Water lily

Useful properties and application of white water lily

Useful properties of water lilies

Water lily

Water lily is a perennial aquatic plant that has a round rhizome and leaves floating on the surface of the water. Large white flowers with numerous petals conquer with their charming appearance. The fruit of the plant is round and green, it ripens directly under water. The water lily blooms in the summer months, from June to September. Such an unusual plant forms its thickets in slowly flowing or stagnant waters. As a rule, the water lily settles in lakes and ponds, where the depth is not more than two meters. This plant is widespread in the Caucasus, Belarus, Central Asia, the Urals and the Far East.

The rhizomes of the water lily contain a huge amount of tannins, the alkaloid nymphaeum and starch. The crystalline type nymphalin glycoside was found in the flowers. Such a plant is indicated for headaches and tumors. Water lily root in the form of a decoction will help get rid of diarrhea, as well as relieve pain in the bladder. In ancient times, water lily seeds were used for heavy periods. A healing decoction of flowers is prescribed for insomnia and jaundice. A unique wine tincture from the roots of the plant relieves severe lacrimation and abundant purulent discharge.

As an astringent, a decoction of the flowers is used to treat discharge from the female genital tract. The water lily is also effective in severe neurosis, neuralgia and rheumatism. It should also be noted that this plant has a powerful antipyretic effect.

The use of water lilies

Water lily leaves are recommended for external use as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. The rhizomes of the plant perfectly relieve pain and unpleasant symptoms in inflammatory processes of the epidermis. In the form of mustard plasters, it is recommended to use the root part for acute viral infections and colds. Healing tincture of the root is indicated for various tumors of the spleen, as well as for serious malignant tumors.

To make an antipyretic and hypnotic at the same time, you need to take 1 tablespoon of fresh petals and boil them in one glass of water. After three hours of infusion, you can take an infusion of 100-120 ml 2 times a day. From heart weakness, it is recommended to mix 4 tablespoons of water lily petals and 4 tablespoons of hawthorn, pour the mixture with 1 liter of boiling water, and then insist for two hours. Take the medicine should be 100-150 ml 3 times a day. The minimum course of treatment with such a fantastically effective remedy is at least 14 days.

water lily flowers

Graceful buds appear first, followed by bright yellow crowns of flowers. By evening, the flowers always close, then go under the water. The next morning, the flower will again appear from under the water. The water lily is firmly attached to the bottom with long roots. The flowers are very similar to the calyxes of roses, but they are twice their size.

water lily leaf

Rounded water lily leaves have a greenish tint. Under water, they often turn red. Different types of plants differ significantly not only in the depth of immersion, but also in the size of the leaves.

water lily root

Essential oils, starch, sugars, proteins and a particularly rare alkaloid were found in the composition of the thick rhizome. A special paste is made from the roots, which has antibacterial, antifungal and antitrichomonas effects. A decoction of this part of the plant is indicated for the treatment of tuberculosis, with serious diseases of the bladder and kidneys. Healing tincture in significant doses has a tonic and stimulating effect on the human body. It should be noted that raw water lily rhizomes are extremely poisonous.

Where does the water lily grow?

There are more than 50 different types of plants that differ in size and depth of immersion under water. The most common are snow-white, white, tetrahedral, fragrant, tuberous, dwarf, blue, hybrid and tiger water lilies. Many species can be found in the European part of Russia, in Siberia and Transcaucasia, as well as in Central Asia. The water lily settles in the steppes and forest zones – where there are ponds, lakes and rivers with stagnant water.

White water lily

The white water lily is a perennial plant with a large rounded rhizome. Its flowers and part of the leaves float on the surface of the water. This type of plant forms its thickets in shallow (up to two meters) reservoirs. Large flowers have graceful numerous petals and a flat yellowish stigma. A rounded green fruit ripens under water. White water lily blooms all summer months and until mid-September. The roots of this plant are used as an excellent astringent, and the infusion of flowers has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

water lily red

The red water lily is a rather slow growing plant that, with its large rounded leaves, is able to cover the entire surface of a small pond, the depth of which does not exceed 60 cm. It has luxurious cherry-red flowers. Such an ornamental aquatic plant will be a great decoration for your backyard pond.

water lily yellow

Water lily yellow is considered a very rare variety, because it has an atypical color of flowers. This elegant plant prefers water bodies with a depth of 25 to 50 cm. Such an elegant water lily with golden flowers is great for artificial ponds.

Contraindications to the use of a water lily

All medicines containing any parts of the water lily should be taken orally with great care. It is not recommended to overestimate the dosage prescribed by the doctor on your own. Moreover, such a plant is contraindicated in hypotensive patients, since it helps to lower blood pressure.

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