Gardeners and flower growers successfully use vodka in home gardens for a variety of purposes – from growth stimulation and treatment to pest protection. But the treatment with alcohol solutions in agriculture is not used due to the high cost and poorly understood mechanism of action. In this article, we will figure out whether it is possible to water plants with vodka and in what cases it helps.
Acceleration of maturation
The study of the effect of ethanol on the ripening of tomatoes was carried out as early as 1934 by Soviet botanists S. V. Soldatenkov and M. G. Kubli. During the experiment, a solution of alcohol in various concentrations was sprayed into immature fruits during their growth and the results were observed.
As a result, scientists managed to speed up the process by 8-16 days, and the processed tomatoes tasted no different from ordinary ones. Subsequently, M. G. Kubli continued the experiments and two years later even published a fundamental work on this topic, but the experiments did not receive practical application.
Accelerated maturation after spraying with alcohol-containing solutions is explained by the fact that ethanol, under the influence of enzymes, releases ethylene, a powerful growth stimulator. This volatile gas in low concentrations activates the formation of the root system, brings flowering closer, and accelerates the ripening of fruits. In nature, plants synthesize ethylene in a natural way, and scientists attribute it to one of the types of phytohormones.
Vodka from pests, diseases and weeds
Watering with vodka is used as an unconventional way to deal with aphids and the Colorado potato beetle. Ethanol blocks the respiratory tract and causes disruption of the central nervous system of insects. Treated plants acquire an unpleasant odor and become bitter, forcing pests to leave the site. The advantage of the method is its environmental friendliness. Ethyl alcohol, unlike insecticides, is safe for humans and pets.
Vodka for plants serves as an antiseptic and is used to improve the soil and fight fungal diseases. Ethanol kills spores and prevents them from spreading. Alcohol solutions are also used to control weeds in small areas.

Irrigation of the soil with ethyl alcohol stimulates the development of seeds that are in the ground. Subsequent weeding allows you to remove all weeds at a time, after which the soil remains clean for a long time.
Color processing
Most often, vodka is treated with indoor and garden flowers. Ethanol stimulates photosynthesis, promotes early flowering, disinfects the soil and fights root rot. The method does not work effectively for all types of plants.
Proven Methods:
- asparagus for rapid growth is watered once every 14 days with a solution at the rate of 12 ml of vodka (2 tablespoons) per 1 liter of water;
- violets – spraying with a composition of 6 ml of vodka per glass of water helps to cure powdery mildew disease;
- palm trees – watering once a month with a glass of water with 1 tbsp. l. vodka heals the plant;
- ficus – when the leaves are lost, they are wiped with a solution of vodka (1 tablespoon per 250 ml of water), the treatment is carried out once every two weeks.
Watering roses with vodka is an easy way to wake up bushes from hibernation and achieve early flowering. Alcohol can not be used in its pure form – it can burn the leaves. One glass of vodka is added to a bucket of water and the plants are watered abundantly. This method is especially effective if the winter is cold and there is not enough snow.
To protect ornamental shrubs, flowers and berry crops from aphids, foliage and stems are sprayed with a solution of 1 liter of warm water, 100 g of vodka and 20 g of soap shavings. Processing is carried out in the early morning or late evening, when pests are less active. The leaves are thoroughly moistened from all sides, including nooks and crannies in which insects can hide.
Treatment of seedlings with vodka
Even with proper soil preparation for seedlings, there is a risk of infection with fungal diseases, since spores can be brought in with purchased land. Young tomatoes are most often affected by the black leg at the bottom of the stem. If signs of the disease are seen on one sprout, the entire batch requires urgent processing.
- Dilute 1 tablespoon of vodka in 1 liter of warm water.
- Water the seedlings once at the root.
The method prevents the development of the disease and serves as an additional impetus for the growth and strengthening of immunity. To protect the seedlings already at the stage of appearance on the surface, they are sprayed with moonshine or vodka diluted with water in a ratio of one to ten. The method is effective for seedlings of cabbage, asters and nasturtiums.
Safety measures
Use alcohol solutions with extreme caution and only in low concentrations, as excessive processing can only harm. Feed your plants if you see signs of disease, poor growth, or wilting.
Start watering roses with vodka from one bush and, if burns appear, increase the amount of water in the solution. In the fight against pests, vodka will help only in the case of a moderate spread of insects.