Pregnancy, breastfeeding: increased hydration
Pregnant, the woman carries 7 to 10 liters of additional water. Its water needs are increased tenfold, in particular to ensure good maternal-fetal circulation, to guarantee a sufficient volume of amniotic and blood fluid, but also to maintain optimal transit. With a recommended consumption of 2L of water / day (against 1,7L usually), his kidneys are more stressed. On their own, they filter daily and on average 240 liters of water, compared to the usual 180 liters. The right choice: water with very low mineral content *, like natural mineral water Mont Roucous (with low mineral content: 22 mg / l of dry residue at 180 ° C), to be found in 1L format.
Water also recommended for breastfeeding women, the consumption of which must, according to EFSA **, be increased by 700mL / day, to reach 2,3L of water / day *. A significant but necessary increase, required by the 750mL of milk produced / day, composed of approximately 87% water.
Mont Roucous, water for babies!
Like their mothers, babies also have increased water requirements for the proper functioning of their bodies. Did you know that the water content of an infant represents 75% of its total weight (compared to 58% for a child of 15 years *?). And that the renewal of his body water was 4 times higher than that of adults?
So many elements that require choosing, for your bottle or drink, a weakly mineralized water, respectful of the sensitivity of your organism, to the still immature renal and digestive functions. The recommendation? 1L of water per day for toddlers, from 6 to 12 months *. For them, as for their parents, Mont Roucous has just thought of a very practical format, with a 1L bottle, graduated, which becomes a useful benchmark: that of its daily consumption for good hydration. ANSES *** recommending, moreover, not to keep a bottle of water used for feeding the baby open for more than 24 hours …
1L, the Mont Roucous reference format
To meet the water needs of mothers and babies every day, Mont Roucous concentrates in its transparent bottle, in a compact and ideal format of 1L (to slip easily into a bag, in your hand or to change your diaper!), All the benefits of its natural water, the source of which gushes out at an altitude of 1000m, in the heart of the Tarn….
* Hydration needs during and after pregnancy: preconceived ideas, practices and recommendations. G. Friedlander, F. Teurnier, B. Blavoux. BICHAT INTERVIEWS 2010
** EFSA = European Food Safety Authority