water pepper

Properties and uses of water pepper, extract and tincture from it

water pepper

Traditional medicine is still very popular. Not surprising, because they are effective and accessible to everyone. For uterine bleeding and hemorrhoids, an infusion of water pepper has long been used. Scientific studies in 1912 confirmed that the plant has powerful hemostatic properties.

Water pepper tincture

water pepper as a medicinal plant was used in ancient times by the Greeks and Romans. Water pepper extract includes tannins, essential oil and glycoside in its composition, it is he who improves blood clotting. Together, these components have an excellent bactericidal effect, which is confirmed by doctors today.

In addition, they restore the work of the muscles of the uterus after childbirth. Water pepper owes its hemostatic properties to the glycoside polygoperine and vitamin K. It also contains kaempferol, hyperoside, quercetin, isorhamneti, rhamnasin, flavone glycoside rutin and organic acids. These substances reduce the fragility of blood vessels and their permeability.

Indications for the use of water pepper

Water pepper tincture should be taken:

  • With hemorrhoidal bleeding;

  • With hypotension of the uterus;

  • With various uterine bleeding;

  • With atony of the uterus;

  • Women after childbirth, when it is necessary to achieve uterine contraction.

First of all, the tincture is still recommended for women in the postpartum period, when a quick recovery without complications is necessary. In folk medicine, a decoction, powder and tincture of water pepper were also used in other cases:

  • With difficulty urinating;

  • For headaches (in the form of tea);

  • With heavy menstruation;

  • With cancer or stomach ulcers;

  • With malaria;

  • With tumors, wounds and various skin diseases (“wild meat”, abscesses, rashes);

  • As an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, hemostatic, astringent and sedative;

  • In collections with other herbs, it was used for rheumatism, enterocolitis, diarrhea, ulcers of the mucous membranes, chronic colitis.


Preparations based on water pepper can only be used as prescribed by a doctor, who will accurately determine the required duration of treatment and dosage. As a rule, you need to take 20-30 drops (no more than 0,5 teaspoon) of alcohol tincture 2 times a day.

Side effects

In rare cases, after taking water pepper products, the following side effects may occur:

  • Headache;

  • Dizziness;

  • Nausea

Preparation of tincture

  1. Take 100 ml of vodka or alcohol and pour 25 g of grass with them, put it in a dark place and let it brew for two weeks, shaking the container with tincture well from time to time. Take vodka tincture 3-4 times a day, 30-40 drops, alcohol – 3-4 times a day, 10-20 drops.

  2. Take 200 ml of vodka and pour 15 g of water pepper grass into it, put it in a dark place and let it brew for two weeks. Take in case of uterine bleeding and menstrual irregularities 3-4 times a day, 10 drops

  3. For small hemorrhoidal bumps, intestinal or bladder bleeding, and postpartum uterine bleeding, an alcoholic extract is very effective. For it, you will need dried water pepper grass, which was collected between July and August. It is crushed, poured with 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1: 1. The result is an extract with a bitter astringent taste of dark brown color, which effectively stops bleeding. Take it 30-40 drops half an hour before meals 3-4 times a day.

Reviews on the use of water pepper (pharmacy)

Useful properties of water pepper

Water pepper is distinguished by many useful substances included in its composition. The ground part of the plant contains vitamins C, K, D and E, manganese, magnesium, titanium and silver. The medicinal herb has unique hemostatic and wound healing properties. The glycoside polygopiperine contained in the plant accelerates the process of blood clotting.

The plant contains tannins, essential oil, organic acids. Rhamnasine, isorhamnetin, quercitrin, hyperoside, kaempferol and flavonoids help to reduce the permeability and fragility of capillaries and blood vessels. Rutin and ascorbic acid have a calming effect on the nervous system.

In the roots of water pepper contain anthraglycosides and tannins. They are used as an astringent for intestinal disorders, inflammation of the mucous membranes.

Treatment with water pepper

water pepper

Decoctions from the aerial part of the herb contribute to recovery from stomach and duodenal ulcers. Intestinal diseases are well treated with water pepper, the intestinal flora is restored with dysentery. The plant helps to get rid of sand and stones in the kidneys and bladder.

An infusion of water pepper is used as a rinse for sore throats and various inflammations of the oral mucosa. Outwardly, the grass is used in the form of lotions for the treatment of purulent wounds, some types of eczema. Antitumor properties of water pepper have also been revealed. With a nodular form of goiter, the use of this plant helps to reduce the proportions of the thyroid gland. An infusion of water pepper is recommended for painful and heavy menstruation, some diseases of the uterus, and is used for postpartum bleeding. With hemorrhoidal bleeding, you can use a decoction in combination with milk.

Water pepper for hair. Water pepper is used to prepare an extract that is effective in the application of hair loss and to accelerate their growth. Dry powder and 70% alcohol are mixed in a ratio of 1:1, insist. As a result, a clear brown-green liquid with an astringent, bitter taste is formed. Water pepper extract, mixed in a 1:1 ratio with 10% liquid vitamin E, is rubbed into the scalp with light massage movements, the mixture is left for 15 minutes to be absorbed into the skin. You can wash off the composition with ordinary shampoo.

Water pepper during menstruation. Water pepper is able to reduce discomfort during critical days in women, pain, profusion of blood. Herbal tincture is taken as a prophylactic. The course of treatment is from three to six months. As a result of the action of nutrients on the body as a whole, on critical days, pain and discharge will become moderate. To prepare the infusion, take 1 tablespoon of water pepper herb and heat in a water bath in 200 g of water, leave for 45 minutes, strain and bring to the original volume with boiled water. It is recommended to take the remedy one tablespoon 2-3 times a day.

Water pepper after childbirth. Since water pepper has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, stimulates the tone of the uterus, improves blood clotting, in the form of an extract it is prescribed for uterine contraction after childbirth. To prepare the extract, 2 tablespoons of the herb are infused in 1 cup of a 40% alcohol solution. Take the medicine should be 30 drops twice a day before meals.

Water pepper for hemorrhoids. With hemorrhoids, water pepper has an anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effect. In days of exacerbation of the disease, a decoction prepared from the aerial part of the plant will help. The broth is prepared as follows: for 2 cups of boiling water, take 50 grams of dry water pepper, boil. A decoction is used for washing and sitz baths.

Externally, decoctions are used in the form of rinses and lotions. with stomatitis and diseased gums. Means prepared from the roots of water pepper are used for cholecystitis and cystitis as a choleretic and diuretic. In a mixture with other plants, a decoction is made for irrigation and washing the vagina with whites.

How to take water pepper?

water pepper

In order for the treatment to be beneficial and effective, water pepper products should be taken strictly according to the recommendations. Let’s use water pepper in the fight against malaria. To do this, use a decoction.

Decoction of water pepper: 1 tablespoon of dry grass is poured into 0,5 liters of boiling water, cooled. The remedy must be drunk during the day. Traditional medicine advises for stomach ulcers, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, duodenal ulcers, various bleeding and urolithiasis to prepare decoctions from the roots of water pepper.

Decoction of water pepper with milk: 400 g of water pepper grass should be poured with 21 liters of water, boil for 15-20 minutes in a closed container, leave for 1 hour, strain. Next, you need to boil 400 ml of milk with 400 g of white bread, strain. Hot broth and milk should be combined in a basin and take a bath for 10-15 minutes.

Water pepper tincture: 15 g of a dry plant should be poured with one glass of vodka and kept in a dark place for two weeks. Take tincture ten drops per day.

Recipe № 1: a liter of water and 20 g of finely chopped rhizomes should be boiled for 15 minutes, strain and take 1/2 cup four times a day.

Recipe № 2: it is necessary to mix water pepper roots and flax seeds in a 1: 1 ratio, brew 10 g of the mixture in one glass of water as tea and take 1 tablespoon every two hours.

Recipe № 3: for 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials, you will need to take 1 cup of boiling water, heat in a water bath for twenty minutes, leave for 1 hour under a closed lid, strain, add 50 ml of boiled water. Take the composition of 1/3 cup three times a day before meals.

With a headache, it is good to apply chopped fresh grass to the back of the head. Freshly crushed water pepper herb masks are also effective for scars and freckles on the face.

Contraindications to the use of water pepper

Contraindications to the use of water pepper can be pregnancy, coronary heart disease, hypertension, chronic constipation, nephritis. When taking the herb, short-term dizziness, headaches, and allergic reactions in the form of urticaria are observed. Water pepper is contraindicated in kidney disease. Tinctures and decoctions have a diuretic effect.

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