Watermelon calories per 100 grams of pulp
What does a watermelon consist of, how many calories are in it and is it possible to lose weight thanks to it – let’s deal with the experts

With food, a person receives vitamins, minerals and energy that he needs for the body to work. All these indicators are united by the concept of “food value of the product”, which is indicated on the packaging of the product.

Watermelon is usually sold without a label, so you can’t find out its composition and energy value just by reading the label. We will find out how many calories are in this product, what vitamins and nutrients it contains.

How many calories in 100 grams of watermelon

Watermelon is considered a low-calorie food, as it is 91% water. Despite the high glycemic index (75-80 units), it is actively included in the diet during diets.

Average calorie content30 kcal
Water 91,45 g

The chemical composition of watermelon

The chemical composition of watermelon is quite diverse. It includes water, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and other substances. The product has a high content of lycopene: in 100 grams – about 90,6% of the daily requirement. Lycopene is an antioxidant with anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties (1) (2). Another useful substance in watermelon is citrulline, which improves blood flow and positively affects the work of the heart muscle (3).

Nutritional value of watermelon

Watermelon contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Of the fat-soluble vitamins, it contains vitamins A, E, K and beta-carotene, and of the water-soluble vitamins B1-B6, B9 and C. Of the minerals, watermelon contains calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, etc. Dietary fiber in its composition, they normalize metabolism, cleanse the kidneys and liver, and lower the level of cholesterol in the blood (4).

Vitamins in 100 g of watermelon

Vitamin Quantity Percentage of Daily Value
A28,0 μg3,1%
B10,04 mg2,8%
B20,03 mg1,6%
B30,2 mg1,1%
B44,1 mg0,8%
B50,2 mg4,4%
B6 0,07 mg 3,5%
B9 3,0 μg 0,8%
C 8,1 μg 9,0%
E 0,1 mg 0,3%
К 0,1 μg 0,1%
Beta-carotene 303,0 μg 6,1%

Minerals in 100 g of watermelon

Mineral Quantity Percentage of Daily Value
Hardware0,2 mg2,4%
potassium112,0 mg2,4%
Calcium7,0 mg0,7%
Magnesium10,0 mg2,5%
Manganese0,034 mg1,7%
Copper0,047 mg4,7%
Sodium1,0 mg0,1%
Selenium0,4 μg0,7%
Phosphorus11,0 mg1,6%
Fluorine1,5 μg0,0%
Zinc0,1 mg0,9%

BJU table

The basis of proper nutrition is a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet. When these indicators are balanced, a person receives the amount of energy he needs, controls his appetite and feels good. 100 grams of watermelon contains almost 0,8% of the daily requirement of protein, 0,2% of fat and 2,4% of carbohydrates. The product is rich in mono- and disaccharides (11,6%), among which glucose and fructose predominate. It contains no starch, only trace amounts of maltose and sucrose.

ElementQuantity Percentage of Daily Value
Proteins0,6 g0,8%
Fats0,2 g0,2%
Carbohydrates7,6 g2,4%

Proteins in 100 g of watermelon

ProteinsQuantity Percentage of Daily Value
Essential Amino Acids0,21 g1,0%
Replaceable amino acids0,24 g0,4%

Fats in 100 g of watermelon

FatsQuantityPercentage of Daily Value
Unsaturated fatty acids0,045 g0,1%
Omega-30,019 g1,9%
Omega-60,013 g0,1%
Saturated fatty acids0,024 g0,1%

Carbohydrates in 100 g of watermelon

CarbohydratesQuantityPercentage of Daily Value
Mono – and disaccharides5,8 g11,6%
Glucose1,7 g17,0%
fructose3,4 g9,9%
sucrose1,2 g
Maltose0,1 g
Fibre0,4 years2,0%

Expert opinion

Fitness and sports nutritionist, founder of the Caloriemania healthy lifestyle and nutrition project Ksenia Kukushkina:

– For those who care about their figure or trying to lose weight, eating watermelons is possible and necessary. The watermelon season is not so long as to limit yourself, and then bite your elbows all winter and wait for the next summer. However, do not forget that watermelon is a source of fast carbohydrates that are best consumed in the morning. Be sure to include its energy value in your calculation of the daily requirement of kilocalories.

Benefits of watermelon:

1. 90% consists of water, which means it promotes hydration;

2. despite the large amount of sugar, watermelon contains only 27-38 kcal per 100 g;

3. causes a feeling of satiety, thanks to fiber;

4. contains many vitamins and useful trace elements.

There is even a watermelon diet, but you should not go for such feats. With mono-diets, the body does not receive the macro- and micronutrients it needs. And after spending a fasting day on a watermelon, you can lose 1-2 kg in weight. But it will not be fat, but just water. Therefore, it is better to eat fully and properly, and add watermelon for dessert, instead of cakes and cakes.

Certified nutritionist, member of the public association “Nutritsiologists of Our Country” Irina Kozlachkova:

– Watermelon has many health benefits, one of them is weight loss, as it contains only about 30 kcal per 100 grams. But the low calorie content of this product does not mean that you can eat it in unlimited quantities. The weight of an average watermelon is about 5 kg, and if you eat it at a time, you get the daily rate of all calories. In addition, there are lovers of eating watermelon with bread or muffins, which also leads to weight gain. Also, do not eat watermelon along with pickles, as this causes an excess of fluid in the body and swelling.

The recommended rate of watermelon is no more than 200 grams at a time. This amount does not cause a diuretic effect, so it can be consumed even 1,5-2 hours before bedtime. But if you overeat watermelon at night, going to the toilet several times at night is guaranteed to you, as well as swelling in the morning.

When choosing any diet, contact a specialist to select an individual diet for you, taking into account the characteristics of your health, contraindications, side effects of using a particular product.

Popular questions and answers

Answers frequently asked questions to readers of Healthy Food Near Me Angelina Dolgusheva, endocrinologist, nutritionist, nutritionist.

Can I eat watermelon while on a diet?

You can eat watermelon during a weight loss diet, but it’s all about quantity. Be sure to weigh your piece. How much weight does it have? Recalculate and think about what else you ate today. After all, the total amount of food in the diet is important for weight loss.

But if we are talking about a therapeutic diet, then watermelon should be treated even more carefully. The diet for patients with diabetes limits watermelon, up to its exclusion, and this is justified, because a rare person will eat 50-100 grams of watermelon, and there are a lot of sugars in it.

Is it possible to get better from watermelon?

You can get better from watermelon if you eat a lot of it, often and if a person has an unbalanced diet, because with a balanced diet, there will be very little space for watermelon.

Can i eat watermelon at night?

At night, you don’t need anything and watermelon too. Sitting at the table late at night is not a healthy habit at all. Additionally, we must understand that watermelon contains a large amount of liquid and will greatly affect the filling of the bladder. Therefore, if you do not want surprises with night trips to the toilet and swelling in the morning, then you should give up watermelon before bed.

Sources of

  1. Mi Jung Kim, Hyeyoung Kim. Anticancer Effect of Lycopene in Gastric Carcinogenesis. 2015. URL: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4492364/
  2. Yaxiong Tang, Basmina Parmakhtiar, Anne R Simoneau, Jun Xie, John Fruehauf,† Michael Lilly, Xiaolin Zi. Lycopene Enhances Docetaxel’s Effect in Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Associated with Insulin-like Growth Factor I Receptor Levels. URL: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3033590/
  3. Timothy D. Allerton, David N. Proctor, Jacqueline M. Stephens, Tammy R. Dugas, Guillaume Spielmann, Brian A. Irving. L-Citrulline Supplementation: Impact on Cardiometabolic Health. URL: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6073798/
  4. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Agricultural Research Service. Watermelon, raw. URL: https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/167765/nutrients

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