Strawberries, like all fruit-bearing crops, need regular watering to get a good harvest. After all, it is water that transports nutrients from the soil to all plant tissues and participates in photosynthesis, without which the seedlings will not be able to fully develop. But the moisture regime at different stages of development of the bushes should be different, since their need for moisture is constantly changing. Therefore, every gardener should know how to properly water strawberries during the ripening of berries and the flowering period so that moisture does not harm the bushes.

Watering strawberries during fruiting, flowering: how often, how to water

Strawberries are a moisture-loving crop

Is it possible to water strawberries during flowering

This plant has a superficial fibrous root system, and with a long absence of rain, it suffers from a lack of moisture. Therefore, during the flowering period, even with a slight drying of the underground part of the bushes, one should not count on a good harvest. However, excessive moisture can also be harmful, as it leads to the development of root rot.

Therefore, it is possible to water blooming strawberries, but dosed, focusing on temperature and humidity. After all, early varieties of the crop form buds at the end of May, and there is still enough moisture in the soil after the snow melts, and it also rains regularly at this time. And middle and late varieties bloom in June, when hot weather sets in. Therefore, for these species it is extremely important to water the plantings in a timely manner.

Important! The lack, as well as the excess, of water during the flowering period has a bad effect on the ovary of berries.

Are strawberries watered when the berries ripen?

Watering is no less important for fruiting strawberries. A sufficient amount of moisture in the soil accelerates metabolic processes in plant tissues. But at the same time, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of water getting on the bushes. This can lead to washing off pollen and rotting of berries during their ripening period.

Therefore, it can be argued that it is necessary to water strawberries during fruiting, but moisturizing must be carried out correctly. Experienced gardeners recommend making furrows 5-6 cm deep in the center of the row spacing and pouring water from a hose into them. And also for dosed irrigation of bushes during fruit ripening, it is recommended to use drip systems. This saves energy, time and water.

Watering strawberries during fruiting, flowering: how often, how to water

Water for watering strawberries should be settled

Water quality and temperature

Moisturizing the beds with this fruit-bearing crop during the opening of buds and the ripening of fruits should be carried out with rain or settled water. And this rule cannot be ignored. After all, tap water has many impurities that prevent the absorption of nutrients from the soil by the roots. Therefore, in order for it to become useful for bushes, it is necessary to defend it for at least 12 hours. To do this, install a large tank on the site.

Watering strawberries during flowering and ripening of berries is necessary only with warm water. Its temperature should be at least +20 degrees. In this case, moisture benefits the bushes and slows down the process of evaporation of moisture from the soil. However, it is not recommended to water the plantings of this fruit-bearing crop during flowering and ripening of berries with water, the temperature of which reaches +40 degrees. In this case, the roots of the plant cannot fully absorb moisture, which reduces the effectiveness of the procedure.

Is it possible to water with cold water

Watering strawberries during the ripening of berries and flowering with cold water is not permissible, as it causes stress to the plant. After all, at this stage of development of the bushes there is hot summer weather. And the greater the difference between the temperature of air and water, the more serious the damage caused by watering the plant. It also negatively affects the inhabitants of the soil, which process organic matter into nutrients. As a result, plants during flowering and ripening of berries do not receive the necessary components, which can provoke a loss of turgor in the leaves in the sun, the development of chlorosis and weakened immunity.

Important! You can water the bushes with settled cold water only in spring in cool weather.

How often and how much to water strawberries during fruiting

Moisturizing the beds with this fruit-bearing crop at the stage of berry ripening should be carried out regularly, in the absence of seasonal rains. It is recommended to do this in the morning or evening.

During this period, the bushes experience increased stress. They simultaneously ripen berries and lay buds for the next season. Therefore, plants experience a great need for moisture, as they expend a lot of energy. And the drying of the root system threatens not only withering of already formed berries, but also with loss of harvest next year.

Watering strawberries during fruiting, flowering: how often, how to water

Lack of moisture in the soil reduces crop yields

It is necessary to water abundantly regular and remontant strawberries during fruiting, but at the same time excessive soil moisture should not be allowed. This is especially dangerous for bushes older than two years. At this age, the lower roots of the plants are already dying off, and the young superficial processes are not yet sufficiently developed. And stagnant moisture can cause them to rot. Therefore, watering during the ripening of berries should be dosed, as the topsoil dries up.

The amount of water needed depends on the type of soil. When growing this crop on loam, the soil should be moistened at the rate of 25 liters per 1 sq. m., and on chernozem – 20 liters for the same size of the area.

Watering strawberries during fruiting in the heat should be carried out daily in the morning or evening so that the bushes do not experience a lack of moisture. And at moderate air temperatures, it is recommended to moisten the plantings during the ripening of berries once or twice every 7-10 days.

How to water strawberries during flowering, fruiting

During flowering and ripening of berries, it is necessary to moisten the bed with this fruit-bearing crop so that water does not fall on the bushes. Therefore, irrigation is recommended to be carried out from a hose or using a drip system.

In the first case, water must be supplied into furrows 5-6 cm deep, which must be made in the center of the row spacing. This method helps to speed up the irrigation process during the flowering and ripening of berries, and also contributes to uniform soil moisture. You can connect the hose to any container in which water settles.

In the second case, a metered supply of water is provided directly to the root of the bushes. For this, a special system is mounted on the garden bed. It saves a lot of energy, time and water consumption. For irrigation of plants during flowering and ripening of berries, it is enough to turn on the system for half an hour in the morning or evening.

Watering strawberries with sprinkling during flowering

During the opening of the buds, it is highly undesirable for water to fall on them. This can lead to washing off pollen, which will negatively affect the formation of berries. Therefore, in order to prevent this, drip irrigation or moistening in the furrows is recommended.

Many novice gardeners are skeptical about this, as they are sure that the presence of rain during the flowering period does not affect the ovary. And this means that sprinkling of the beds can be carried out. However, this is wrong, because as a result, the crop yield is reduced by 30-40%. Therefore, in the case of prolonged rains during the flowering period, it is necessary to cover the plantings with a film, and in sunny weather, remove it.

Important! Throughout the season, it is necessary to periodically sprinkle the bushes with earth so that the roots growing from above do not dry out and can fully function.
Watering strawberries during fruiting, flowering: how often, how to water

Strawberries are best watered less often, but plentifully.

Recommendations and common mistakes

To get large tasty fragrant berries, you need to follow certain watering rules. After all, the mistakes made can cause all the efforts of the gardener to be in vain.

Key recommendations:

  1. You can not water the bushes too often, as stagnant moisture leads to rotting of the roots.
  2. After each irrigation during flowering and ripening of berries, loosen the soil between the rows so that a crust does not form on the soil surface.
  3. During the heat, you can prevent overheating of the roots by laying straw mulch.
  4. It is recommended to water and root the bushes at the same time, adding fertilizer to the tank where the water settles.
  5. Poor irrigation is not able to fill the need of plants for moisture, because the roots do not have time to absorb water, as it already evaporates.
Important! If the plants begin to fade under the rays of the scorching sun, then you should not wait for the evening, but you need to water them immediately under the root.


Watering strawberries during the ripening of berries and flowering should be done correctly, since the volume of the harvest directly depends on this procedure. Therefore, in order to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to take into account the weather conditions and prevent stagnation of moisture, as well as drying out of the roots.


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