With the aim of raising awareness and contributing a grain of sand, many people are betting on the consumption of water in glass bottles to contribute to the environment by avoiding the consumption of plastic containers and bottles. Consume water in glass bottles at home, in the office or anywhere it has become an increasingly common practice and for which many companies begin to work to meet this demand.
This is how companies such as Gem Water, which goes one step further when it comes to glass bottles, offering its customers an innovative and original version: water with precious stones. In 2007, Ewald Eisen, invents ‘VitaJuwel’, some vials with different precious stones whose objective is to transfer the energy of said stones to the water, thus improving their properties.
A few years later, she would be the jewelry designer, Anjanette Dienne Sinesio, who would create the concept of Gem Water, some bottles to store water with a set of stones inside or as they have called it, a ‘gempod’ (gem potion), providing a convenient and hygienic way to transform tap, filtered or bottled water into gem water in just 7-10 minutes. In addition to the mere aesthetic question, from Gem Water They aim to offer the experience of drinking water with better quality, due to the effects that the stones would have on it when they are stored together.
If you’re striving for truth and wanting support to find the perfect balance in life, this gem-water blend is perfect for you. In the natural healing arts this blend of sodalite and clear quartz is said to encourage awareness, being true to oneself and even help quench your thirst. Take this bottle anywhere and it is sure to be a conversation starter! ——————————- #sodalite #clearquartz #balance #themostbeautifulwatterbottle #GemWaterLover #gemwater #vitajuwel #LoveWater #beautifuldesign #Hydrate #DrinkMoreWater #gemstones #drinkwater #alkalinewater #oxygenated #gem_water #healing #luxuriouswater #Crystalhealing #LoveYourBody #water #waterislife #water_perfection #gem_water_lover #turnordinarywaterintoextraordinaryH2O
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There are many theories of the effects of gems on the body, in this case a scientific evaluation carried out by the Hagalis German Institute, Überlingen valid “A significant increase in quality” in the analyzed water samples, in which the pH value and oxygen content would have been improved, among other things, as reported on the website itself.
Thus, since Gem Water They offer a wide variety of gem combinations inside your bottle, with different benefits and properties. With gold to “attract wealth and provide better conduct of bodily energy”; with diamonds and quartz to “relieve anxiety and depression”; for seduction combining grante and quartz to “enhance sensuality among other benefits such as increased value, hope and strengthening the immune system” or for beauty with a mixture of different types of quartz that “help detoxify the body and give the skin a soft and velvety touch”, as indicated from Gem Water.
With or without properties, the bottles undoubtedly captivate with a careful and elegant design. Their prices range from $ 78 (65 euros) to 340 dolares (288 euros), depending on the different combinations of precious stones that they contain.