Water transformation: beauty treatments for beauty and health

Water contains powerful health-improving resources, and it is not for nothing that it is called the source of life and longevity. It fills the body with energy inside and transforms the body outside. That’s why no cosmetic product can do without this element. We offer to arrange your own beauty salon right at home. And a recognized expert in water purification — the German brand Brita-will help us in this.

The power of living water

Not all water is suitable for home cosmetics. Boiled water and even more so tap water can seriously harm the skin. Therefore, the first step is to thoroughly clean it from chlorine, various suspensions, heavy metal salts and toxic substances. Brita water filters will perfectly cope with this task. The water purified with their help acquires an optimal soft texture, becomes crystal clear and is ready to give all the valuable properties and reveal the potential of other components.

To feel all these charms on yourself, you need not only to drink enough water every day, but also regularly do cosmetic procedures with her participation.

Beauty in a cube

Ice cubes perfectly help to cheer up the skin. In contact with it, the ice narrows the blood vessels. And as soon as you remove it, the pores expand. In this way, every cell is toned, and the skin receives a kind of massage.

Fresh filtered water will be enough for this procedure. Freeze it in the usual ice mold and rub your face with circular massage movements in the morning and evening. For convenience, you can buy cosmetic molds with holders.

Herbal supplements will enhance the positive effect. Dry skin will be brought back to normal by yarrow, chamomile and lemon balm. Leaves and buds of birch, St. John’s wort and chicory will help oily skin. Problematic skin is resuscitated by oak bark and calendula. Grind 3-5 tablespoons of the necessary herbs in a mortar, pour 200 ml of filtered water and insist in the dark for half an hour. Now it remains to make herbal ice from the infusion.

Be careful, cosmetic ice can not be used for inflammation, irritation and small wounds on the skin. In the cold season and in the summer, before going outside, it is also better to refrain from this procedure.

Elixir of cheerfulness

All kinds of face tonics are in the collection of every woman. They are designed to moisturize and soften the skin, improve metabolism, and gently remove inflammation. Homemade tonics organically embody all these qualities. In addition, you always know exactly what is included in their composition.

A deep cleansing effect has a tonic on medicinal herbs. Heat 100 ml of filtered water to 60°C, pour 1 tsp fennel seeds and 2 tsp thyme, insist for 30 minutes and filter. At the end, pour in the juice of half a lemon.

For tired and mature skin, a tonic with green tea is suitable. It is a powerful antioxidant that moisturizes and tightens the skin, saturating it with trace elements. Brew 2 tablespoons of green tea in 100 ml of water, heated to 90°C, insist under a saucer for 15 minutes. Then filter, pour in 2 tsp. lemon juice and 3-4 drops of lavender oil.

Homemade tonics are stored in a glass container in the refrigerator for no longer than two days. Rub them into the cleansed skin of the face in the morning and evening, leaving them to dry completely. Just make sure in advance that the individual components will not cause you allergies.

At a wave of the hand

The skin of the hands also needs constant hydration. The most effective procedure in this regard is salt baths. Heat 500 ml of filtered water, dissolve 3 tablespoons of sea salt and 3-4 drops of any essential oil. Dip your hands in the solution for 10-15 minutes, then wipe with a soft towel.

If the skin of the hands is rough and covered with cracks, this recipe will come to the rescue. Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil and stir in 500 ml of warm filtered water. Soak your hands in the bath for 15-20 minutes. When the skin softens, pour burdock oil on the back of your hands and massage for 5 minutes.

Strengthen the nails and accelerate their growth will help honey bath. Dilute in 200 ml of warm filtered water 2 tbsp. l. honey and 1 tsp. sea salt. Pour in the juice of half a lemon and ¼ tsp of iodine. Soak your fingers in the bath for 20 minutes and rinse with cool water.

Such procedures are recommended to be carried out twice a week, preferably before bedtime. To make the active ingredients work better, first soften the skin of your hands with a delicate peeling, and at the end apply your usual cream.

In the arms of use

From time to time, arrange a healing wrap. From dryness, wrinkles and irritation, the skin of the body suffers no less. But you still need to fight an unequal battle with cellulite.

For this purpose, they came up with a clay wrap. Clay removes toxins well, makes the skin taut and elastic. Mix 4-5 tbsp. l. powdered clay with warm filtered water to a thick sour cream, add 1 tsp. olive oil and 2-3 drops of lemon juice. Apply the composition to the problem areas of the skin, wrap with food wrap and soak for 40 minutes.

The coffee wrap has proven itself well. Due to the soft scrubbing effect, the pores of the skin are cleansed and saturated with moisture. We dilute 50 g of coffee with filtered water to make a gruel, stir in 1 tsp of ground chili. Apply the mixture to the problem areas, wrap the film and wrap the blanket for half an hour.

Wraps are recommended to be carried out 3 times a week with a course of at least 12 procedures. If you feel uncomfortable during the process, wash off the composition immediately. Complete the wraps with a contrasting shower and massage with a soft washcloth.

All these procedures will bring the desired effect only if they are carried out regularly and according to the rules. Success largely depends on well-chosen components. And also if your body has enough moisture from the inside-for this, do not forget to drink enough clean water. Brita has taken care of clean, high-quality water for you. Thanks to its modern, high-tech filters, you can multiply the benefits of home beauty treatments and achieve pleasant changes much faster.

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