Water retention: take this test!

Water retention: take this test!

Water retention: take this test!

Summer is here and more than ever you need to beware of the infamous water retention that you usually see increasing with rising temperatures.

The tests:

First of all, here is a little simple technique to do yourself at home to determine if you are prone to water retention: with your index finger, exert pressure for a few seconds on the upper part of your thighs, at the outside. Then release the pressure. If the red mark fades quickly, it means you are not retaining water. However, if the indentation of your finger remains on your thigh for more than 15 to 20 seconds, then your tissues are waterlogged.

The ideas received :

Continue to hydrate yourself well on a regular basis throughout the day! Consuming a lot of water every day does not lead to water retention and therefore no weight gain! Hydrating is essential, and in summer, there is no question of reducing your water intake, on the contrary! Drink at least a liter and a half of water a day, as it performs many essential functions in your body.

The truth :

In reality, water retention is often due to poor circulation of the blood or to excessive consumption of salt which has the effect of retaining water in the tissues.

To treat this problem, it is therefore necessary to actually treat the cause! To do this, put in place all the strategies that can help you move more! You can suggest that your loved ones take advantage of the cool mornings or evenings to go for a long walk or bike ride, for example. And if you are on vacation near a body of water or the sea, walk with your feet in the water and ideally make sure that the water reaches just below your knees. Having a regular physical activity will indeed be a precious help by improving venous return and therefore by promoting good circulation.

At the same time, act on the content of your plate. To do this, remove the seasoning salt and instead play with the many herbs and spices available to you to vary the flavors. On the other hand, watch your consumption of salty products (cheese, bread, cold meats, smoked products, catered dishes, prepared meals, etc.). Also, don’t forget that some sparkling waters are particularly salty.

Little bonus tip:

Raise the feet of the bed and massage your feet in the evening going up the length of the leg with a moisturizer stored in the refrigerator! If necessary, of course consult your doctor.

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