Ways to achieve your goal even if the world is against you

Hello, my dear readers and guests of the blog! Today I would like to discuss with you a very important topic for each of us, how to achieve your goal, how to know and go through this path to the end. After all, what in life can be more important than getting a victory over yourself, your illusions and fears?

Can we achieve our aspirations?

How often do we make promises to ourselves to start a new life, be it on Monday, be it on the first day (without specifying the month), and each time it leads to nothing: «Mondays» all go away, the numbers change, and you … and you remain in the same place. How I would like each of us to comprehend what is happening and think how sad all this is, in fact.

It is important to be able to bask in the warm rays of the sun, and not sit in the shade and freeze from the cold, in the expectation that someday you will be lucky enough to warm up. Life is a struggle and self-improvement, the pain of defeat and the power of victory. Only in these ups and downs is our power, only by overcoming laziness and fear, can we be better than yesterday, and only in this way, we become winners in life, in our life.

Convince yourself: even if the whole world is against you, you must achieve your goals. Otherwise, why do you need all this? Is it worth it to start, if not to bring the matter to its logical conclusion?

People, unfortunately, often get lost and forget that there is a difference between aspiration and action. Yes, you can desire changes (and very strongly), remind yourself of them from time to time, even try to do something to implement them, but these will only be illusions that have no basis. It is not enough to wish, it is necessary to act!

How to be? This problem is solvable. Worth it just to learn:

  • plan goals properly
  • analyze everything that happens
  • increase motivation
  • be able to use the elements of self-knowledge

Planning, we have already discussed it in great detail in the article: “How to set goals correctly in order to achieve success in any activity”

Methods for achieving goals. How do they work? Where to begin?

Genghis Khan has a very precise and correct judgment: “If you are afraid, don’t do it, if you do it, don’t be afraid, if you don’t do it, you will perish.” You need to start with confidence in victory, while being ready for trials and defeats. Here is the basic psychology of success.

Next, we will consider all those ways that will help you master the techniques for achieving goals.


Ways to achieve your goal even if the world is against you

If you want you to start moving towards your goals, learn to get out of your comfort zone and accustom yourself to everyday stress. When does it start if not in the morning? A person develops a habit of something in 21 days, then it becomes his way of life. Wake up in the morning, plan (for starters) tasks for the day, complete each item as much as possible. Give a move to the small and your resources will gradually increase.

Finally wake up your willpower and your desires! This skill will be very useful to you in the future, to conquer new heights. Don’t forget to eat right and get enough rest. Health and wellness plays an important role in this process.

If you have problems with what’s in the morning, you can’t wake up early. Then I strongly recommend that you read the previously published article on the blog. Here is the link: “How to learn to wake up without an alarm clock in the morning at the right time by following 4 simple rules.”


Remember that there is only one warrior in the field, if there is really something to fight for. The main thing is to learn to motivate yourself and think positively. Prioritize purposefulness over inaction. Be your own best motivator for change.

With all this, there is one “but”: the main thing in motivation is the golden mean. What does it mean? You can’t overdo it and chase a quick result, this will not lead to anything good, but will only add additional stress.

This mechanism is built on the fact that when we stimulate ourselves to achieve certain tasks, our subconscious mind needs the “results” of this message, so to speak, confirmation of the work done. When motivation is indiscriminate and in full swing, a person does not have time to “report” to the mind and negative consequences appear from this — fatigue, depression, hypochondria.

Always take everything according to your strength and gradually strive for new achievements!

You can read more about motivation on my blog here: “10 ways to increase motivation at work tomorrow”.


This is one of the most important links in the chain of psychology of success. The brighter the images you create, the faster they begin to be realized. It is not difficult to master this craft. For example, when you read a book, images appear in your imagination on their own, don’t they? So why don’t you try to treat visualization like you’re reading a book about yourself and your success. At the same time, create images of what you want as realistically as possible, and, believe me, they tend to come true!


Ways to achieve your goal even if the world is against you

Meditation is not to be missed. This is an effective way to improve willpower, patience, freedom of choice, a sense of proportion, precaution and inner balance. It gives you the opportunity to retire and calmly think about all the desires, thoughts, dreams. Meditation, as well as possible, reveals the ability of visualization.

By focusing on your needs and inner world as much as possible, you will achieve your goals faster. Learn to bypass the obstacles and interference of the outside world.

Clearly imagine that your path is clear and even, you walk along it calmly, easily and confidently. At the end of the path, expressively imagine your dream. Work on self-knowledge and learn to eradicate the «pictures of pests» from your imagination. After all, negative images are nothing but your fears and insecurities. Show that you are stronger than them and your path will be crowned with victory!


Tell me, what kind of people do you like the most? Without a doubt, today I will put on positivity. I’m right? So, it is not surprising, because a positive approach to business is halfway through a job well done. In easy-going people, energy is in full swing, and they joyfully share it with others. Shouldn’t we decorate this world with ourselves? When we learn to give, the time will come to receive pleasant “surprises”.

So, learn to “launch” your smile, positive and good mood into the universe. With all this, understand the difference between constructive positive and non-constructive.

Unconstructive. You can be a «fun» person in life, not particularly setting goals for yourself, and even more so their rapid achievements. Such persons are “satisfied” with their “positive”. In any case, the power of their self-hypnosis can only be envied, unfortunately, not in the best sense of the word.

Constructively. I would like to set you up for that positive that can destroy mountains! When a person knows how to laugh at fate and circumstances in the face, offering his own terms of the game. There is no right to whine and self-pity, there are only privileges for a positive attitude and success!

Say yes to yourself

When did you listen to your true desires? Can you hear them at all? If you want to achieve your goals and overcome difficulties, you will have to learn to say “yes” to yourself, and not to others. What does it mean? Let people know that kindness does not mean convenience and should not be used. In addition, never look for excuses for your refusals. Do not lie or fantasize, get to the point where you can say a firm “no” when you yourself want it!

Obstacles to achieving your goals: how to overcome them?

Ways to achieve your goal even if the world is against you

First of all, any defeat should not lead you astray, this is the main thing! Know that after it, a series of victories will surely come, if you just do not give up. Work with self-knowledge, be bolder and more determined in all your endeavors.

Do not forget to eliminate not only external obstacles, but also internal ones (coming from yourself): complexes, insecurity, shyness and fears. They can be much more of a trap on the way to set aspirations. You can read more about how to overcome your shyness here: “How to deal with shyness with methods available to everyone”.

Motivate yourself for success and invincibility, meditate, visualize and bring more triumph into your life.



I would also like to note that it is a mistake to think that happy, successful people have no problems. They just managed not to give up, not to submit to fate and circumstances. Their main victory is that they managed to defeat themselves and become better. It is worth taking an example from such people, first of all, from their willpower and courage. You also need to choose your own path to victorious laurels. Examples of successful people just show us that the impossible is possible, you just have to want and not give up!

Be positive, joyful, patient. Life favors the stubborn and unshakable! Until we meet again, friends.

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