Landing care is a rather complicated and time-consuming task. Just watering the garden or gardens is worth something. Proper organization of irrigation is the key to a high-quality and plentiful harvest. The main thing to remember is how much water is needed for each individual variety of cultivated plants. This article will tell you about some aspects of irrigating gardens and orchards.
Watering options
Remember that watering is always carried out with drinking water, but not always cold. Some use watering from a septic tank, as here the water will be more purified. Here, water from a well, well, river, etc. is passed through a septic tank. Watering the garden with water can be done in several ways.
There are the following options for irrigating gardens and gardens:
- sprinkling;
- overlap on the formed stripes and checks;
- overlap on the formed furrows;
- surface drip irrigation;
- drip subsurface irrigation.
These options have both advantages and disadvantages. Overflow options are the simplest and easiest, but they degrade the soil structure when the land is flooded. Also an easy method of watering with water is sprinkling. But it leads to the development of fungi. At the same time, soil irrigation saves time and water, but it is more costly.
As equipment here, you can use wells, wells, sprinkler, systems from a septic tank and other tools.
Experts recommend using several methods at once for maximum efficiency and saving water and time.
Video “Wick method of watering the garden”
Through the wick, moisture spontaneously, slowly enters under the root system, which does not require any inspection and care throughout the week. The root system is easily fed.
Ways to organize
It is hard to even imagine how many ways to irrigate vegetable gardens and orchards today. Therefore, in our article we will indicate only those methods that are currently used most often. It should be remembered that the choice of irrigation method with cold and drinking water depends on several factors:
- type of plant (only then it is unequivocally clear whether they can be watered with cold or only warm drinking water);
- soil composition;
- climatic conditions;
- water availability. The presence near a river, well or well, from where you can organize a system from a septic tank or special equipment and fixtures;
- financial capabilities of a person;
- how much to water.
There are the following methods of irrigation with water:
- irrigation. Ideal for watering shrubs and trees that need a lot of water. This method is not for the lazy, as holes should be dug around the plants. Water is poured into them manually (for example, it is taken from a well), although it is not bad to use wells (you can connect a sprinkler with a hose). The use of a sprinkler here is not always effective. Only drinking water is used. Apply after the end of the growing season;
- furrow method. It is used if the plot has a horizontal slope. Again, the method is not for the lazy, as it requires complex calculations. Here you need to take into account the composition of the soil and the amount of water that will be used for irrigation. With heavy soils, the width of the furrows will be about 80-90 cm, and with light soils – 0,5 m. The minus of the method is the high consumption of drinking water, as well as the difficulty of doing everything yourself.
- drip method. Considered the best solution. It can be used on all types of sites. A special device allows you to use water very economically. Wells, wells, etc. can be used as a source of drinking water;
- sprinkling. In this case, a hose with numerous holes is used. Fluid through this equipment is supplied under pressure. The pressure that the sprinkler gives can be adjusted depending on your needs. The result is a long sprinkler. In this case, the sprinkler is laid in the ground. In addition, the sprinkler can be placed on special tripods. A septic tank is not used here, and drinking water can be raised from a well. Nowadays, this is a fairly common method of watering.
In addition, another unusual way of watering plants with drinking water is the wick method. Anyone can make this setup. Such an installation has the only drawback – the inability to control the degree of soil moisture.
Scheme of the wick irrigation method
For lazy people, a method using a pump is suitable. This is a very convenient method in terms of implementation. Thanks to the pump, you can significantly save time when irrigating large areas with potable water. The only hitch here can be considered the choice of the type of pump.
By design, pumps are of the following types:
- drainage;
- superficial;
- submersible. This group is divided into borehole (suitable for a well) and well (respectively for a well).
Separately, it is worth noting that the septic tank is used when watering young plants and is suitable for many of the methods described above.
Another fairly popular method is watering with drinking water from an automatic system. The advantage of such a system is the complete automaticity of the process of watering plants in a vegetable garden or garden with drinking water. For lazy gardeners, this is it. Wells, wells, etc. can be a source of water. It is worth noting that such a system is quite difficult to implement with your own hands.
How to make yourself
Nowadays, many people prefer to make a drinking water irrigation system for their site with their own hands. Consider the general points, the basic steps in order to make it yourself:
- preparation for work. At this stage, it is necessary to determine the type of irrigation system, the source of water (well, wells, use of a septic tank, etc.), estimate the irrigation area;
- then draw up a plan for placing the system on the land;
- buy all the necessary materials and tools that are needed in order to make the selected type of irrigation system;
- during the construction of the system, all joints of its elements must be sealed with sealant to exclude possible leaks;
- pipes / hoses of the system can be placed on special supports, dug into the ground, and also left on the soil surface;
- to prevent quick clogging of hoses or pipes, special filters should be used in the system.
At the same time, if you want to make an automatic irrigation system, you will need to purchase special electronic controllers that run on autonomous batteries. How much they cost depends on the region of the country and the type of controller.
Each type of irrigation system has its own characteristics and disadvantages. Study in detail all their advantages and choose the most suitable method for your site.
Basic principles of garden irrigation
The principles of garden irrigation include the following points:
- watering is necessary depending on the type of plant;
- it is better to irrigate less often, but more abundantly. Remember that frequent watering will bring more problems than benefits;
- under fruit trees and bushes you need to pour more water;
- watering is carried out only with settled drinking liquid;
- The best time to water is early morning or evening.
Irrigation of the garden and orchards is a necessary part of the proper care of plantings. By choosing the most optimal method of watering, you will provide your site with the necessary level of moisture and get an excellent and very tasty harvest.
Video “How to arrange watering”
Rfr to reduce the amount of effort expended, see the video.