Watermelon Bonta F1

Due to its sugar content and high content of nutrients, watermelon is considered one of the most delicious treats for both children and adults. In the old days, the cultivation of watermelons was exclusively the prerogative of the inhabitants of the southern regions of Our Country, since this berry is very picky about the amount of heat and sunlight. But not everyone likes to enjoy only imported watermelons, since there is no way to control what was invested in them during cultivation.

Watermelon Bonta F1

Therefore, many summer residents and gardeners in central Our Country tried to experiment with growing watermelons in their backyards. In recent years, this task has become easier with the advent of many varieties and hybrids, which, having the shortest ripening time, also have a real watermelon taste and decent fruit size. Holland has always been one of the main suppliers of seeds of various kinds of interesting plants to the market. Therefore, it is not surprising that Bont’s watermelon, on the cultivation of which there are positive reviews in the conditions of the middle zone, was produced by breeders from the Netherlands.

Variety description

Watermelon Bont f1 is a hybrid obtained at the beginning of the XNUMXst century with the help of specialist breeders from the Dutch company Seminis, which at that time had already been absorbed by the Monsanto Holland BV corporation. Therefore, Monsanto acted as the originator of this hybrid variety.

In 2010, this hybrid was officially listed in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of Our Country with recommendations for cultivation in the North Caucasus and Lower Volga regions. But many summer residents and gardeners have adapted to use film tunnels and non-woven materials when growing watermelons. Thanks to these auxiliary shelters, the geography of growing watermelons in general, and this hybrid in particular, has greatly expanded. This hybrid variety can be found not only in the Central Black Earth region, but also in the Moscow region and in the Volga region. They also grow Bont’s watermelon in greenhouses and get quite decent fruits with good taste characteristics.

Watermelon Bonta F1

In Our Country, the seeds of this hybrid can be bought either in branded farm packages from the Simenis company or in packaging from the seed companies Gardens of Our Country and Rostok.

Watermelon Bonta refers to early ripening hybrids in terms of ripening. In relation to watermelons, this means that the period from full shoots to the ripening of the first fruit is from 62 to 80 days. At the same time, the ripening of fruits occurs quite amicably. The plants themselves look relatively compact, although they are distinguished by great growth vigor. The main whip is medium in size – it does not exceed 1,5-1,8 meters in length. The leaves are medium in size, green, well dissected. A feature of ripening is that the second and subsequent fruits on the lashes do not shrink in size.

Comment! Watermelon Bonta is characterized by the ability to tie a large number of fruits.

Moreover, the distinctive ability of this hybrid is the possibility of obtaining a crop even in weather conditions that are not the most favorable for watermelons. In particular, the Bonta hybrid is characterized by high drought tolerance.

Watermelon Bonta F1

The yield of this watermelon hybrid is at a fairly high level. On fields without irrigation (bogars), it can range from 190 to 442 centners per hectare, and only 303 centners per hectare can be collected in the first two collections. And when using drip irrigation, the yield can double or even triple.

Watermelon Bonta demonstrates high resistance to many fungal diseases, primarily to anthracnose and fusarium.

Fruit Characteristics

The fruits of this hybrid are closest to the type of watermelons of the Crimson Sweet variety. Thanks to its outstanding taste and appearance, the Crimson Sweet variety has become a kind of standard for most watermelon varieties and hybrids.

  • The bark of Bonta watermelons is very dense, therefore it is well adapted to protect the fruit from sunburn.
  • The shape is correct, closer to spherical.
  • Watermelons can grow to a considerable size. The average weight of one fruit can vary from 7 to 10 kg. The diameter can reach 25-30 cm.
  • The fruits are light green in color with dark green stripes of medium width.

    Watermelon Bonta F1

  • The flesh is firm, very juicy and crispy.
  • The color of the pulp is rich red, it tastes very sweet, almost honey. The fruits also have a very attractive aroma.
  • Watermelons are uniform in size and shape and have a good presentation.
  • Seeds of medium size, brown shade with a spotted pattern.
  •  Due to the dense peel, the fruits can be stored for a long time and can withstand almost any transportation.

Peculiarities of growing

Bonte watermelon can be grown in two ways: by sowing seeds directly into the ground or by seedlings.

Sowing seeds in the ground

This method can only be used by residents of the southern regions. Watermelon Bonte is very light and thermophilic and does not tolerate even the slightest frost. Soil temperature for sowing should be on average +12°+16°C. Seeds are kept in water with a temperature of about + 50 ° C about a day before sowing. It is best to do this in a thermos. After the seeds begin to hatch, they are planted in holes, to a depth of 6-8 cm with an interval of about one meter between them. To accelerate the growth and development of plants, seedlings can be covered with non-woven material or inverted plastic bottles with a cut-off neck.

Watermelon Bonta F1

Seedbed method

For most residents of Our Country, it makes sense to use the seedling method to grow watermelons. This will give a guaranteed opportunity to obtain a crop in conditions of a too short summer. It makes sense to grow seedlings from the end of April – the beginning of May in order to plant 30-day-old plants in the ground. First, the seeds are heated in warm water at a temperature of +50°-+55°C. They can then be germinated in warm sand or damp cloth. When small seedlings appear, the seeds are placed in separate pots, 1-2 seeds per container. The pots are pre-filled with a light mixture of sand, peat and soddy soil. Containers with sown seeds are covered with transparent polyethylene and placed in a place with a temperature of about +30°C.

After germination, the polyethylene is removed, and the pots are placed in a bright place. As watermelon seedlings grow, the temperature gradually decreases until it reaches +16°+18°C.

Watermelon Bonta F1

A month later, 5-6 true leaves form at the seedlings of Bont watermelons and it can be transplanted into open ground to a permanent place.

Advice! If June is still quite cold in your area, then arcs can be installed over the place where watermelons are grown and a dense covering material can be thrown over them.

Watermelon Bonta will do its best when grown in unshaded sunny areas with light sandy soils. If the soil on the site is heavy, then in the place where watermelons grow, you must add at least a bucket of sand per square meter.

Nitrogen fertilizers should be applied only when planting watermelons. In the future, it is desirable to use mainly phosphorus-potassium supplements. For the entire period of growth, watering can be done about 3-4 times. During the period when the fruits begin to ripen, watering is completely stopped.

Testimonials from truck drivers

Bonta’s watermelon has collected mostly positive reviews about itself, many people like it for its early ripeness, excellent taste and unpretentiousness in cultivation.

Watermelon Bonta F1

Dmitry, 44 years old, Serpukhov
Conducted an experimental planting of watermelons this year. Chose Bonta f1 and Sugar baby. I planted 4 bushes of each. I sowed seeds for seedlings on April 15. I planted in the ground in the twentieth of May, but immediately made shelters for plants from lutrasil, which I finally removed only in mid-June. I planted seedlings very densely – each plant had about 1 sq. meters. I tried to form whips, leaving only the central shoot and the strongest of the side shoots. The remaining shoots pinched after 2-3 leaves. Watermelons managed to ripen before August 20. Despite many problems, sores on the leaves, the fruits were of good size and quite tasty, even sweet. Several watermelons of Bonta ripened over 5 kg in size. True, the weather this summer was record warm, already since June. The whole of July was also hot, and in August it was quite warm.
Olga, 37 years old, Kursk region
I have been growing watermelons on my plot quite successfully for the past five years. Of course, it does not happen year after year, much depends on weather conditions. Watermelon Bonta planted several times. It grew in me relatively large sizes, up to 5 kg and even more. Seeds before sowing, be sure to germinate until the first two or three leaves appear. Then I plant it in the ground under the arcs, on which I throw a thick layer of spunbond. The fruits begin to ripen already one and a half to two months after planting the plants in the ground. Still, their watermelons are very nice.


Watermelon Bonta has all the necessary characteristics for growing it in many regions of Our Country, and not only in the southern regions. Therefore, beginners in gardening can safely advise this hybrid for their first experiments with watermelons.

Bonta F1 watermelon (Seminis) Culture in the field

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