Ways for insomnia – home remedies, insomnia in pregnancy, insomnia in children

Sleep is an extremely important element of the proper functioning of the body. It is just as important as water and food, and prolonged sleep disturbance can lead to serious and dangerous health consequences, both physical and mental. An increasing number of people complain of sleep problems. Difficulty falling asleep, constantly waking up from sleep, snoring, sleep apnea, and a constant feeling of not getting enough sleep are common problems.

Insomnia can have many causes, and they are divided into extrinsic and intrinsic. The first group includes those related to the lack of behavior proper sleep hygienee.g. an uncomfortable bed, noise disturbing you to sleep, diffusing light or too high temperature in the bedroom. Intrinsic causes are primarily mental disorders, e.g. neuroses and depression, but also thyroid disease, diabetes, chronic pain and rheumatic diseases. Even one sleepless night can lower your well-being and reduce concentration during the day, both regular and long-lasting problems with sleeping can have serious consequences. When we feel symptoms of sleep problemswe are looking for ways for insomnia.

Home remedies for insomnia

The main but most important element home fight against insomnia is behavior sleep hygiene. It is necessary to ensure the comfort of sleep, which consists of many elements. In the old days, a person’s daily rhythm was governed by sunrises and sunsets, but today it is disturbed by electricity. Sleepiness increases when the pineal gland secretes melatonin, the sleep hormone. It is produced when it starts to get dark. Blue light surrounding us on all sides, e.g. from TV screens, computer monitors or from mobile phones, greatly inhibits the production of melatonin. Turning off electrical appliances and eliminating blue light will help prepare your body for sleep and give it a signal that it’s time to rest. Another one home remedy for insomnia it is important to ensure the right temperature in the bedroom, the optimal temperature is around 20 degrees Celsius. An uncomfortable bed and inadequate bedding are also common causes of insomnia.

It also has a big impact on the quality of sleep diet. The last meal should not be eaten later than on approx. 3 hours before bedtime, and the dish should be easy to digest, but filling, as the digestive functions of the body slow down at night. A good one home way it is also preparing the body for sleep through relaxation techniques and meditation. You can use appropriate soothing music or natural sounds, such as the sounds of the forest or rain, exercises related to conscious breathing or pleasant visuals. If the above-mentioned methods do not work and you still have problems with falling asleep and sleep quality, it is worth consulting a doctor. Bezsenność may be symptom of various diseasesand your doctor can diagnose and treat them.

Ways to combat insomnia in pregnancy

The main cause of sleepless nights in pregnant women it is impossible to lie down in a comfortable position. You cannot sleep on the stomach, and from about the 6th month of pregnancy, it is not recommended to sleep on the back, because the uterus may put pressure on the blood vessels and cause problems with blood circulation, and thus may cause breathing problems, dizziness, and even fetal hypoxia. You can only sleep on your back in a semi-sitting position. It is advisable to sleep on the left side. However, when a woman absolutely wants to lie on her back, it is effective way to insomnia ordinary pillows may turn out. You just need to put a few under your head and upper back, and a small pillow under your belly, under your bent knees, and even under your feet. Not recommended pregnant women drinking strong tea before going to bed. It can be replaced with herbal infusions with a relaxing effect, e.g. chamomile, lemon balm or lavender infusions. An effective home remedy for insomnia it is also possible to drink warm milk before going to bed. Pregnant women they must also remember about magnesium, a deficiency of which is the main cause of night cramps. It’s worth to diet introduce larger amounts of nuts, buckwheat and bananas.

Ways for insomnia in children

Children need more sleep than adults. The quality of sleep directly affects their development, concentration, learning and irritability. Reasons for insomnia may result from the child’s natural physical and mental development. In babies, it causes sleepless nights there may be colic or eruption of milk teeth, and in adolescents a storm of hormones. Here the only one way to insomnia there is patience. However, if insomnia has a different background, first of all, care and hygiene of the child’s sleep should be adjusted to the child’s age and individual needs. Effective in older children way to insomnia is to eliminate naps during the day and increase his physical activity. You should also teach your child to adjust to a regular lifestyle so that he wakes up and goes to sleep at the same time. Parents should also ensure that the child’s bedroom is quiet and has adequate darkness. If these actions do not help, see a specialist with your child.

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