Ways for soreness – diet, treatments, home methods, prevention

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Soreness, or delayed muscle pain syndrome, is an unpleasant ailment in tissues that have been subjected to excessive, sudden physical effort and strain.

Contrary to popular belief, the cause of pain and muscle tension is not an excessive accumulation of lactic acid in the body. Muscle sores they occur mainly in the first phase of starting training after a longer break, usually on the second day after loading the muscles, and are caused by the occurrence of microdamages in the muscles that, not being prepared in advance, received a heavy load as a result of too strenuous training or an accident.

Muscle sores they usually occur over large areas of the body and sometimes even make it difficult to function and move. Ways for soreness there are many, it is worth trying which works best for our muscles, but above all, it is worth stretching properly and always warming up before training or other physical exertion. The muscles warm up and become flexible, which reduces the risk of microdamage and appearance sourdoughs. Even a short, simple warm-up known from physical education lessons at school, including bends, twists, squats, running in place or a few laps of the gym or treadmill, rompers, allows you to prepare the body for exercise.

To reduce the risk of soreness, it is worth taking regular care of your joints from the inside. Reach for Aqua Kick Flex for healthy bones and joints OstroVit available at a favorable price on Medonet Market.

If soreness occur as a result of intensive training in the swimming pool, it is worth using saunas or jacuzzis that are often located within the swimming pool, as well as trying to warm up the muscles affected by painful sourdoughs just swimming in the pool. These ways to sore can be used alternately. After swimming, it is worth moving to a body massage, relaxing water in the jacuzzi, and then warming up the muscles in the sauna. Sauna has a positive effect on well-being, the body’s metabolic processes, immunity and blood circulation.

Great way to sore muscles there is also a hot bath, preferably with the addition of essential oils. Hot water allows your muscles to relax and rest, while essential oils – preferably lavender, spruce or palmarosa oil – relax and relieve pain.

Alternately pouring hot and cold water over the body can also provide pain relief sourdoughs.

For soreness, you can use Poplar liniment for overload, which naturally warms up the muscles and helps them regenerate faster.

Massage, both professional and performed by yourself or by a close person, works great for tense, sore from sourdoughs muscles. In order to perform it, you can use the VITAMMY BODY 1 body massage gun, which perfectly massages the muscles, reducing pain and relaxing.

The right thing is important when you start training dietwhich, by the way, helps to prevent occurrence sourdoughs and mitigate their effects. Proteins help muscles regenerate quickly, and vitamin C has a positive effect on the circulatory system and strengthens the body. One of the known and appearing among sports forums ways to sore is drinking cherry juice. Cherries contain a large amount of flavonoids – antioxidants, i.e. substances that support the regeneration of the body, and also relieve pain thanks to their anti-inflammatory effect. Another soothing product sorenessWe can find vinegar in our home pantry. Lubricating tense and painful muscles with vinegar or compresses made of vinegar help relieve pain and reduce discomfort. The vinegar used for compresses should be diluted so as not to irritate the skin at the site of the compress. When speaking sourdoughs It is not advisable to drink beer and other types of alcohols – they will not help in tissue regeneration, and thanks to their calorific value, they may counteract the effects of training.

Few people are aware that herbs can also help with sourdough. Try Activity – a natural herbal blend of Lorem Vit. The active substances of the preparation support the body in regeneration after training, reduce muscle inflammation and help in getting rid of soreness.

Compresses on the affected muscles sourdoughs can also be made with special foil bags filled with cooling gel (so-called ice-packs, available at pharmacies).

Muscle sores may last for 5 to 7 days. This time is needed for the body to rebuild tissues damaged as a result of microtrauma. Muscles are also strengthened by regenerating. Thanks to this, with regular training, the risk of formation sourdoughs it decreases gradually and over time it no longer interferes with everyday functioning.

To alleviate muscle acidification, reach for the Hard STING roller with FASCIQ® Foam nubs and massage your body where it needs it. It is also worth introducing to your diet the HMB supplement (beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate) OstroVit powder, which soothes the acidity of the body.

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