Ways to cover a peach for the winter from the cold

Protective measures in the garden are best done in the fall – it is at this time that you should think about preparing the garden for winter. After harvesting, it is necessary to insulate the trees. Peaches are no exception, and require protection just like any other.

You can start work when 80-90% of the leaves fall off the trees. Usually, Bordeaux liquid is used for chemical protection, and intensive watering is also carried out, which can be called soil moisture charging. Before the onset of cold weather, small wood shavings are sprinkled around the trunk of trees, which is called mulching. Ways to cover a peach for the winter from the coldAlso, instead of shavings, you can use sawdust or small leaves, straw, coniferous spruce branches or sunflower husks. If in the autumn you did not find suitable material for mulching, you can cover the tree trunks with snow when it falls. How to perform this procedure, materials and how to use them can be viewed at video at the end of the recording – this will simplify your work, and you can see the simplicity of the procedure.

Sometimes a situation really arises in which the gardener may not have time to prepare the garden for winter in September-November. In this case, you can complete the preparations in the winter, with a delay, but it is important that the work is completed. In the course of work, you need to spray the trees, whitewash them and mulch them. Non-whitewashed trees begin the growing season earlier, flowering also begins early, and this is undesirable. Powdering near-stem circles protects the root system from freezing, and in spring – from overheating.Ways to cover a peach for the winter from the coldThe peach is a noble tree, and a good harvest can only be obtained when it is well looked after. Proper care will allow you to enjoy sweet fruits for a long time. Proper care includes proper garden operations, and it is also very important to carry them out on time. Since peaches are living plants with a developed personality, it is impossible to set specific dates for carrying out certain operations. Each tree requires an individual approach, even for rationing the ovary.

Peaches bear fruit well every year, and also grow quickly. Quantitative yield indicators depend on the variety, on the actions of the gardener, and on other factors that affect the tree throughout the year.

Reliable protection of peach for the winter from the cold will allow you to get a really good harvest with the onset of spring.

Ways to cover a peach for the winter from the cold

Different methods of sheltering a peach for the winter

So as a result of flowering by summer, you can get a good harvest of sweet fruits. If shelter for the winter is not provided, the tree may simply dry out in winter. Therefore, it is necessary to protect it – both from the wind and from frost. So, we have enough arguments to start preparing the garden for winter. Since the plant we are working on is quite tender and delicate, frost and wind pester it especially strongly. The most important thing to protect is the roots, basal neck, trunk and crown. Basic rules to follow help keep trees healthy and whole, and help them survive the winter. The methods of mulching, spraying and protecting the crown can be viewed on the video, which simplifies the perception of the material.

  1. The first thing to do with the earth around the tree trunk is to dig and water. Thus, water can get to a depth of up to one meter. Roots provided with moisture suffer less from the winter cold.
  2. Peach shelter is accompanied by spraying, for this, Bordeaux liquid is used. So the tree can be protected from fungal diseases.Ways to cover a peach for the winter from the cold
  3. Before severe frosts, the earth is mulched, for this you can take fallen leaves, humus, sawdust, tops or straw. The tree is mulched only when dry frosty weather comes after any other, otherwise rodents and fungus will start up in sawdust and mulch with high humidity.
  4. Next, you need to wrap the tree trunk with burlap. By doing this, you have several layers, the wood is protected from the cold, namely from freezing.
  5. It is much more difficult to protect the crown of peaches from frost. Peach is a fast growing tree, and it becomes more and more difficult to cover it every year. Despite such difficulties, this should be done every year. Conditions can be anything, however, shelter remains necessary.
  6. The process of sheltering can be different, as well as the material that is used for this. Among the most common materials are film, roofing felt, metal mesh, and even the metal from which a small frame is being built. All these materials are used in combination to create a protective layer for the winter.
  7. There is useful advice that applies specifically to peaches and apricots – the best material for sheltering trunks is agrofibre, thick paper or old wallpaper. Polyethylene, although suitable for these purposes, however, professional gardeners believe that the wood under it can rot.

A well-insulated peach brings a lot of harvest in the spring. Even the most resistant varieties can suffer during the winter, and be weakened for the summer. Whitewashing will protect the trees from frost and strong sun.Ways to cover a peach for the winter from the coldIt is almost impossible to predict how cold it will be in winter, and the peach is a tree that is very afraid of temperature changes that happen all the time. If a peach can withstand twenty degrees of sub-zero temperature without problems, then a violation of the thermal regime by ten degrees can immediately cause freezing. Such a drop, even at the initial minus 10 degrees, causes the same result. Therefore, winterizing, sheltering and keeping warm is especially important for such a contrasting tree species that decorates your garden.

The first example given of sheltering a tree is not the only way to protect it from the cold. Another way is very simple and practical, and somewhat different from the one described above. Some territories are famous for their cold weather, and in the conditions of Siberia, the fruit buds of the tree are covered so that they can withstand frost up to 25-27 degrees. Ways to cover a peach for the winter from the coldEven lower temperatures can cause complete freezing of the buds, as a result of which there will be no flowering by spring. The tree can withstand up to 35 degrees, but it’s not worth the risk and you should cover the peach in any case – it’s not difficult. But the guarantees of obtaining a crop of the highest quality increase significantly. How to make sure that the cold does not affect the buds and the tree?

  1. The first stage is bending the young tree to the ground. The lower you bend it, the less effort and material will be spent on its shelter. This is done at the end of leaf fall, in warm weather, because at sub-zero temperatures the wood can become brittle.
  2. How to do it right? It is necessary to choose in which direction it is best to bend the tree, then the pegs are hammered in, a rope is tied to them. The same is done with small branches, which are tied into a bundle and attached to the main branch. The main thing is not to break them.
  3. Old branches are cut off, it is very difficult to bend them down, broken branches are also cut off. The next year, new ones may grow in their places, so the places of cuts are smeared with garden pitch. What a bent tree looks like can be seen in the video.Ways to cover a peach for the winter from the cold
  4. So the peach is preserved until the onset of severe and constant frosts up to ten degrees. You can expect them around the end of November.
  5. The next stage of work is the shelter of the tree. Before the procedure, a special agent can be placed in the middle of the bush to repel mice and other pests. Mice, which can settle in dry places and even under snow, can eat tree bark.
  6. We make the shelter with snow, if it has already fallen out, simply by sprinkling it. Shelter height – up to 25 centimeters.
  7. Another way is dry shelter, sawdust is ideal, they can close the branches. It is not necessary to hide the root system.

Ways to cover a peach for the winter from the cold

The scheme of protection of the tree trunk from the cold

The described technology is useful in a farm where young trees are grown. For shelter, any bulk materials can be used, for example, straw, tops, and a roofing material or polyethylene film is placed on top of such material. An additional coating will help protect the tree from sputum and melted snow during the thaw. The main thing is not to overdo it, because too dense material can easily dry out a failed tree, and under it it will turn into ordinary firewood.

Peaches can be grown even in a greenhouse, where grapes are grown. There are many options for both growing and sheltering a tree for the winter, any of them may be right for you, it all depends on your capabilities and your garden.

Video “How to cover a peach from the cold”

The video below shows howcover a peach for the winter with spunbond.

Peach shelter for the winter with spunbond (lutrasil). Protection from freezing and freezing.

Author: Svetlana Galitsina


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