to try from an unknown number, there are programs that recognize phone numbers and contacts.

How to do it:

  • iPhone. Find the name of this contact in the phone book and click on «Block caller». Also in SMS messages, click on the button «More», «Information» and at the end «Block».
  • Android platform. Go to the call settings and click on «Call Reject», after which you will see the tab «List of automatic rejections».

Also blocking in social networks will be useful. So that this person, already unpleasant for you, could not view photos, friends and send messages, as well as be aware of your location. If your account is closed, then simply remove this person from your friends. If not, then block it by going to the settings and selecting the “black list” item.


If it suddenly happened that they began to ignore you, do not panic. Just try to figure out what happened. Suddenly you really offended a loved one and just did not notice.

By admitting guilt, you will have a chance to maintain the existing relationship. The main thing is not to obsessively pursue him, in order to put pressure on him and force him to talk to you. I think you yourself understand that this will give the opposite effect. When a person who is unpleasant to you is constantly looking for a meeting, it scares and angers, and does not cause a desire to solve the problem and get closer.

Take care of yourself and be happy!

Also, we recommend reading an article about the individual psychological characteristics of a person. It will help you better understand the temperament and character of the interlocutor.

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina

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