Watering spathiphyllum: how to water and how often

Watering spathiphyllum: how to water and how often

Watering spathiphyllum requires adherence to special rules, thanks to which the plant will delight the owner with annual flowering. An imbalance in moisture can lead to leaf damage or root decay. That is why it is important to follow the irrigation scheme, as well as to use only high-quality water.

Watering rules for spathiphyllum

Spathiphyllum is a tropical inhabitant also known as “female happiness”. In addition to regular watering, it is important to provide him with a comfortable level of humidity. You can periodically wipe and spray the leaves, or install a humidifier in the room.

Hard or cold water is not suitable for watering spathiphyllum.

For this plant, only clean water at room temperature is used, which has been kept for two to three days. To figure out how to water spathiphyllum, you need to consider the following nuances:

  • During the spring-summer period, watering is plentiful, with the onset of autumn, the volumes are reduced.
  • Watering is necessary only when the earthen lump dries well. The plant will report this with drooping leaves.
  • Watering frequency depends on the season: in summer – every three days, in winter – once a week. In spring and autumn, you need to focus on the temperature and humidity level in the room. The earth should not dry out.

Without moisture, the plant will quickly die, so you cannot break the usual watering scheme. Leaving home, you need to moisten the ground well and place the flower pot in a tray filled with water.

Diseases of spathiphyllum due to improper watering

“Women’s happiness” loves water very much, but it is important not to overdo it with watering, otherwise it will only harm the plant. It is worth knowing how often to water spathiphyllum and what can happen if this regime is violated.

  • The edges of the leaves turned yellow – too hard water does not suit a potted flower.
  • The tips of the foliage turned brown – you need to humidify the air more often and spray the indoor flower.
  • Leaves drooped – watering is insufficient, it will be necessary to increase the frequency or volumes.
  • Spots appeared on the leaves – due to excess moisture, the root system begins to rot.

Sometimes the cause of leaf damage lies in the fact that parasites have settled on them. Therefore, before changing the irrigation scheme, you must definitely check the plant, making sure that there is no spider mite or other pests on it.

The frequency of watering “women’s happiness” depends on the seasonality, the level of humidity in the room and other factors. Focusing on the state of the leaves and the earthen coma, it is possible to choose a scheme suitable for the spathiphyllum.

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