When growing plants, it is necessary for the garden to properly organize watering. Many gardeners use ordinary plastic bottles for these purposes, using them to form a drip irrigation method. Our article will tell you what kind of system this is and how it can be organized using bottles.
Description and irrigation technology
Today, there are a huge number of ways to water the garden. The quality crop harvested from the garden at the end of the season directly depends on the correct choice and efficiency of the irrigation device. But creating a complete irrigation system is quite difficult, since not always one method will fully satisfy the needs of all plants planted in the garden or in the garden.
Today, many gardeners choose the drip irrigation system. This method is suitable both for watering unpretentious plants, and crops that are very capricious in terms of water regime. Separately, it is worth noting that in order to create a full-fledged drip irrigation device, you will have to spend significant funds on the purchase of fittings, a special tap and other pieces of equipment. At the same time, many craftsmen advise using ordinary plastic bottles for a more economical solution to the problem of watering.
From plastic bottles, you can create a high-quality irrigation system and at the same time save a lot of money by avoiding the purchase of expensive items and equipment. Most of the system here can be replaced with plastic bottles. It is also worth noting that by using this do-it-yourself approach, you will not only save money, but you will also be able to create a system for watering the entire area, and not a separate part of it. At the same time, even when you leave the cottage or garden for a couple of days, no one will steal your drip irrigation device. Bottles are a low-value commodity.
Drip irrigation is a practical method of getting water directly to the roots of plantings. At the same time, this method has a clear control, which allows to achieve the greatest effect with minimal water consumption, fertilizers and other resources introduced by the gardener into the soil.
This system consists of drip hoses or tapes and individual drippers. With the help of the latter, it is possible to control the amount of water consumed. Each dropper can pass a specific volume of water per unit time. Most often, the division of droppers by volume is carried out into 2,4 and 8 liters of water in one hour of operation.
With such a simple organization of watering, any gardener can independently replace its elements with plastic bottles. Experts recommend using this type of irrigation device, in which the droppers will be directly built into the main plastic pipe. This way you will create a linear irrigation system.
The entire operation of the drip irrigation device, created from plastic bottles, is based on a dosed water regime for plant nutrition, in which water consumption is reduced during irrigation.
It should be noted that such a drip system has the following advantages:
- does not change the composition of the soil;
- prevents water starvation of plants in the garden;
- water is supplied continuously or, if necessary, in a small amount for each plant;
- watering is carried out with heated water, which heats up in the process of passing through the pipes;
- soil moisture at a depth of up to one meter;
- the system can work in any conditions – in greenhouses, in open ground, etc.;
- the possibility of using a device for drip fertilization of plantings with liquid types of top dressing;
- a convenient system for watering both plantings and fruit bushes with trees.
The created device can have a manual type of water supply to plantings (for private gardens) or an automated system using controllers (for large crop areas).
And plastic bottles are perfect for creating such a design. But if everyone understands the principle of operation of such a device, then not every gardener will be able to make a complete and perfectly working drip irrigation system from plastic bottles with their own hands.
To date, there are several ways – simple and complex, to create drip irrigation from plastic bottles. We will give below the simplest, most affordable methods for collecting an irrigation device, which are easily implemented by hand on any garden plot.
Video “Drip irrigation with your own hands”
This video presents do-it-yourself drip irrigation from a bottle and a dropper.
Method # 1
The first method has one clear advantage – here it will not be necessary to bury the elements of the system in underground water tanks. To create an irrigation system from plastic bottles, you will need:
- pressed foam;
- bottle with a volume of 1,5-2 liters.
So, when assembling, you should be guided by the following assembly instructions:
- water is drawn into the container;
- the lid, with which the bottle is closed, is replaced with a piece of foam rubber;
- we place the bottle as close as possible to the root system.
Note. The reservoir, the role of which is played by a plastic container, should not be completely filled with water. This is done so that a small amount of air remains in the container.
Such prepared containers must be placed throughout the garden. As a result, watering of plants will be carried out almost automatically. It will be necessary to periodically simply fill the tanks with water, replenishing its losses.
Method # 2
The second method will be implemented somewhat more complicated than the previous one. But to make such a system will also be quite simple. In this situation, you will need scissors or a knife and the actual plastic bottles.
To create drip irrigation, you will need to do the following:
- take a bottle and cut off the bottom of it. In this case, the bottom itself can not be completely separated, since in the future it can be used as a cover. This will save the water in the makeshift tank from soil pollution;
- then tightly screw the lid on the neck;
- after that, in the bottle itself, it is necessary to make several holes with a small diameter. The number of holes depends on the type of soil – two holes will be enough for sandy soils, at least four for loams;
- we bury the resulting container between plantings to a depth of about 15 cm. You need to bury it with the neck down;
- after that, it remains only to fill the self-made tank with water and periodically add it as the site is irrigated.
As you can see, this way of assembling the irrigation system is quite simple.
Method # 3
This is a more complex way to organize garden irrigation using plastic bottles. The set of tools and materials here is the same as in the previous method, and the system is assembled as follows:
- in the lid, which closes the container, we make a hole;
- we build a support for bottles. Tanks can be suspended above the ground with ropes;
- you need to hang the neck down;
- we collect water in bottles.
As a result, we will get an above-ground method of irrigating plants. Some gardeners prefer to hang the tanks upside down. But then not in the lid, but, accordingly, in the bottom it is worth making holes.
For this irrigation method, it will be necessary to calculate the number of water droplets that fall into the soil in a specific unit of time. The quality of irrigation will directly depend on this parameter. Therefore, at the very beginning, small holes in diameter should be made so that in the future it will be possible to expand them.
Using any of the above methods of watering drip-type plants, you can make a quality irrigation system for your garden.
Video “Homemade drip irrigation”
To organize home-made drip irrigation, you need – a bottle, carnations, a hammer, adhesive tape or wire, water.