Ways for soreness

Ways to sore muscles is something that every athlete training intensively should know. Sore muscles are the reaction of muscles to exercise – pain and discomfort can persist for several days. Below we present proven ways to deal with leaven and what to do to prevent them from happening.

Where do they come from and what are soreness?

Soreness is a syndrome of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (called Postexercise Muscle Soreness or DOMS). The cause of the pain there are microdamages to the muscles that occur during intense, rapid exercise, especially if it is not preceded by a warm-up.

Many people also exercise sporadically or play recreational sports when the opportunity arises. Muscles that are not used to exercise, additionally unprepared by warming up, react with excessive stimulation and stretching, which causes microurazy.

Muscle pain after such physical exertion may persist for up to 7 days. During this time, the muscles regenerate, and if physical exertion is undertaken regularly – they will become stronger and stronger after some time. the problem of sourdoughs it will disappear on its own.

In order to help yourself in the event of sore muscles, it is worth rubbing poplar liniment into sore muscles, which is pleasantly warming and has anti-inflammatory properties. In turn, prophylactically and as an aid in muscle regeneration, you can use Aqua Kick Flex for healthy bones and joints. OstroVit – a dietary supplement available at a favorable price on the Medonet Market.

Effective methods for soreness

When, however soreness will appear, it is worth trying one of the proven ones ways to relieve the pain they cause.

One of the ways to sore is to drink it before intense training cherry juice. You can also drink it after training. Cherries have a high content of flavonoids and anthocyanins, i.e. compounds with strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. This has a positive effect on the condition of the muscles, prevents formation sourdoughsand also relieves existing pain.

Herbs, such as fenugreek seeds and nettle, can also help with leaven. Activity – you can order the natural herbal mixture of Lorem Vit at a favorable price on the Medonet Market. The active ingredients of this supplement support the body in faster regeneration after training and reduce tension and pain.

Another proven one way to sore muscles is going after training to saunas. The temperature in the sauna is high, which makes the muscles relax and hurt less after intense physical exertion. A visit to the sauna also improves circulation and oxygenates the body, which has a positive effect on its condition. However, it should be remembered that there should be a gap of several hours between training and visiting the sauna. If we go to the sauna right after exercise, it will additionally weaken the muscles instead of relaxing them (and us).

A good one way to sore muscles it is also possible to undertake the next physical exertion as soon as possible. Light exercise is great for relieving pain associated with sourdoughs. It is best to go to the pool and swim a few lengths. The pain should then go away. Water has a relaxing effect and helps to relax tense muscles. For this reason, it is also good to take after training (but not immediately after it) warm bath, preferably with the addition of relaxing oils and bath salts. It is good to take a shower immediately after training, running alternately cold and warm water. Such a massage will relax tired muscles and make them regenerate faster. The blood will circulate better and oxygenate the damaged tissues, accelerating the process of their healing, and this will contribute to faster relief of pain or will prevent them at all (if the microtraumas were not severe).

The VITAMMY BODY 1 body massage gun can also be used for massaging the muscles, which reduces pain and helps the muscles recover faster.

How to prevent sourdough?

The basic rule that should apply to every sports lover is to warm up properly. Unprepared and unheated muscles will surely react to the next day sourdoughs and pain complaints. Warmed up muscles become more flexible and less prone to microdamages, and that’s what they are the cause of sourdough.

Before training, you should do approx 10 minutes of warm-up. It can be a short run, a few minutes on a stationary bike, exercising on a stepper or running in place. You can also do squats, rompers, arm, hip, wrist and ankle circles. You should warm up well and make all muscle groups more flexible, with particular emphasis on those that will have the greatest share in the form of training planned by us.

Another rule to avoid soreness is the gradation of effort and training difficulty. Training loads should be increased slowly so that the muscles have a chance to get used to them and that they are strengthened, not strained. If we haven’t exercised for a long time, going to the gym for an hour and lifting heavy weights is a guarantee sourdoughs for the next day. The training should start with lighter exercises and gradually move to those with higher loads or more intense.

What not to do when soreness appears

The worst thing you can do when you get sore is to drink alcohol (including beer), exercise intensively the next day, and use painkillers. Alcohol will only seemingly remove the pain associated with soreness, and it is also quite caloric, so if you want to lose weight with training, all your effort will be wasted. Intensive training, when we suffer from soreness, will only increase microdamages and the pain will be even greater. Painkillers work only temporarily, without eliminating the cause of the pain – that is, soreness.

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