Water is the most natural liquid we can drink. It is also the only drink that does not contain any harmful additives and the only one you can’t live without. Water is a very valuable fluid that has a very good effect on our body. Water can make up almost 75% of our body weight. It is in the composition of every cell and tissue of our body. In fact, it creates life, we can avoid food for several days, with water you can’t. Since water is a natural treasure for our body, why do we not appreciate it so much, how much should we drink to feel healthy?
The most important thing is to drink water regularly and it is better to drink small amounts more often than a lot and infrequently. Water supports our digestive process, helps to deceive the appetite, it is worth drinking water between meals than during them. This will speed up digestion and allow you to maintain a beautiful figure. No drink will quench our thirst like a glass of cool water. Let’s not allow the state when we start to feel thirsty, this is the first sign that we are dehydrated. Dry mouth, poor performance, lowered form, headache are just a few of the effects of the lack of water in our body. Dehydration is the cause of a decrease in performance during exercise and physical activity. It is very important to stay hydrated during this time. This will improve our results. Water also has important protective functions in our body. It protects our eyes, brain, as well as the developing fetus in the mother’s body. It allows you to maintain optimal joint flexibility.
Water also has a great effect on moisturizing our skin, drinking it regularly during the day allows you to keep the skin soft and shiny without the need to moisturize with lotions or other cosmetics. Water gives you the opportunity to get rid of cellulite. Drinking water brings only benefits to our body. When using a diet, it allows us to prevent acidification of the body. Stress, poor nutrition, smoking lead to the accumulation of acids in our tissues, which poison our body. If then we drink a lot of water, naturally removed toxins from the body.
The amount of water we should drink during the day really depends on individual characteristics such as age, our weight, eating habits and time of eating, and the place where we live. Recommended amount water is about 1,5 liters a day, but in some people this amount can exceed even 2 liters. Adjust the amount to the capabilities of your own body, because too much water can cause leaching of all valuable microelements from our body. Therefore, you should drink water in moderation and common sense.
Although water is so valuable for our body, many people treat it only as an ingredient of many drinks, not paying attention to its benefits.
Here are the most important reasons in a pill why you should drink water?: we deceive the appetite, stimulate digestion, help ourselves to distinguish between hunger and thirst. We help our liver by flushing out toxins and reducing cholesterol levels. We moisturize our skin from the inside, increasing its elasticity, reducing cellulitis. Water helps us regulate our body temperature, gives us energy and keeps us fit. Drinking water improves kidney function and thus affects the urinary tract, reducing the risk of infection.
Water has countless benefits, it is worth drinking it because it only helps us. So let’s always have a supply of water at home, carry it with us on walks and trips, let’s put it in a backpack for a child to school. Water is just health.