Watermelon tincture: 2 recipes for vodka and alcohol at home

Since the watermelon itself is a very non-standard fruit, the preparation of high-quality tinctures based on it is a rather non-trivial process. However, the original refreshing result is worth ignoring the established stereotypes.

At the same time, watermelons must be chosen very ripe. As an alcoholic base, good vodka or a 45-degree water-alcohol solution is best suited (we do not recommend brandy or cognac, since its rich flavor bouquet will easily clog the watermelon component).

They also make from watermelon: liquor, moonshine, syrup

Watermelon tincture on vodka

According to the preparation technique, the drink offered below should be classified as a liqueur, but based on organoleptics, it is, of course, a tincture.

List of ingredients

  1. Watermelon pulp without seeds – 600 g

  2. Vodka / alcohol solution – 400 ml

  3. Fructose or regular granulated sugar (optional) – 50-100 g

  4. Vanilla sugar (optional) – 10 g

Method of preparation

  1. Grind the pulp (preferably taken from the core) manually or with a blender to a gruel state.

  2. Transfer the puree to a saucepan, bring it to a boil, then make the smallest fire and evaporate the substance until its amount reaches 40-30% of the original volume (at the same time, it is extremely important that the pieces of pulp do not burn, sticking to the walls or bottom of the pan ).

  3. Cool the result to room temperature, pour into a glass jar and pour alcohol.

  4. Mix well the future drink and taste it. If desired, add vanilla sugar and fructose. If the tincture does not seem strong enough, you can add a little more alcohol.

  5. Place a tightly closed container for 10 days in a dark, warm place, not forgetting to shake it vigorously every 2-3 days.

  6. Filter the tincture through cheesecloth. Put the gauze itself with pulp in a colander and let the remaining liquid drain into the drink on its own.

  7. Bottle the finished result and leave for 3 days in the cellar or refrigerator. Store there for up to a year. Serve chilled.

Watermelon tincture on alcohol

This original recipe allows you to prepare a drink and an appetizer at the same time. For its implementation, it is necessary to have at hand a long and thin metal knitting needle and a syringe that is as capacious as possible, equipped with a decent needle.

List of ingredients

  1. Whole watermelon – 5-7 kg

  2. Vodka / alcohol solution (if desired, can be replaced with wine or martini) – 400-500 ml

Method of preparation

  1. Wipe the watermelon and pierce it with a knitting needle in the area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe tail. It is necessary that the needle reaches the cavity inside the fetus. If this does not happen, you will have to do the operation again.

  2. Draw alcohol into a syringe (preferably from a glass) and gradually pour it into the hole communicating with the cavity. At the same time, from time to time you need to pause, allowing the watermelon to release air.

  3. After the end of the procedure, carefully isolate all the holes made. In our opinion, it is best to close the puncture with a piece of food-grade plastic cut from the bottom of a disposable cup and seal it with tape.

  4. Place the watermelon in a bag and hang it upside down somewhere in a cellar or other cool dark room for 8-10 hours.

  5. After the specified period, the watermelon must be depressurized, the liquid formed from it must be drained into a glass jar, and the fruit itself cut into slices and carried to the table along with the drink.

  6. The tincture is best served in an appropriately sized decanter.

Relevance: 08.08.2017

Tags: Liqueurs, Liqueurs, Tinctures, Recipes for tinctures

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