Watering potatoes after planting is necessary during flowering and then weekly until the end of summer. At the same time, two weeks before harvesting, watering is completely stopped. The consumption rate is from 2-3 to 4-5 liters of water per bush, but no more. The basic rules and methods are described in the article.
Do potatoes need to be watered?
Not all summer residents consider it right to water potatoes in the open field. Opinions on this matter are often contradictory – someone believes that water must be given, others say that the culture is unpretentious, so it is enough just to feed.
It can be said that watering potatoes after planting and further during the growing season is mandatory, since all plants need water. Usually, moisture is given every week, observing the norm of 2-3 liters (up to a maximum of 5 liters) per bush. At the same time, the regularity of watering potatoes depends on several factors:
- climatic conditions of the region;
- features of the variety (there are more and less drought-resistant varieties);
- soil type.
In Our Country, most of the territories belong to the regions of insufficient moisture. There is always a shortage of rainfall here, and drought is often observed in summer. Understanding that the soil does not have enough moisture is very simple. If the surface layer is completely dry and all the more cracked, it is urgently necessary to water the potatoes so that there is a good harvest.
Among potato varieties there are drought-resistant crops that tolerate prolonged heat relatively well. These include, for example:
- Typhoon;
- Partner;
- Wizard;
- Talent;
- Award;
- Kiranda;
- Slav;
- Legend;
- Tiras;
- Neva;
- Arrow;
- Fantasy and many more.
Even these varieties need at least occasional watering (in drought, water is given weekly). This ensures a good harvest and improves taste.
Finally, the type of soil also affects the frequency of watering potatoes during flowering and ripening. If the soil is dense, loamy, clayey, black soil, then moisture is retained in it much longer. Accordingly, the frequency of irrigation is reduced. If it rains, you can not give water, and if there is a drought, it is enough to water once a week.
But in many regions the soils are sandy and sandy. Then watering the potatoes in the summer is carried out weekly, and in a drought – twice as often. To keep the soil moist longer, the aisles and plantings themselves are mulched with straw, sawdust or other natural materials.

Humidification is carried out weekly, focusing on the weather forecast
When to Water Potatoes
When planning the watering of potatoes, you should decide on the timing by drawing up an approximate schedule in advance. There is no single norm – it all depends on the weather, the type of soil and the characteristics of the culture itself. Early varieties are watered at least four times, and medium and late varieties are watered six times.
Should potatoes be watered after planting?
Watering during and after planting should not be given. Seed tubers are very small, and it is likely that some of them will rot before they even have time to shoot. This is especially dangerous if cool, rainy weather is expected. Therefore, water at first (up to flowering) should not be given. Watering can be scheduled only after germination, if the weather is too hot, a drought has set in. Then for each bush give 1-2 liters.
Do I need to water potatoes during flowering?
During flowering, watering potatoes is required. The first time this can be done after the appearance of mass shoots with a height of 10 cm or more. Then, during flowering, watering is done twice a week until the buds wither. If the weather is dry, water can be given three times a week, making sure that the surface layer of the soil is not too wet. During this period, water consumption is maximum – up to 5 liters per bush.
Do potatoes need to be watered after flowering?
After flowering, it is also necessary to water the potatoes in July, because at this moment the temperature during the day often rises above +30 ° C. If there is no rain at all, water should be given weekly, and if there is precipitation, they are guided by the state of the kidneys. Consumption is reduced to 3-4 liters for each potato bush.
When to Stop Watering Potatoes
The last time you need to water the potatoes before harvesting is 10-15 days. Even if there is a drought, there is practically no rain, water is definitely not provided. At the same time, it is recommended to mow the tops, leaving the stems 10 cm (for early varieties) or 15 cm (for medium and late). The purpose of this event is to send all the nutrients to the root crops. If you continue to water, the tubers will not have time to pour and dry well before harvesting. This will have a bad effect on keeping quality.
Thus, watering potatoes in August should no longer be. The only exceptions are late varieties that ripen in early September. They are given water for the last time in the middle or in the second decade of August. Then they wait two weeks and start harvesting.

Two weeks before harvest, moisture is completely stopped.
How often to water potatoes outdoors
The frequency of watering potatoes from a well or from other sources depends on the stage of vegetation and weather conditions:
- In the first period after planting and until the mass emergence of seedlings with a height of 10 cm or more, water is not given at all.
- Further watering is carried out according to the general rule – once a week.
- If it rains, the weather is cool, you can not give water at all or reduce the frequency – once every 10 days.
- During flowering, the maximum frequency is 2-3 times a week.
- If a drought has set in, water is given with the same frequency at all stages, including after flowering.
Two weeks before harvesting, watering is stopped completely, even if it is hot. It is impossible to water potatoes from mid-August and in September. At this point, the tubers should be completely dry so that they can be immediately sent to storage.
Is it possible to water potatoes with cold water
Almost all plants need watering with settled water at room temperature. You can water the potatoes from the water supply, but only if you first let it stand for at least 12 hours. The containers can be left outside (if the temperature does not drop below +15 at night) or brought into the room, holding at room conditions.
If you simply pour cold water from a well on potatoes, the root system can be severely damaged. It is rather weak, and tender layers can rot due to temperature changes. As a result, part of the crop will be lost, and the taste will deteriorate.
How to water potatoes outdoors
Watering potatoes from a hose can be done in many ways. The traditional option is to pour along the furrows or give directly under the root. But there is also a method of dry watering, sprinkling. The main methods are described below.
Watering potatoes under the root
If the field is small and the work is done manually, it is easiest to water each bush at the root. You can use any method of watering, for example, pour from a watering can, bucket or canister. Standard consumption – 4 liters per bush, during flowering and in the heat – up to 5 liters. You can also take a hose, but then it will be more difficult to measure the volume, you will have to work “by eye”.
Along the furrows

Furrow irrigation – an easier way than under the root
This is a more efficient way to manually water potatoes. It is suitable for small fields located on an uneven area, such as a slope. First, they take a hoe or a chopper, make several furrows with an interval of 70 cm, so that a comb remains from each edge.
After that, depressions are formed in the same way in the transverse (perpendicular) direction with an interval of 5-6 m. The ridges are cut through one on each side so that water can freely pass through them during irrigation. The rest of the waves level, compact the furrows. Earthen ramparts are formed around the perimeter so that they do not allow water to drain.
Then they give irrigation to the potatoes and after 3-4 days they loosen the soil, rake earthen heaps in those places where they have been washed away. The procedure is carried out twice – after hilling, and then after the end of flowering.
Irrigation of potatoes by sprinkling
Manually watering potatoes is not always easy. Therefore, convenient and inexpensive mechanized methods have been developed that are available to almost all summer residents. One of the simple methods is sprinkling. This is the name of the irrigation system from sprayers installed at a certain interval along the furrows. They imitate rain, thanks to which moisture flows evenly, and the entire field is thoroughly moistened.
There are a lot of advantages to this method of watering potatoes:
- saving time and effort;
- you can work even on relief areas;
- imitation of rain – the conditions are as close to natural as possible;
- easy to calculate the volume and regularity, you can change the intensity;
- You can also give liquid supplements at the same time.
There are also disadvantages. They are associated with the costs incurred during the installation of the system, its maintenance, as well as the consumption of electrical energy. If the region is arid and the soil is dense, then moisture will not go to great depths – puddles will remain on the surface. In these cases, you still have to periodically water the potatoes manually.
Dry watering
This is one of the classic methods, which comes down to traditional watering from a watering can or hose, but in combination with mulching and hilling. It is most often used in regions with excessive moisture, for example, in the Far East. As mulching materials you can use:
- cut grass, including green manure;
- sawdust;
- hay;
- straw.
Mulch retains moisture well in the soil, protects it from overheating and hypothermia. In addition, it inhibits the growth of weeds, enriches the soil with nutrients and even repels some pests.

Landings can be mulched with straw
In order for dry watering of potatoes to proceed correctly, several recommendations must be followed:
- After the first moistening, hill each bush.
- Before flowering, another 2-3 procedures are required.
- After flowering, loosen the soil between the rows.
Signs of improper irrigation
When planning the watering of potatoes, it is necessary to observe the timing, volume of water and regularity. Damage can be caused by both lack and excess moisture. In the first case, the following symptoms are observed:
- leaves wither, fall, sometimes brighten;
- bushes grow slowly;
- inflorescences do not open for a long time;
- shoots begin to dry out.
If there is a lot of water, the main signs are as follows:
- leaves droop and turn dark;
- weeping spots appear on the stems, sometimes with a touch of fungus;
- tubers rot.
Features of watering early varieties
When planning the irrigation of potatoes, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the variety. Early varieties consume water very actively, but the total volume must be reduced. As a rule, 2 liters are spent on one bush, during the drought period – 3 liters.
The maximum water consumption occurs at the stage of bud formation and flowering. In this case, in a drought, watering is given 1-2 times with an interval of seven days. After all the inflorescences have opened, they are watered in small volumes (up to 2 liters per bush) no more than once every 10 days. The total number of procedures is three times per season.
Watering the potatoes after planting in the first two weeks is not required. The procedure is started after shoots with a height of at least 10 cm appear. Water is given especially intensively during the flowering period and during drought – at least once a week. Irrigation liquid should be settled, cold water is not recommended.