Water heater leaking: causes, do-it-yourself repair

A boiler is an indispensable device for apartments and country houses. But sometimes technology fails and breaks down. What to do if the water heater is leaking? After reading our article, you will learn: the causes of tank leaks, how to fix them yourself and how to avoid such problems.

Why is the water heater leaking?

Have you noticed that the tank is leaking from the top or bottom? You must immediately disconnect the device from the network. Grab a flashlight and start exploring. You need to find out where the leak came from.

It turned out that the body is leaking from the bottom? Then the reason may be in worn gaskets or the shell of the heating element. When a leak is visible from the side or bottom, it indicates a hole in the tank.

For what reasons does the case lose its tightness:

  • Manufacturing defect. Then the leak will start shortly after installation.
  • Lack of production work. At least once a year, the housing must be inspected for damage, scale formation.
  • Not carried out magnesium anode replacement.
  • Hard water with a lot of impurities is supplied.
  • The equipment was not grounded.

Let’s take a closer look at why the storage tank leaked. The reasons do not depend on the brand – Ariston, Novatek, Termex.

How to fix a leak with your own hands

How to identify a breakdown and deal with it yourself.

Installation issues

Shortly after connecting, you may notice water dripping from the tank. In this case, the shell of the body can be inflated or deformed.

  • When installing it yourself, you forgot about the safety valve, or it was connected incorrectly. As a result, the container overflows with water and swells, after which it flows. You need to install a valve. It protects the system from overpressure.
  • If the valve is installed incorrectly or if it breaks, the tank is deformed while draining water from the system.
  • You turned off the boiler and turned off the water. At this time, the hot water inside cools down, and the body shrinks.
  • The product is filled to the brim with water. During heating, it expands, and the tank swells.

In case of deformation, repair is impossible, you will have to install a new device.

Impact of corrosion

Have you replaced the magnesium anode in a long time? Then don’t be surprised if the boiler is leaking. Magnesium attracts salts that are contained in water. As a result, impurities settle on the anode and destroy it, while the tank and the heating element remain intact. If the anode has been destroyed for a long time, corrosion of the metal case begins.

To prevent such a development of events is possible only by replacing the rod once or twice a year.

Poor quality pipes or their incorrect connection

Water dripping from pipes or connections? Sealing the joints will help fix and fix the problem: you need to replace the gasket or fum-tape. It is recommended to use metal-plastic pipes, because the body suffers as a result of water hammer.

Worn flange (gasket)

The heating element and the magnesium anode are mounted on the flange, a gasket is installed for tightness. If it is worn out, it will leak from below. Replace it with a new one or tighten the fixing nuts more tightly.

Heater body rusted

Dry heating element has a shell of steel and enamel – wear entails corrosion. How to repair a leaking element? Only replacement will help.

No grounding

Why is it necessary to ground the device? In the event of a breakdown of current to the case, the latter will be subjected to electrocorrosion. In addition, it is life-threatening: tap water or the surface of the tank can be electrocuted.

If it’s not the worn parts of the water heater that can be replaced, then the tank is beyond repair. When the hull itself broke down, you have to buy new equipment.

How to avoid malfunction? Only by correct operation:

  • Make sure that the pressure in the line does not exceed 3 atm. Otherwise, you need to install a reduction gear.

    Important! High pressure can cause an explosion. Read what to do if the boiler exploded.

  • Once every six months, inspect the equipment, clean the tank and heater from scale, change the anode.
  • Install a water filter if the water in the area is hard.

It is always better to prevent a breakdown than to repair it. Follow instructions.

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