If you believe the myth that it is dangerous to moisturize your face in winter, you run the risk of meeting spring with dehydrated skin.
You can’t do without moisturizers in winter, because we spend most of the time in heated rooms. The air in rooms with heaters and central heating is very dry, so the skin loses much more water in winter than in summer. Try to feed it with life-giving moisture more often to resist dry air with dignity.
You will be helped
* Houseplants – the more of them in the room, the better.
* Wet towels on batteries.
* Thermal water moisturizing spray on the desktop. The constant presence of the aerosol will remind you to moisturize your face several times a day. But the last “reception” should be 2 hours before going out.
* Many cosmetic companies present unique 2-in-1 products – nutrition and hydration. If such a cream is not in your cosmetic bag, use a nourishing (protective) cream during the day, and a moisturizer in the evening.
Moisturizing at home
The choice of moisturizers and treatments should be tailored to your skin type. What is acceptable for dry, unacceptable for oily skin, and vice versa.
Oily skin
* Peeling. Oily skin needs it once a week. For this procedure to have not only a cleansing, but also a moisturizing effect, it is better to use scrubs based on fruit acids. Alternatively, it is helpful to massage your face with a slice of apple – you will gently rid the skin of dead skin cells.
* Mask. Make a yeast and horseradish mask once a week. 1 tbsp. l. grated horseradish mix with 1 tbsp. l. yeast diluted in milk to the thickness of sour cream. Apply to face for 20 minutes, then rinse off with cool water.
* Tonic. Every evening it is useful to wipe the skin with a tampon dipped in kefir, yogurt, and another fermented milk product. Leave it on for 3-5 minutes, then rinse your face and apply the cream.
* Peeling. You need to use scrubs once a week, but if the skin is very flaky, it is better to keep peeling to a minimum. Look for an emollient that is best for sensitive skin.
* Cream. To retain moisture, apply a cream with emollients to your face every day – lanolin, ceramides, vitamins A, C, E.
* Mask. Do this mask once a week: 3 tsp. cottage cheese, 2 tsp. fruit juice, yolk, and 1 tsp. camphor (olive) oil. Mash cottage cheese with juice, add yolk and butter. Apply the resulting mixture to your face for 20 minutes, rinse and apply the cream.
* Peeling. If the skin does not bother you, carry out the exfoliating procedure no more than once every 1 weeks.
* Mask.Maintain moisture with a curd mask once a week. Mix cottage cheese with wheatgrass oil (can be replaced with olive oil) and lemon juice in an arbitrary proportion to a state of gruel. Apply a thick layer to face and after 10 minutes wash off with plenty of water.
* Moisturizing light cream, which is used as daytime in summer, should be applied at night in winter. To retain more water in the skin, moisturizers are best applied immediately after showering on slightly damp skin.
* There are ingredients that transport moisture-binding substances to the dermis of the skin. These are hyaluronic acid, collagen, elastin, serine. The more of these substances will be in the cosmetic product, the more water they will be able to retain.
* Any preparations containing water – moisturizers, foundations, thermal water, spray, should be applied to the skin no later than an hour and a half before leaving the house. Otherwise, you will only hurt your face.
* Experts have found that in winter the sun is no less harmful to the skin than in summer. Try to keep your preparations containing at least a minimal SPF factor.
* From natural masks in winter, those that contain olive oil and honey are especially useful. Universal recipe: Mix 1 tsp each. liquid honey and olive oil with a raw egg. Apply the mixture to your face and rinse off after 15 minutes with water.
* If the face is chapped, paraffin therapy will help to restore elasticity and a healthy look. Warmed paraffin is applied to the face, neck and other affected areas. A course of 5-7 procedures should be done.
* Winter is the best time to restore skin relief. Anti-aging treatments, recovery from acne, peels and resurfacing – in winter you can agree to any offers from beauty salons. All these procedures will help to retain moisture on the surface and in the deeper layers of the skin.